System Requirements
Supported Platforms
• GNU/Linuxis supported as a development and production platform for both server andclient.
• SunSolaris is supported as a development and production platform for both serverand client.
• FreeBSDis supported as a development and production platform for both server andclient.
• Win32is supported as a development platformonly for both server and client.
• Win64is supported as a development platformonly for both server and client.
• MacOSXis supported as a development platformonly for both server and client.
Hive™ Requirements
• Java1.7
Note: Hive versions 1.2 onward require Java 1.7 or newer.Hive versions 0.14 to 1.1 work with Java 1.6 as well. Users are stronglyadvised to start moving to Java 1.8 (see HIVE-8607).
• Hadoop2.x (preferred), 1.x (not supported by Hive 2.0.0 onward).
Hive versions up to 0.13 also supported Hadoop 0.20.x, 0.23.x.
• Hiveis commonly used in production Linux and Windows environment. Mac is a commonlyused development environment. The instructions in this document are applicableto Linux and Mac. Using it on Windows would require slightly differentsteps.
HBase™ Requirements
This section lists required servicesand some required system configuration.
Table2. Java
HBase Version | JDK 6 | JDK 7 | JDK 8 |
1.2 | yes | yes | |
1.1 | yes | Running with JDK 8 will work but is not well tested. | |
1.0 | yes | Running with JDK 8 will work but is not well tested. | |
0.98 | yes | yes | Running with JDK 8 works but is not well tested. Building with JDK 8 would require removal of the deprecated remove() method of the PoolMap class and is under consideration. See HBASE-7608 for more information about JDK 8 support. |
0.94 | yes | yes | N/A |
Hadoop Requirements
Hadoop version support matrix
• "S"= supported
• "X"= not supported
• "NT"= Not tested
| ||||
HBase-0.94.x | HBase-0.98.x (Support for Hadoop 1.1+ is deprecated.) | HBase-1.0.x (Hadoop 1.x is NOT supported) | HBase-1.1.x | HBase-1.2.x |
Hadoop-1.0.x | X | X | X | X | X |
Hadoop-1.1.x | S | NT | X | X | X |
Hadoop-0.23.x | S | X | X | X | X |
Hadoop-2.0.x-alpha | NT | X | X | X | X |
Hadoop-2.1.0-beta | NT | X | X | X | X |
Hadoop-2.2.0 | NT | S | NT | NT | X |
Hadoop-2.3.x | NT | S | NT | NT | X |
Hadoop-2.4.x | NT | S | S | S | S |
Hadoop-2.5.x | NT | S | S | S | S |
Hadoop-2.6.0 | X | X | X | X | X |
Hadoop-2.6.1+ | NT | NT | NT | NT | S |
Hadoop-2.7.0 | X | X | X | X | X |
Hadoop-2.7.1+ | NT | NT | NT | NT | S |
Pig™ Requirements
Unix and Windows users need thefollowing:
• Hadoop 0.23.X, 1.X or 2.X- can run Pig with different versions of Hadoop by setting HADOOP_HOME topoint to the directory where you have installed Hadoop. If you do not setHADOOP_HOME, by default Pig will run with the embedded version, currentlyHadoop 1.0.4.)
• Java 1.7- JAVA_HOME to the root of your Java installation)
• Python 2.7- using Streaming Python UDFs)
• Ant 1.8- builds)
Nutch 2.3.1 Requirements
The recommended Gora backends for thisNutch release are
• ApacheAvro 1.7.6
• ApacheHadoop 1.2.1 and 2.5.2
• ApacheHBase 0.98.8-hadoop2 (although also tested with 1.X)
• ApacheCassandra 2.0.2
• ApacheSolr 4.10.3
• MongoDB2.6.X
• ApacheAccumlo 1.5.1
• ApacheSpark 1.4.1
Nutch 2.3 Requirements
The supported Apache Gorav0.5 backends are;