struct aiScene
/\*\* The number of animations in the scene. \*/
unsigned int mNumAnimations;
/\*\* The array of animations.
\* All animations imported from the given file are listed here.
\* The array is mNumAnimations in size.
C_STRUCT aiAnimation\*\* mAnimations;
struct aiAnimation {
/\*\* The name of the animation. If the modeling package this data was
\* exported from does support only a single animation channel, this
\* name is usually empty (length is zero). \*/
C_STRUCT aiString mName;
/\*\* Duration of the animation in ticks. \*/
double mDuration;
/\*\* Ticks per second. 0 if not specified in the imported file \*/
double mTicksPerSecond;
/\*\* The number of bone animation channels. Each channel affects
\* a single node. \*/
unsigned int mNumChannels;
/\*\* The node animation channels. Each channel affects a single node.
\* The array is mNumChannels in size. \*/
C_STRUCT aiNodeAnim\*\* mChannels;
struct aiNodeAnim {
/\*\* The name of the node affected by this animation. The node
\* must exist and it must be unique.\*/
C_STRUCT aiString mNodeName;
/\*\* The number of position keys \*/
unsigned int mNumPositionKeys;
/\*\* The position keys of this animation channel. Positions are
\* specified as 3D vector. The array is mNumPositionKeys in size.
\* If there are position keys, there will also be at least one
\* scaling and one rotation key.\*/
C_STRUCT aiVectorKey\* mPositionKeys;
/\*\* The number of rotation keys \*/
unsigned int mNumRotationKeys;
/\*\* The rotation keys of this animation channel. Rotations are
\* given as quaternions, which are 4D vectors. The array is
\* mNumRotationKeys in size.
\* If there are rotation keys, there will also be at least one
\* scaling and one position key. \*/
C_STRUCT aiQuatKey\* mRotationKeys;