
wordpress 数据库_备份和还原大型WordPress数据库

wordpress 数据库

In a previous article we saw how to manually back up a WordPress website. In particular, we saw how to backup a database, and how to restore it.

在上一篇文章中,我们看到了如何手动备份WordPress网站 。 特别是,我们看到了如何备份数据库以及如何还原数据库。

However, when we try to restore a database, a problem can occur, not discussed in the previous article. What about big databases? Using the command line, size isn’t typically an issue, since we can use MySQL to export or input files of any size. However, if you don’t have SSH access to a particular hosting environment, large database exports and imports can be a real problem using tools such as phpMyAdmin. There are often limits to the allowed file uploads. But there is a way to easily backup and restore large WordPress databases.

但是,当我们尝试还原数据库时,可能会发生问题,而在上一篇文章中没有进行讨论。 大数据库呢? 使用命令行,大小通常不是问题,因为我们可以使用MySQL导出或输入任何大小的文件。 但是,如果您无法通过SSH访问特定的托管环境,则使用phpMyAdmin之类的工具进行大型数据库导出和导入可能是一个实际问题。 允许的文件上传通常受到限制。 但是有一种方法可以轻松备份和还原大型WordPress数据库。

In this article, I’ll cover how to restore big database dumps with a useful tool called BigDump. Essentially, BigDump is a PHP script that allows you to import a database dump as big as you want, even if your upload limit is low. This article assumes that you don’t have SSH/command line access to your server, or are more comfortable using a web application. Note that BigDump is released under the GNU GPL 2 license.

在本文中,我将介绍如何使用称为BigDump的有用工具还原大型数据库转储。 本质上,BigDump是一个PHP脚本,即使您的上传限制很低,它也允许您导入所需大小的数据库转储。 本文假定您没有对服务器的SSH /命令行访问权限,或者更喜欢使用Web应用程序。 请注意,BigDump是根据GNU GPL 2许可发布的。

After restoring a big database dump with BigDump, I’ll show you how to automatically generate these dumps thanks to a WordPress plugin named WP-DBManager, because you don’t have time to waste manually backing up your database every day!


生成支持BigDump的数据库转储 (Generating a BigDump-ready Database Dump)

I’ve already covered how to back up a WordPress database in the previous article, so we won’t describe how to do that again. However, there’s something you should know if you want to use BigDump.

在上一篇文章中 ,我已经介绍了如何备份WordPress数据库 ,因此我们将不再描述如何进行此操作。 但是,如果要使用BigDump,则应了解一些信息。

In practice, BigDump splits your file into as many files as necessary for your server to allow the import, and sometimes the split can cause trouble – if you use extended inserts that allow you to optimize your SQL queries by merging several INSERT queries into one.


Let’s clarify the situa
