Bootstrap Unconnected sockets not implemented FTPSClient

Recently, the camel-ftp component was enhanced (on my request) with the possibility to use a secure data channel. This is accomplished by using the execProt() (and execPsbz()) method in class FTPSClient.

However, later on (in case Camel needs to reconnect), one of the connect() methods in the base class to FTPSClient is called. Unfortunately all the connect methods first create an unconnected socket and then tries to connect it. The connection factory now associated with the FTPSClient then throws an exception stating: "Unconnected sockets not implemented".

It seems like the FTPSClient does not support "re-connect" once it has entered secure communications mode.

See also:[email protected]/msg04933.html
and[email protected]/msg08732.html




Bogdan Drozdowski added a comment - 10/Mar/11 16:19

A code sample would be nice. But I've managed to do my own: executing the sequence "connect, execPROT(P), login, disconnect" twice on the same client instance causes the error. My patch fixes this issue - it overrides the disconnect() method of FTPClient in FTPSClient to re-set the SocketFactories (null is allowed, because the SocketClient knows how to deal with it). Thanks goes to Bengt Rodehav ([email protected]/msg04935.html) for pointing this out.



I had the same problem and fortunately, I have resolved it recently :-)

The key is you should write your own class which extends DefaultSocketFactory class and then set it to your FTPS client via method ftpsClient.setSocketFactory(yourSocketFactory);

In your socket factory class, remember to override the createSocket() method and it must return a new Socket, if not it will not work

public Socket createSocket() throws IOException {
return new Socket();

You might want to override the createSocket(host, port) method also to return a Socket with provided host and port.

Now you can use FTPS client to connect to FTPS server :-)

Hope this help. :-)


Steven Nguyen

