



You can remove or make changes to headers or footers on any page in Microsoft Word. This is handy if, for example, you want to hide the header or footer on a specific page. The process is a bit different if you want to delete a header or footer on the first page of your document or on any other pages. Here’s how it works.

您可以在Microsoft Word的任何页面上删除或更改页眉或页脚。 例如,如果您想隐藏特定页面上的页眉或页脚,这将很方便。 如果要删除文档首页或任何其他页面上的页眉或页脚,则过程有所不同。 运作方式如下。

如何删除文档首页上的页眉或页脚 (How to Delete a Header or Footer on the First Page of Your Document)

Very often, you won’t want your header or footer to show up on the first page of your document. Usually, that’s because it’s a title page. Here’s how to remove it.

通常,您不希望页眉或页脚出现在文档的首页上。 通常,这是因为它是标题页。 这是删除方法。

Double click the header or footer area to make it active.


This also activates the Header & Footer Tools section on Word’s Ribbon. On the Design tab of that section, select the “Different First Page” check box.

这还会激活Word功能区上的“页眉和页脚工具”部分。 在该部分的“设计”选项卡上,选中“不同的第一页”复选框。

This action removes the header and footer from the first page. You can type different information there if you want, or you can just leave it blank.

此操作将从第一页上删除页眉和页脚。 您可以根据需要在此处键入不同的信息,也可以将其保留为空白。

如何删除Word文档中其他页面上的页眉或页脚 (How to Delete a Header or Footer on Other Pages in Your Word Document)

Removing a header or footer for any page other than your first page requires a bit more work. Unfortunately, you can’t just tell Word to change the layout of a single page (and headers and footers are considered part of the layout). Word’s page layout features apply to whole sections of the document, and by default, your document is one large section.

删除首页以外的任何页面的页眉或页脚需要做更多的工作。 不幸的是,您不能仅仅告诉Word更改单个页面的布局(并且页眉和页脚被视为布局的一部分)。 Word的页面布局功能适用于文档的整个部分,默认情况下,您的文档是一个很大的部分。

So first, you’ll need to create a separate section in the document (even if it’s just for one page), and then you’ll need to change the page layout for that new section to landscape orientation. Here’s how.

因此,首先,您需要在文档中创建一个单独的部分(即使仅用于一页),然后您需要将该新部分的页面布局更改为横向。 这是如何做。

In your document, place your cursor at the very end of the page right before the page where you want to remove the header or footer. For example, if you want to remove the header or footer on page 12, place your cursor at the end of page 11.

在您的文档中,将光标放在页面的末尾,就要删除页眉或页脚的页面之前 。 例如,如果要在第12页上删除页眉或页脚,请将光标放在第11页的末尾。

Switch to the “Layout” on the Ribbon, and then click the “Breaks” button.


On the dropdown menu, click the “Next Page” option.


While it’s not obvious, the action you just took created a section break where your cursor was placed, and started your new section on the next page.


Now, double-click the header or footer area (depending on what you’re removing) on the page where you want to remove it. On the Design tab in the Header & Footer Tools area of the Ribbon, click the “Link To Previous” button. Note that the button becomes de-selected. You’ve now broken the link to the previous sections header or footer.

现在,双击要删除页眉或页脚的区域(取决于要删除的内容)。 在功能区的“页眉和页脚工具”区域中的“设计”选项卡上,单击“链接到上一个”按钮。 请注意,该按钮被取消选择。 现在,您已经断开了到前面各节的页眉或页脚的链接。

Note: If you need to delete both a header and footer from a section, you’ll need to delete the text and break the links to the previous section for each individually.

注意 :如果您需要同时删除部分的页眉和页脚,则需要删除文本,并分别断开指向上一部分的链接。

Next, go ahead and delete the text from your header or footer.


You’re not quite done yet, though.


If you scroll through your document, you’ll notice that all the pages following that section break you created now also don’t have the header or footer you just deleted. As you might guess, you now need to create another section break, and then recreate the header or footer for the next section. This works pretty much the same as what you just did.

如果滚动浏览文档,您会注意到,现在创建的该分节符之后的所有页面也没有刚删除的页眉或页脚。 您可能会猜到,现在需要创建另一个分节符,然后为下一部分重新创建页眉或页脚。 这项工作与您刚完成的工作几乎相同。

Place your cursor at the end of the page on which you wanted the header or footer removed—in other words, right before the first page where you want the header or footer to start again.


On the “Layout” tab, click the “Breaks” button, and then choose the “Next Page” option.


Now, activate the header or footer area on the first page of that new section. On the Design tab in the Header & Footer Tools area of the Ribbon, click the “Link To Previous” button. Again, the button becomes de-selected, because you’ve now broken the link to the header or footer area of that new section you made.

现在,在该新部分的第一页上激活页眉或页脚区域。 在功能区的“页眉和页脚工具”区域中的“设计”选项卡上,单击“链接到上一个”按钮。 同样,该按钮也被取消选择,因为您现在断开了到该新节的页眉或页脚区域的链接。

Now, all you have to do is create the header or footer you want to use for the rest of the document. If it’s the same material as in the first section of your document, you can just copy and paste it from there, and it will then appear in the rest of your document (except in the new section you created, of course). If you were using page number, and want to continue them in this section, you’ll need to insert the page numbers and then tell Word to start those page numbers off from a particular point. If you’re unsure how to do that, check out our guide on inserting page numbers in Word.

现在,您所要做的就是创建要用于文档其余部分的页眉或页脚。 如果它与文档第一部分中的材料相同,则可以从此处复制并粘贴它,然后它将出现在文档的其余部分中(当然,在您创建的新部分中除外)。 如果您使用的是页码,并希望在本节中继续进行操作,则需要插入页码,然后告诉Word从特定位置开始以这些页码开头。 如果不确定如何执行此操作,请查看我们的有关在Word中插入页码的指南。


