Time Limit: 2 sec / Memory Limit: 1024 MB
Score : 300 points
Problem Statement
Takahashi has come to an integer shop to buy an integer.
The shop sells the integers from 1 through 1 0 9 10^9 109. The integer N is sold for A×N+B×d(N) yen (the currency of Japan), where d(N) is the number of digits in the decimal notation of N.
Find the largest integer that Takahashi can buy when he has X yen.
If no integer can be bought, print 0.
All values in input are integers.
1 ≤ A ≤ 1 0 9 10 ^ 9 109
1 ≤ B ≤ 1 0 9 10 ^ 9 109
1 ≤ X ≤ 1 0 18 10^{18} 1018
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format: A B X
Print the greatest integer that Takahashi can buy. If no integer can be bought, print 0.
Sample Input 1
10 7 100
Sample Output 1
The integer 9 is sold for 10×9+7×1=97 yen, and this is the greatest integer that can be bought. Some of the other integers are sold for the following prices:
10: 10 × 10 + 7 × 2 = 114 yen
100:10 × 100 + 7 × 3 = 1021 yen
12345:10 × 12345 + 7 × 5 = 123485 yen
Sample Input 2
2 1 100000000000
Sample Output 2
He can buy the largest integer that is sold. Note that input may not fit into a 32-bit integer type.
Sample Input 3
1000000000 1000000000 100
Sample Output 3
Sample Input 4
1234 56789 314159265
Sample Output 4
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const LL N = 1e9;
LL Min(int cnt) {
string s1 = "";
s1 += '1';
for(int i = 1; i <= cnt - 1; i ++) s1 += '0';
return (LL) stoi(s1);
LL Max(int cnt) {
string s2 = "";
for(int i = 1; i <= cnt; i ++) s2 += '9';
return (LL) stoi(s2);
int main() {
LL a, b, x;
cin >> a >> b >> x;
if(a * 1 + b * 1 > x) {
cout << 0 << '\n';
} else if(a * N + b * 10 < x) {
cout << N << '\n';
} else {
LL ans = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i ++) {
LL x1 = Min(i), x2 = Max(i);
if(x2 * a + i * b <= x) ans = max(ans, x2);
else if(x1 * a + i * b <= x) {
LL res = (x - i * b) / a;
ans = max(ans, res);
} else break;
cout << ans << '\n';
return 0;