
在Ubuntu 18.04上安装TigerVNC

VNC (Virtual Network Computing) is a software package which serves as a medium of connection between a user client and a remote computer. It creates a session with the remote server, which allows us to treat the remote server as if it were our machine, access the GUI of the remote server, and interact with it using the mouse and keyboard as a normal user.

VNC虚拟网络计算 )是一个软件包,用作用户客户端和远程计算机之间的连接介质。 它创建了与远程服务器的会话,这使我们可以将远程服务器当作是我们的机器一样,访问远程服务器的GUI,并以普通用户的身份使用鼠标和键盘与之交互。

This is a very convenient tool for users who are not comfortable with using the terminal and has the advantages of being very easy to use and available on almost all client operating systems, with minimal setup.


Let’s figure out how we could connect to our remote Ubuntu 18.04 server from our client, which can be anything from Windows, MacOS, or Linux.

让我们弄清楚如何从客户端连接到远程Ubuntu 18.04服务器,客户端可以是Windows,MacOS或Linux。

NOTE: We are not going to look at setting up the TightVNC Client since it is a very simple setup on the TightVNC Website. So this tutorial aims to set up a VNC server on Ubuntu 18.04 and connect to it from a remote client.

注意 :我们不会考虑设置TightVNC客户端,因为它是在TightVNC网站上非常简单的设置。 因此,本教程旨在在Ubuntu 18.04上设置VNC服务器并从远程客户端连接到该服务器。

在Ubuntu服务器上安装桌面环境 (Install a Desktop Environment on Ubuntu Server)

By default, an Ubuntu 18.04 server does not come with a graphical desktop environment or a VNC server installed, so we must install that first.

默认情况下,Ubuntu 18.04服务器未安装图形桌面环境或VNC服务器,因此我们必须首先安装该服务器。

There are various types of desktop managers available, like KDE, Gnome, etc; But we’ll stick with the minimal Xfce desktop environment.

有各种类型的桌面管理器可用,例如KDEGnome等。 但是,我们将坚持使用最小的Xfce桌面环境。

On the Ubuntu server, first, update system critical packages first.



道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。 无名,天地之始,有名,万物之母。 故常无欲,以观其妙,常有欲,以观其徼。 此两者,同出而异名,同谓之玄,玄之又玄,众妙之门。
