




处理数据是现代大数据时代的一项非常重要的工作,尤其数据的恢复和归类整理技术,更是关键与核心 。
本题目附带一份残缺数据表(见附件 ),表中所提供的数据,是自去年新冠疫情爆发以来 ,直到今年 2月,某平台公布的部分国家(共 19 个国家,国家名已经隐去)的疫情数据 。为了 论文建模的需要 ,其中有些数据已经被特意删除, 数据表的第一行是对应国家大约人口。由于人工输入数据 的客观事实 ,不排除某些国家上报的数据滞后 ,使得平台公布的个别数据 出现异常 ,需要各个队伍完成以下的任务:
A.检查表中是否有异常数据, 有哪些是?如何修改 ?
C.对于国家04、国家07 、国家12 、国家17,对它们的起源数据进行恢复。
D.根据已有数据 ,对所有国家在今年3月6日~12日的疫情做出预测 。
E.对这19个国家进行两种以上形式的分类,并给出分类的依据和结果 。



A.检查表中 是否有异常数据, 有哪些是?如何修改 ?




2.某些国家上一天的累计确诊+当天的累计确诊 ≠ 当天的累计确诊










而且也只处理了2 3两种情况

C.对于国家04、国家07 、国家12 、国家17,对它们的起源数据进行恢复。



D.根据已有数据 ,对所有国家在今年3月6日~12日的疫情做出预测 。

第三节会提到Kaggle上的一项数据科学赛事COVID 19 Global Forecasting,会有具体提到模型选择。

根据week5的高分结果,最佳的主要是一些ensemble learning的机器学习模型,几个XGBoost、LightBGM用来用去,树套树套树


E.对这19个国家进行两种以上形式的分类,并给出分类的依据和结果 。










3.Kaggle:COVID 19 Global Forecasting








COVID 19 Global Forecasting就是这一系列数据科学竞赛中的一个,数据分析师通过对历史数据的分析,给出下一周全球所有国家新冠的疫情发展预测


The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) pulled together a coalition research groups and companies (including Kaggle) to prepare the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) to attempt to address key open scientific questions on COVID-19. Those questions are drawn from National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s (NASEM) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The Challenge

Kaggle is launching a companion COVID-19 forecasting challenges to help answer a subset of the NASEM/WHO questions. While the challenge involves developing quantile estimates intervals for confirmed cases and fatalities between May 12 and June 7 by region, the primary goal isn’t only to produce accurate forecasts. It’s also to identify factors that appear to impact the transmission rate of COVID-19.

You are encouraged to pull in, curate and share data sources that might be helpful. If you find variables that look like they impact the transmission rate, please share your finding in a notebook.

As the data becomes available, we will update the leaderboard with live results based on data made available from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE).

We have received support and guidance from health and policy organizations in launching these challenges. We’re hopeful the Kaggle community can make valuable contributions to developing a better understanding of factors that impact the transmission of COVID-19.

Companies and Organizations

There is also a call to action for companies and other organizations: If you have datasets that might be useful, please upload them to Kaggle’s dataset platform and reference them in this forum thread. That will make them accessible to those participating in this challenge and a resource to the wider scientific community.


JHU CSSE for making the data available to the public. The White House OSTP for pulling together the key open questions. The image comes from the Center for Disease Control.












1.The Story of COVID-19 in India EDA and Prediction


2.COVID Global Forecast: SIR model + ML regressions



3.COVID-19 Global Forecast : SEIR + Visualize



4.Covid-19 Forecasting XGBOOST(week-4) 30dace



A.检查表中是否有异常数据, 有哪些是?如何修改 ?

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport
def plot_results(ddata,alp):
    font = FontProperties(fname = "simsun.ttc", size=15)
    for i in range(76):
        plt.subplot(19, 4, i+1)
        ax = ddata.iloc[:,i].plot(figsize = (16*4 ,12*19))
        ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
        fig = ax.get_figure()
        #fig.savefig(str(i)+'第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4]+'.png')
    fig.savefig(alp + '.png')
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(19):
            plt.subplot(5, 4, j+1)
            #print(j * 4 + i)
            ax = ddata.iloc[j * 4 + i,:].plot(figsize = (16*5 ,12*4))
            ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
            ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
            ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
            #plt.plot(data.index[err[j*4 + i]],errj[j*4 + i],'r^',markersize=10)
            fig = ax.get_figure()
    for i in range(76):
        ax = ddata.iloc[i].plot(figsize = (16,12))
        ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
        fig = ax.get_figure()
        fig.savefig(alp+str(i)+'第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4]+'.png')
data = pd.read_csv('data.csv',index_col = 0)#,header = None)
data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index)
datanp = np.asarray(data)
cl = ['新增确诊','累计确诊','累计治愈','累计死亡']
report = ProfileReport(data)
Summarize dataset:   0%|          | 0/90 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

/home/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/missingno/ UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used together with FixedLocator
  ax1.set_xticklabels(ax1.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha='right', fontsize=fontsize)
/home/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas_profiling/model/ UserWarning: There was an attempt to generate the bar missing values diagrams, but this failed.
    To hide this warning, disable the calculation
    (using `df.profile_report(missing_diagrams={"bar": False}`)
    If this is problematic for your use case, please report this as an issue:
    (include the error message: 'The number of FixedLocator locations (7), usually from a call to set_ticks, does not match the number of ticklabels (77).')

Generate report structure:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Render HTML:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Export report to file:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]


<Figure size 1152x864 with 0 Axes>
datanp[np.isnan(datanp)] = -1
err = [[] for i in range(76)]
errj = [[] for i in range(76)]
tot = 1
datanpT = datanp.T
flag = -1
for i in range(len(datanpT)-1):
    for j in range(1,len(datanpT[i])):
        if datanpT[i][j] == -1 or datanpT[i+1][j] == -1 or datanpT[i][j] == -1 or datanpT[i+1][j-1] == -1:
        if i % 4 == 0 and datanpT[i+1][j] != datanpT[i][j] + datanpT[i+1][j-1]:
            print(tot,data.index[j].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),'第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家',cl[i%4],'附近可能有异常,附近值为:',datanpT[i+1][j],' != ',datanpT[i][j],' + ',datanpT[i+1][j-1],'!新增确诊型错误!!!!!!!!!!')
            tot += 1

        elif i % 4 != 0 and datanpT[i][j] < datanpT[i][j-1]:
            print(tot,data.index[j].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),'第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家',cl[i%4],'附近可能有异常,附近值为:',datanpT[i][j-1],' > ',datanpT[i][j],'#累计型数据错误##########')
            tot += 1
1 2021-02-08 第1个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 2440706.0  >  2429273.0 #累计型数据错误##########
2 2020-08-12 第1个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 5873.0  >  3513.0 #累计型数据错误##########
3 2020-09-28 第1个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 7997.0  >  6466.0 #累计型数据错误##########
4 2020-10-30 第2个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 34113.0  >  24478.0 #累计型数据错误##########
5 2020-06-03 第3个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 44946.0  >  21325.0 #累计型数据错误##########
6 2020-06-05 第3个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 21605.0  >  21305.0 #累计型数据错误##########
7 2020-08-30 第3个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 381183.0  >  283584.0 #累计型数据错误##########
8 2020-12-21 第3个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 16154.0  >  15197.0 #累计型数据错误##########
9 2020-10-06 第4个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 625684.0  >  616857.0 #累计型数据错误##########
10 2020-12-21 第4个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 24691.0  >  14907.0 #累计型数据错误##########
11 2021-02-09 第5个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 361813.0  >  262062.0 #累计型数据错误##########
12 2020-07-01 第5个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 7649.0  >  1698.0 #累计型数据错误##########
13 2020-07-28 第6个国家 新增确诊 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 389717.0  !=  13756.0  +  389717.0 !新增确诊型错误!!!!!!!!!!
14 2020-09-16 第6个国家 新增确诊 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 738020.0  !=  4160.0  +  738020.0 !新增确诊型错误!!!!!!!!!!
15 2020-03-25 第6个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 2.0  >  1.0 #累计型数据错误##########
16 2020-06-21 第6个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 143017.0  >  141967.0 #累计型数据错误##########
17 2020-06-25 第6个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 151589.0  >  151225.0 #累计型数据错误##########
18 2021-03-05 第6个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 1250047.0  >  1248642.0 #累计型数据错误##########
19 2020-08-09 第8个国家 新增确诊 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 361442.0  !=  4507.0  +  361442.0 !新增确诊型错误!!!!!!!!!!
20 2021-03-02 第8个国家 累计确诊 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 3204531.0  >  3130184.0 #累计型数据错误##########
21 2020-05-27 第8个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 28752.0  >  27117.0 #累计型数据错误##########
22 2020-06-19 第9个国家 累计确诊 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 238159.0  >  238011.0 #累计型数据错误##########
23 2020-02-25 第9个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 2.0  >  1.0 #累计型数据错误##########
24 2020-06-25 第9个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 186111.0  >  175103.0 #累计型数据错误##########
25 2020-08-31 第9个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 208536.0  >  207653.0 #累计型数据错误##########
26 2020-10-16 第9个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 245964.0  >  2564.0 #累计型数据错误##########
27 2020-11-01 第9个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 289426.0  >  282380.0 #累计型数据错误##########
28 2020-12-29 第9个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 1408686.0  >  142530.0 #累计型数据错误##########
29 2020-06-24 第9个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 34675.0  >  34644.0 #累计型数据错误##########
30 2020-06-25 第9个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 34644.0  >  10130.0 #累计型数据错误##########
31 2020-10-11 第9个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 36410.0  >  36166.0 #累计型数据错误##########
32 2020-10-17 第9个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 43519.0  >  36474.0 #累计型数据错误##########
33 2020-03-31 第10个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 15.0  >  0.0 #累计型数据错误##########
34 2020-06-08 第10个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 11348.0  >  11189.0 #累计型数据错误##########
35 2020-09-25 第10个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 15913.0  >  15813.0 #累计型数据错误##########
36 2021-01-21 第10个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 3810.0  >  2830.0 #累计型数据错误##########
37 2020-04-05 第11个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 636.0  >  633.0 #累计型数据错误##########
38 2020-07-19 第11个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 271239.0  >  254941.0 #累计型数据错误##########
39 2020-08-05 第11个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 357444.0  >  341764.0 #累计型数据错误##########
40 2020-11-11 第11个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 824355.0  >  736197.0 #累计型数据错误##########
41 2020-10-10 第11个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 93096.0  >  83497.0 #累计型数据错误##########
42 2020-12-09 第12个国家 累计确诊 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 432179.0  >  426142.0 #累计型数据错误##########
43 2020-10-03 第12个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 298955.0  >  298593.0 #累计型数据错误##########
44 2021-01-23 第12个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 482771.0  >  467886.0 #累计型数据错误##########
45 2021-03-02 第12个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 645371.0  >  547406.0 #累计型数据错误##########
46 2021-01-23 第12个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 11204.0  >  10190.0 #累计型数据错误##########
47 2020-04-06 第13个国家 累计确诊 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 5389.0  >  4363.0 #累计型数据错误##########
48 2021-01-01 第13个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 3527722.0  >  2553467.0 #累计型数据错误##########
49 2020-11-09 第13个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 38833.0  >  30546.0 #累计型数据错误##########
50 2021-02-19 第13个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 80587.0  >  71048.0 #累计型数据错误##########
51 2020-07-22 第14个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 48466.0  >  46790.0 #累计型数据错误##########
52 2020-07-13 第14个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 3606.0  >  3565.0 #累计型数据错误##########
53 2020-07-29 第15个国家 新增确诊 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 208546.0  !=  386.0  +  207707.0 !新增确诊型错误!!!!!!!!!!
54 2020-06-10 第15个国家 累计确诊 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 186309.0  >  176522.0 #累计型数据错误##########
55 2020-03-20 第15个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 135.0  >  115.0 #累计型数据错误##########
56 2021-01-23 第15个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 1901518.0  >  1816566.0 #累计型数据错误##########
57 2020-07-06 第15个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 9023.0  >  9022.0 #累计型数据错误##########
58 2020-07-26 第15个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 9124.0  >  6124.0 #累计型数据错误##########
59 2020-07-15 第16个国家 新增确诊 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 22880.0  !=  18.0  +  22431.0 !新增确诊型错误!!!!!!!!!!
60 2020-07-28 第16个国家 新增确诊 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 32096.0  !=  1009.0  +  31116.0 !新增确诊型错误!!!!!!!!!!
61 2020-07-29 第16个国家 新增确诊 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 33362.0  !=  11.0  +  32096.0 !新增确诊型错误!!!!!!!!!!
62 2020-04-16 第16个国家 累计确诊 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 8626.0  >  8526.0 #累计型数据错误##########
63 2020-09-17 第16个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 68110.0  >  68109.0 #累计型数据错误##########
64 2020-10-31 第16个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 91184.0  >  89765.0 #累计型数据错误##########
65 2020-09-06 第17个国家 累计确诊 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 118045.0  >  109784.0 #累计型数据错误##########
66 2020-09-07 第17个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 102304.0  >  91242.0 #累计型数据错误##########
67 2020-12-22 第18个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 1374401.0  >  137926.0 #累计型数据错误##########
68 2021-02-25 第18个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 1882568.0  >  1776732.0 #累计型数据错误##########
69 2020-03-31 第18个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 80.0  >  26.0 #累计型数据错误##########
70 2020-10-20 第18个国家 累计死亡 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 27716.0  >  27100.0 #累计型数据错误##########
71 2020-11-24 第19个国家 累计治愈 附近可能有异常,附近值为: 101981.0  >  12103.0 #累计型数据错误##########


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.interpolate as spi
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
def plot_results(ddata,alp):
    font = FontProperties(fname = "simsun.ttc", size=15)
    for i in range(76):
        plt.subplot(19, 4, i+1)
        ax = ddata.iloc[:,i].plot(figsize = (16*4 ,12*19))
        ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
        fig = ax.get_figure()
        #fig.savefig(str(i)+'第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4]+'.png')
    fig.savefig(alp + '.png')
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(19):
            plt.subplot(5, 4, j+1)
            #print(j * 4 + i)
            ax = ddata.iloc[j * 4 + i,:].plot(figsize = (16*5 ,12*4))
            ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
            ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
            ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
            #plt.plot(data.index[err[j*4 + i]],errj[j*4 + i],'r^',markersize=10)
            fig = ax.get_figure()
    for i in range(76):
        ax = ddata.iloc[i].plot(figsize = (16,12))
        ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
        fig = ax.get_figure()
        fig.savefig(alp+str(i)+'第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4]+'.png')
data = pd.read_csv('data2.csv',index_col = 0, header = None)
data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index)
datanp = np.asarray(data)
datanpT = datanp.T
cl = ['新增确诊','累计确诊','累计治愈','累计死亡']
def get_nan_pos(x):
    flag = True
    a = b = 0
    for i in range(len(x)):
        f = np.isnan(x[i])
        if flag and not f:
            a = i
            flag = False
        elif not flag and not f:
            b = i
    return a,b
for i in range(len(datanpT)):
    if i % 4 != 0:
        a,b = get_nan_pos(datanpT[i])
        test = datanpT[i][a:b+1]
        X = [i for i in range(len(test)) if not np.isnan(test[i])]
        Xnew = [i for i in range(len(test))] 
        test0 = [x for x in test if str(x) != 'nan']
        xtk =spi.splrep(X,test0,k=3)
        testnew = [int(x+0.5) for x in testnew]
        datanpT[i][a:b+1] = testnew
for i in range(len(datanpT)):
    if i % 4 == 0:
        for j in range(len(datanpT[0])):
            if np.isnan(datanpT[i][j]) and not np.isnan(datanpT[i+1][j]) and not np.isnan(datanpT[i+1][j-1]):
                datanpT[i][j] = datanpT[i+1][j] - datanpT[i+1][j-1]
datapd = pd.DataFrame(datanpT.T,index = data.index)
<Figure size 1152x864 with 0 Axes>

C.对于国家04、国家07 、国家12 、国家17,对它们的起源数据进行恢复

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from fbprophet import Prophet
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn import preprocessing
import time
from datetime import datetime
from scipy import integrate, optimize
import warnings
import xgboost as xgb
from xgboost import plot_importance, plot_tree
from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV, GridSearchCV
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
def plot_results(ddata,alp):
    font = FontProperties(fname = "simsun.ttc", size=15)
    for i in range(76):
        plt.subplot(19, 4, i+1)
        ax = ddata.iloc[:,i].plot(figsize = (16*4 ,12*19))
        ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
        fig = ax.get_figure()
        #fig.savefig(str(i)+'第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4]+'.png')
    fig.savefig(alp + '.png')
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(19):
            plt.subplot(5, 4, j+1)
            #print(j * 4 + i)
            ax = ddata.iloc[j * 4 + i,:].plot(figsize = (16*5 ,12*4))
            ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
            ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
            ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
            #plt.plot(data.index[err[j*4 + i]],errj[j*4 + i],'r^',markersize=10)
            fig = ax.get_figure()
    for i in range(76):
        ax = ddata.iloc[i].plot(figsize = (16,12))
        ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
        fig = ax.get_figure()
        fig.savefig(alp+str(i)+'第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4]+'.png')
def get_nan_pos(x):
    flag = True
    a = b = 0
    for i in range(len(x)):
        f = np.isnan(x[i])
        if flag and not f:
            a = i
            flag = False
        elif not flag and not f:
            b = i
    return a,b
data = pd.read_csv('datab.csv',index_col = 0)
data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index)
datanp = np.asarray(data)
datanpT = datanp.T
cl = ['新增确诊','累计确诊','累计治愈','累计死亡']
def fund(x, a, b):
    return x**a + b

def exp(a,b,c):
    popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(fund, np.arange(a,b+1), datanpT[c,a:b+1])
    y2 = [fund(i, popt[0],popt[1]) for i in np.arange(a)]
    return y2
def process(x):
    for i in range(1,4):
        col = ( x - 1 ) * 4 + i
        a,b = get_nan_pos(datanpT[col])
        res = exp(a,b,col)
        for j in range(a):
            datanpT[col][j] = 0 if int(res[j]) < 0 else int(res[j])
    col = ( x - 1 ) * 4
    for j in range(a + 1):
        if np.isnan(datanpT[col][j]) and not np.isnan(datanpT[col+1][j]) and not np.isnan(datanpT[col+1][j-1]):
                datanpT[col][j] = datanpT[col+1][j] - datanpT[col+1][j-1]
[2.35488959e+00 2.08163995e+05]
[2.34072715e+00 1.62728660e+05]
[ 1.82234028e+00 -7.76740348e+03]


[1.94416793e+00 8.79005660e+03]
[1.88752533e+00 2.52925313e+03]
[  1.32832738 313.35107076]


[2.16711557e+00 1.62686890e+05]
[2.14909405e+00 1.54557091e+05]
[   1.55969654 1145.01889887]


[2.06556968e+00 4.88594367e+04]
[2.03906768e+00 3.92166091e+04]
[1.56742707e+00 4.75658372e+03]


datapd = pd.DataFrame(datanpT.T,index = data.index)
<Figure size 1152x864 with 0 Axes>
def fund(x, a, b):
    return x**a + b
c = 13
a, b = get_nan_pos(datanpT[c])
popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(fund, np.arange(a,b+1), datanpT[c,a:b+1])
y2 = [fund(i, popt[0],popt[1]) for i in np.arange(b+1)]
[2.35488967e+00 2.08163556e+05]


D.根据已有数据 ,对所有国家在今年3月6日~12日的疫情做出预测

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from fbprophet import Prophet
def plot_results(ddata,alp):
    font = FontProperties(fname = "simsun.ttc", size=15)
    for i in range(76):
        plt.subplot(19, 4, i+1)
        ax = ddata.iloc[:,i].plot(figsize = (16*4 ,12*19))
        ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
        fig = ax.get_figure()
        #fig.savefig(str(i)+'第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4]+'.png')
    fig.savefig(alp + '.png')
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(19):
            plt.subplot(5, 4, j+1)
            #print(j * 4 + i)
            ax = ddata.iloc[j * 4 + i,:].plot(figsize = (16*5 ,12*4))
            ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
            ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
            ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
            #plt.plot(data.index[err[j*4 + i]],errj[j*4 + i],'r^',markersize=10)
            fig = ax.get_figure()
    for i in range(76):
        ax = ddata.iloc[i].plot(figsize = (16,12))
        ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
        fig = ax.get_figure()
        fig.savefig(alp+str(i)+'第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4]+'.png')
def get_nan_pos(x):
    flag = True
    a = b = 0
    for i in range(len(x)):
        f = np.isnan(x[i])
        if flag and not f:
            a = i
            flag = False
        elif not flag and not f:
            b = i
    return a,b
data = pd.read_csv('datac.csv',index_col = 0)
data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index)
datanp = np.asarray(data)[:-7]
datanpT = datanp.T
cl = ['新增确诊','累计确诊','累计治愈','累计死亡']
pred = np.zeros((76,7))
for i in range(len(datanpT)):
    if i % 4 != 0:
        a,b = get_nan_pos(datanpT[i])
        test = datanpT[i][a:b+1]
        data2 = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['ds','y'])
        data2['ds'] = data.index[a:b+1]
        data2['y'] = pd.DataFrame(test)
        forecast = prop_forecast['yhat'].tail(7)
        for j in range(7):
            pred[i][j] = int(np.asarray(forecast).tolist()[j])

INFO:numexpr.utils:NumExpr defaulting to 6 threads.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.
datanpT = np.hstack((datanpT,pred))
for i in range(len(datanpT)):
    if i % 4 == 0:
        for j in range(len(datanpT[0])):
            if np.isnan(datanpT[i][j]) and not np.isnan(datanpT[i+1][j]) and not np.isnan(datanpT[i+1][j-1]):
                datanpT[i][j] = datanpT[i+1][j] - datanpT[i+1][j-1]
datapd = pd.DataFrame(datanpT.T,index = data.index)
<Figure size 1152x864 with 0 Axes>
i = 1
a,b = get_nan_pos(datanpT[i])
test = datanpT[i][a:b+1]
data2 = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['ds','y'])
data2['ds'] = data.index[a:b+1]
data2['y'] = pd.DataFrame(test)

forecast = prop_forecast['yhat'].tail(7)

for j in range(7):
    pred[i][j] = int(np.asarray(forecast).tolist()[j])
fig1 = prop.plot(prop_forecast)
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling yearly seasonality. Run prophet with yearly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.




import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from fbprophet import Prophet
def plot_results(ddata,alp):
    font = FontProperties(fname = "simsun.ttc", size=15)
    for i in range(76):
        plt.subplot(19, 4, i+1)
        ax = ddata.iloc[:,i].plot(figsize = (16*4 ,12*19))
        ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
        fig = ax.get_figure()
        #fig.savefig(str(i)+'第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4]+'.png')
    fig.savefig(alp + '.png')
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(19):
            plt.subplot(5, 4, j+1)
            #print(j * 4 + i)
            ax = ddata.iloc[j * 4 + i,:].plot(figsize = (16*5 ,12*4))
            ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
            ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
            ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
            #plt.plot(data.index[err[j*4 + i]],errj[j*4 + i],'r^',markersize=10)
            fig = ax.get_figure()
    for i in range(76):
        ax = ddata.iloc[i].plot(figsize = (16,12))
        ax.set_title('第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4], fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_xlabel('时间', fontproperties=font)
        ax.set_ylabel('人数', fontproperties=font)
        fig = ax.get_figure()
        fig.savefig(alp+str(i)+'第'+str(int(i/4)+1)+'个国家 '+cl[i%4]+'.png')
def get_nan_pos(x):
    flag = True
    a = b = 0
    for i in range(len(x)):
        f = np.isnan(x[i])
        if flag and not f:
            a = i
            flag = False
        elif not flag and not f:
            b = i
    return a,b
data = pd.read_csv('datad.csv',index_col = 0)
data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index)
datanp = np.asarray(data)[:-7]
datanpT = datanp.T
cl = ['新增确诊','累计确诊','累计治愈','累计死亡']
popu = [8434, 8399, 1912, 5931, 3481, 3297, 4385, 4735, 5955, 691, 12893, 22089, 14410, 27352, 8324, 12584, 1764, 4538, 10233]
zb = np.zeros((19,6*4 + 1))
for i in range(19):
    a,b = get_nan_pos(datanpT[i])
    for j in range(4):
        zb[i][j * 6] = (data.iloc[a:b+1,i * 4 + j].max() - data.iloc[a:b+1,i * 4 + j].min())/popu[1]
        zb[i][j * 6 + 1] = data.iloc[a:b+1,i * 4 + j].std()/popu[1]
        zb[i][j * 6 + 2] = data.iloc[a:b+1,i * 4 + j].mean()/popu[1]
        zb[i][j * 6 + 3] = data.iloc[a:b+1,i * 4 + j].skew()
        zb[i][j * 6 + 4] = data.iloc[a:b+1,i * 4 + j].kurt()
        zb[i][j * 6 + 5] = data.iloc[a:b+1,i * 4 + j].autocorr(1)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist,squareform
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram, linkage,fcluster
{'icoord': [[55.0, 55.0, 65.0, 65.0],
  [45.0, 45.0, 60.0, 60.0],
  [95.0, 95.0, 105.0, 105.0],
  [85.0, 85.0, 100.0, 100.0],
  [75.0, 75.0, 92.5, 92.5],
  [52.5, 52.5, 83.75, 83.75],
  [35.0, 35.0, 68.125, 68.125],
  [25.0, 25.0, 51.5625, 51.5625],
  [145.0, 145.0, 155.0, 155.0],
  [175.0, 175.0, 185.0, 185.0],
  [165.0, 165.0, 180.0, 180.0],
  [150.0, 150.0, 172.5, 172.5],
  [135.0, 135.0, 161.25, 161.25],
  [125.0, 125.0, 148.125, 148.125],
  [115.0, 115.0, 136.5625, 136.5625],
  [38.28125, 38.28125, 125.78125, 125.78125],
  [15.0, 15.0, 82.03125, 82.03125],
  [5.0, 5.0, 48.515625, 48.515625]],
 'dcoord': [[0.0, 84.35553265031531, 84.35553265031531, 0.0],
  [0.0, 93.15248493698107, 93.15248493698107, 84.35553265031531],
  [0.0, 110.07644521228045, 110.07644521228045, 0.0],
  [0.0, 132.09467729006676, 132.09467729006676, 110.07644521228045],
  [0.0, 157.29288712699466, 157.29288712699466, 132.09467729006676],
  [0.0, 178.32839892931258, 178.32839892931258, 164.2858816178837],
  [0.0, 213.79407917024827, 213.79407917024827, 178.32839892931258],
  [0.0, 68.3166911324183, 68.3166911324183, 0.0],
  [0.0, 68.98316307507751, 68.98316307507751, 0.0],
  [0.0, 86.4678808239903, 86.4678808239903, 68.98316307507751],
  [68.3166911324183, 91.2931701078218, 91.2931701078218, 86.4678808239903],
  [0.0, 133.6322571551408, 133.6322571551408, 91.2931701078218],
  [0.0, 255.88167544403163, 255.88167544403163, 133.6322571551408],
  [0.0, 258.37290412622247, 258.37290412622247, 255.88167544403163],
  [0.0, 529.6448790324241, 529.6448790324241, 271.7272701302869],
  [0.0, 560.1345748317412, 560.1345748317412, 529.6448790324241]],
 'ivl': ['0',
 'leaves': [0, 12, 3, 7, 13, 1, 5, 8, 14, 10, 17, 2, 11, 6, 4, 15, 9, 16, 18],
 'color_list': ['C1',
 'leaves_color_list': ['C0',


d = np.zeros((m,m))
for i in range(m):
    for j in range(i+1,m):
for i in range(0,l):
    if(not len(nd)):
第1次合成,平台高度为68.3166911324183时的分类结果为:[ 4 15]
第2次合成,平台高度为68.98316307507754时的分类结果为:[16 18]
第3次合成,平台高度为84.35553265031534时的分类结果为:[1 5]
第4次合成,平台高度为86.46788082399028时的分类结果为:[ 9 18]
第5次合成,平台高度为91.29317010782178时的分类结果为:[ 9 15]
第6次合成,平台高度为93.15248493698107时的分类结果为:[ 5 13]
第7次合成,平台高度为102.94998792781072时的分类结果为:[15 18]
第8次合成,平台高度为104.9501276755348时的分类结果为:[15 16]
第9次合成,平台高度为110.07644521228046时的分类结果为:[10 17]
第10次合成,平台高度为110.49573252178976时的分类结果为:[ 4 16]
第11次合成,平台高度为112.26228953600875时的分类结果为:[ 4 18]
第12次合成,平台高度为120.97508109266569时的分类结果为:[4 9]
第13次合成,平台高度为126.04076736881537时的分类结果为:[ 9 16]
第14次合成,平台高度为132.09467729006673时的分类结果为:[14 17]
第15次合成,平台高度为133.63225715514082时的分类结果为:[ 6 18]
第16次合成,平台高度为137.15119837436262时的分类结果为:[ 6 16]
第17次合成,平台高度为150.447216649573时的分类结果为:[ 1 13]
第18次合成,平台高度为157.29288712699466时的分类结果为:[ 8 14]
第19次合成,平台高度为164.28588161788366时的分类结果为:[ 1 10]
第20次合成,平台高度为178.32839892931256时的分类结果为:[7 8]
第21次合成,平台高度为183.8271613417955时的分类结果为:[6 9]
第22次合成,平台高度为206.60228828870424时的分类结果为:[10 14]
第23次合成,平台高度为213.7940791702483时的分类结果为:[3 5]
第24次合成,平台高度为223.56111620654693时的分类结果为:[ 1 17]
第25次合成,平台高度为224.12115186722247时的分类结果为:[ 6 15]
第26次合成,平台高度为233.21928597368145时的分类结果为:[ 5 10]
第27次合成,平台高度为238.4763056806507时的分类结果为:[ 8 17]
第28次合成,平台高度为242.89272560401645时的分类结果为:[4 6]
第29次合成,平台高度为255.88167544403166时的分类结果为:[ 4 11]
第30次合成,平台高度为258.37290412622247时的分类结果为:[ 2 11]
第31次合成,平台高度为271.7272701302869时的分类结果为:[ 2 13]
第32次合成,平台高度为277.743527248323时的分类结果为:[ 3 13]
第33次合成,平台高度为279.4486801988989时的分类结果为:[2 4]
第34次合成,平台高度为279.5409406068438时的分类结果为:[11 15]
第35次合成,平台高度为280.0704096818501时的分类结果为:[1 3]
第36次合成,平台高度为280.14734491839135时的分类结果为:[2 3]
第37次合成,平台高度为282.92277406932857时的分类结果为:[ 5 17]
第38次合成,平台高度为292.12114533067256时的分类结果为:[ 7 14]
第39次合成,平台高度为292.236200299266时的分类结果为:[ 1 14]
第40次合成,平台高度为295.41643676588717时的分类结果为:[11 16]
第41次合成,平台高度为301.2948835098816时的分类结果为:[ 6 11]
第42次合成,平台高度为306.7048114520455时的分类结果为:[ 4 13]
第43次合成,平台高度为309.49627760484884时的分类结果为:[ 8 10]
第44次合成,平台高度为311.19219571849106时的分类结果为:[ 2 15]
第45次合成,平台高度为312.8547394592049时的分类结果为:[10 13]
第46次合成,平台高度为317.6965339083655时的分类结果为:[2 5]
第47次合成,平台高度为330.60935047536975时的分类结果为:[ 2 16]
第48次合成,平台高度为331.85758422828746时的分类结果为:[13 15]
第49次合成,平台高度为337.12127783361177时的分类结果为:[2 6]
第50次合成,平台高度为350.21441963409575时的分类结果为:[ 9 11]
第51次合成,平台高度为354.1577402722106时的分类结果为:[11 18]
第52次合成,平台高度为361.10511206689455时的分类结果为:[ 5 14]
第53次合成,平台高度为363.7868394338214时的分类结果为:[13 17]
第54次合成,平台高度为368.58867834656706时的分类结果为:[2 9]
第55次合成,平台高度为378.90437797099327时的分类结果为:[4 5]
第56次合成,平台高度为381.88646736109985时的分类结果为:[1 2]
第57次合成,平台高度为387.24178910586704时的分类结果为:[ 2 18]
第58次合成,平台高度为387.81677773539263时的分类结果为:[ 9 13]
第59次合成,平台高度为392.0930090048729时的分类结果为:[ 7 17]
第60次合成,平台高度为400.5777445014364时的分类结果为:[ 3 10]
第61次合成,平台高度为405.5306390778874时的分类结果为:[13 16]
第62次合成,平台高度为413.2113414573384时的分类结果为:[13 18]
第63次合成,平台高度为419.16726071400274时的分类结果为:[ 5 15]
第64次合成,平台高度为423.1181149572522时的分类结果为:[ 3 11]
第65次合成,平台高度为431.06159914253294时的分类结果为:[13 14]
第66次合成,平台高度为432.2970105982587时的分类结果为:[ 7 10]
第67次合成,平台高度为437.17287535422287时的分类结果为:[1 8]
第68次合成,平台高度为444.60409034578856时的分类结果为:[1 4]
第69次合成,平台高度为452.82159776408395时的分类结果为:[ 3 17]
第70次合成,平台高度为470.9032332559021时的分类结果为:[5 9]
第71次合成,平台高度为477.4747330422423时的分类结果为:[ 1 15]
第72次合成,平台高度为480.48774450141957时的分类结果为:[ 5 16]
第73次合成,平台高度为486.8822291651393时的分类结果为:[ 5 18]
第74次合成,平台高度为498.4412072216778时的分类结果为:[11 13]
第75次合成,平台高度为505.55987541927107时的分类结果为:[5 8]
第76次合成,平台高度为527.0333285948866时的分类结果为:[1 7]
第77次合成,平台高度为529.6448790324241时的分类结果为:[ 8 12]
第78次合成,平台高度为530.7681539834398时的分类结果为:[1 9]
第79次合成,平台高度为533.948223094708时的分类结果为:[ 3 14]
第80次合成,平台高度为541.4806835465时的分类结果为:[ 6 13]
第81次合成,平台高度为544.1239971839619时的分类结果为:[ 1 16]
第82次合成,平台高度为544.185744595734时的分类结果为:[ 2 10]
第83次合成,平台高度为551.7118550630462时的分类结果为:[ 1 18]
第84次合成,平台高度为559.499633187458时的分类结果为:[3 4]
第85次合成,平台高度为560.1345748317411时的分类结果为:[0 8]
第86次合成,平台高度为571.661267384654时的分类结果为:[ 7 12]
第87次合成,平台高度为573.6018469629098时的分类结果为:[ 5 11]
第88次合成,平台高度为578.7830226236664时的分类结果为:[ 8 13]
第89次合成,平台高度为579.7241863264254时的分类结果为:[ 3 15]
第90次合成,平台高度为598.5310406399919时的分类结果为:[ 2 17]
第91次合成,平台高度为605.7749650317012时的分类结果为:[5 7]
第92次合成,平台高度为605.9305848552207时的分类结果为:[ 0 14]
第93次合成,平台高度为606.5261026870522时的分类结果为:[ 3 16]
第94次合成,平台高度为607.3990360339529时的分类结果为:[ 4 10]
第95次合成,平台高度为613.3785395513823时的分类结果为:[3 6]
第96次合成,平台高度为616.7649147688885时的分类结果为:[5 6]
第97次合成,平台高度为625.2210609388632时的分类结果为:[ 7 13]
第98次合成,平台高度为632.4952558152643时的分类结果为:[ 1 11]
第99次合成,平台高度为639.7514543932722时的分类结果为:[3 9]
第100次合成,平台高度为640.540247956008时的分类结果为:[10 15]
第101次合成,平台高度为646.2405182521588时的分类结果为:[0 7]
第102次合成,平台高度为659.3849053637615时的分类结果为:[ 4 17]
第103次合成,平台高度为661.794687762312时的分类结果为:[3 8]
第104次合成,平台高度为666.2413963137113时的分类结果为:[ 3 18]
第105次合成,平台高度为667.517989446433时的分类结果为:[ 2 14]
第106次合成,平台高度为675.3179001980416时的分类结果为:[ 0 17]
第107次合成,平台高度为677.7903187642676时的分类结果为:[12 14]
第108次合成,平台高度为680.2977140817345时的分类结果为:[1 6]
第109次合成,平台高度为693.2156276625117时的分类结果为:[ 9 10]
第110次合成,平台高度为695.5862994014643时的分类结果为:[15 17]
第111次合成,平台高度为706.4913310670964时的分类结果为:[10 16]
第112次合成,平台高度为714.0612716958293时的分类结果为:[10 18]
第113次合成,平台高度为733.412556895125时的分类结果为:[ 4 14]
第114次合成,平台高度为734.728152746857时的分类结果为:[3 7]
第115次合成,平台高度为741.7338196661748时的分类结果为:[12 17]
第116次合成,平台高度为748.2632151693596时的分类结果为:[ 9 17]
第117次合成,平台高度为750.6759566959627时的分类结果为:[14 15]
第118次合成,平台高度为757.8748223916938时的分类结果为:[16 17]
第119次合成,平台高度为762.5849195511998时的分类结果为:[0 3]
第120次合成,平台高度为766.9728163144206时的分类结果为:[17 18]
第121次合成,平台高度为772.241185333593时的分类结果为:[ 0 10]
第122次合成,平台高度为794.4151422588006时的分类结果为:[10 11]
第123次合成,平台高度为813.3427973197112时的分类结果为:[ 9 14]
第124次合成,平台高度为815.8823442506714时的分类结果为:[2 8]
第125次合成,平台高度为833.3019585906997时的分类结果为:[14 16]
第126次合成,平台高度为834.9543973937224时的分类结果为:[10 12]
第127次合成,平台高度为840.2391367615819时的分类结果为:[14 18]
第128次合成,平台高度为842.4413795409534时的分类结果为:[ 6 10]
第129次合成,平台高度为847.7699720274637时的分类结果为:[2 7]
第130次合成,平台高度为851.0350233885503时的分类结果为:[11 17]
第131次合成,平台高度为881.776880337987时的分类结果为:[4 8]
第132次合成,平台高度为885.3346971447055时的分类结果为:[0 1]
第133次合成,平台高度为893.6016720585168时的分类结果为:[ 6 17]
第134次合成,平台高度为907.9058431292721时的分类结果为:[ 8 15]
第135次合成,平台高度为912.7165877511585时的分类结果为:[4 7]
第136次合成,平台高度为918.7012820334081时的分类结果为:[11 14]
第137次合成,平台高度为928.7019538548334时的分类结果为:[ 7 15]
第138次合成,平台高度为950.231807960737时的分类结果为:[0 5]
第139次合成,平台高度为955.9593065331903时的分类结果为:[ 1 12]
第140次合成,平台高度为963.7419423919812时的分类结果为:[8 9]
第141次合成,平台高度为969.2521543038945时的分类结果为:[ 6 14]
第142次合成,平台高度为981.1210264116131时的分类结果为:[ 8 16]
第143次合成,平台高度为987.9198697932658时的分类结果为:[ 0 12]
第144次合成,平台高度为988.2834049489155时的分类结果为:[ 8 18]
第145次合成,平台高度为988.3560323561115时的分类结果为:[ 7 16]
第146次合成,平台高度为993.5152803251326时的分类结果为:[7 9]
第147次合成,平台高度为1018.1275177138418时的分类结果为:[ 0 13]
第148次合成,平台高度为1019.4583508774123时的分类结果为:[ 7 18]
第149次合成,平台高度为1022.5590375892714时的分类结果为:[ 5 12]
第150次合成,平台高度为1034.4893520719272时的分类结果为:[0 2]
第151次合成,平台高度为1066.4259036662074时的分类结果为:[ 0 11]
第152次合成,平台高度为1067.0656624061671时的分类结果为:[ 8 11]
第153次合成,平台高度为1084.6774481535674时的分类结果为:[ 7 11]
第154次合成,平台高度为1095.8467203700006时的分类结果为:[12 13]
第155次合成,平台高度为1117.0711664987382时的分类结果为:[6 8]
第156次合成,平台高度为1124.4846466098604时的分类结果为:[6 7]
第157次合成,平台高度为1180.971511122478时的分类结果为:[ 3 12]
第158次合成,平台高度为1313.8415495568756时的分类结果为:[0 4]
第159次合成,平台高度为1332.3517840822067时的分类结果为:[ 0 15]
第160次合成,平台高度为1334.2757254133417时的分类结果为:[ 2 12]
第161次合成,平台高度为1360.8639898680758时的分类结果为:[ 0 16]
第162次合成,平台高度为1367.7204781002613时的分类结果为:[0 6]
第163次合成,平台高度为1393.1590978089935时的分类结果为:[0 9]
第164次合成,平台高度为1399.6984389407216时的分类结果为:[ 4 12]
第165次合成,平台高度为1420.5833229270677时的分类结果为:[ 0 18]
第166次合成,平台高度为1427.0047749451378时的分类结果为:[12 15]
第167次合成,平台高度为1481.0365724681756时的分类结果为:[ 9 12]
第168次合成,平台高度为1497.7845682513487时的分类结果为:[12 16]
第169次合成,平台高度为1506.2049689460146时的分类结果为:[12 18]
第170次合成,平台高度为1584.9873207446913时的分类结果为:[11 12]
第171次合成,平台高度为1633.7346127199612时的分类结果为:[ 6 12]

155时的分类结果为:[ 8 18]
第145次合成,平台高度为988.3560323561115时的分类结果为:[ 7 16]
第146次合成,平台高度为993.5152803251326时的分类结果为:[7 9]
第147次合成,平台高度为1018.1275177138418时的分类结果为:[ 0 13]
第148次合成,平台高度为1019.4583508774123时的分类结果为:[ 7 18]
第149次合成,平台高度为1022.5590375892714时的分类结果为:[ 5 12]
第150次合成,平台高度为1034.4893520719272时的分类结果为:[0 2]
第151次合成,平台高度为1066.4259036662074时的分类结果为:[ 0 11]
第152次合成,平台高度为1067.0656624061671时的分类结果为:[ 8 11]
第153次合成,平台高度为1084.6774481535674时的分类结果为:[ 7 11]
第154次合成,平台高度为1095.8467203700006时的分类结果为:[12 13]
第155次合成,平台高度为1117.0711664987382时的分类结果为:[6 8]
第156次合成,平台高度为1124.4846466098604时的分类结果为:[6 7]
第157次合成,平台高度为1180.971511122478时的分类结果为:[ 3 12]
第158次合成,平台高度为1313.8415495568756时的分类结果为:[0 4]
第159次合成,平台高度为1332.3517840822067时的分类结果为:[ 0 15]
第160次合成,平台高度为1334.2757254133417时的分类结果为:[ 2 12]
第161次合成,平台高度为1360.8639898680758时的分类结果为:[ 0 16]
第162次合成,平台高度为1367.7204781002613时的分类结果为:[0 6]
第163次合成,平台高度为1393.1590978089935时的分类结果为:[0 9]
第164次合成,平台高度为1399.6984389407216时的分类结果为:[ 4 12]
第165次合成,平台高度为1420.5833229270677时的分类结果为:[ 0 18]
第166次合成,平台高度为1427.0047749451378时的分类结果为:[12 15]
第167次合成,平台高度为1481.0365724681756时的分类结果为:[ 9 12]
第168次合成,平台高度为1497.7845682513487时的分类结果为:[12 16]
第169次合成,平台高度为1506.2049689460146时的分类结果为:[12 18]
第170次合成,平台高度为1584.9873207446913时的分类结果为:[11 12]
第171次合成,平台高度为1633.7346127199612时的分类结果为:[ 6 12]
