
tensorboard查看日志问题 path进入日志所在目录

2.tensorboard --logdir=path


2.tensorboard --help查看帮助,明确logdir与路径之间采用等号连接还是空格连接

  • tensorboard 1.2
    --logdir LOGDIR logdir specifies the directory where TensorBoard will look to find TensorFlow event files that it can display. TensorBoard will recursively walk the directory structure rooted at logdir, looking for .*tfevents.* files. You may also pass a comma separated list of log directories, and TensorBoard will watch each directory. You can also assign names to individual log directories by putting a colon between the name and the path, as in tensorboard --logdir=name1:/path/to/logs/1,name2:/path/to/logs/2
  • tensorboard 1.8
    --logdir: logdir specifies the directory where TensorBoard will look to find TensorFlow event files that it can display. TensorBoard will recursively walk the directory structure rooted at logdir, looking for .*tfevents.* files.You may also pass a comma separated list of log directories, and TensorBoard will watch each directory. You can also assign names to individual logdirectories by putting a colon between the name and the path, as in tensorboard --logdir name1:/path/to/logs/1,name2:/path/to/logs/2