unity 创建游戏对象
Now that you have understood some of the basics of working with Unity, and have made a game or two by yourself, let's try and dig in deeper, shall we? After all, we have just scraped the surface of the iceberg that is Unity!
现在您已经了解了使用Unity的一些基础知识,并且自己编写了一个或两个游戏,让我们尝试更深入地研究,对吧? 毕竟,我们只是刮掉了团结的冰山表面!
First of all, it's time to say goodbye to Mr. Star. He's been a good friend of ours for the journey up until now, but for what we have ahead, we need something a bit more complex, and a star drawn hastily in Paint.NET in mere 13 seconds doesn't really fit that description.
首先,是时候向斯塔先生说再见了。 到目前为止,他一直是我们的好朋友,但是对于我们要取得的成就,我们需要更复杂的东西,而在Paint.NET中匆匆绘制的一颗星星在短短的13秒之内并不符合该描述。
So what does fit that description? This, I guess...
那么,什么符合该描述呢? 我猜这...
Now, we'll be understanding more fundamental concepts related to Unity, more focused on gameObjects and prefabs.
现在,我们将了解与团结更多的基本概念,更侧重于gameObjects和预制件 。
了解预制件和实例化 (Understanding Prefabs and Instantiation)
Okay, so the word Prefab
looks a bit scary, doesn't it? Don't worry, it's not, in fact, it's one of game designer's best friends when it comes to creating gameObjects in real-time. So what exactly is a prefab? Well, a prefab is actually a blueprint or a template for a specific gameObject. We know this is kind of confusing to understand at first, so let's take a very basic example.
好的, Prefab
这个词看起来有点吓人,不是吗? 不用担心,在实时创建gameObjects时,它并不是游戏设计师最好的朋友之一。 那么什么是预制件呢? 好吧,预制件实际上是特定游戏对象的蓝图或模板。 首先,我们知道这有点令人困惑,所以让我们举一个非常基本的例子。
Imagine we are making a basic space shooter game, and this here, little fellow, is an enemy character.
Now, if we wanted to build a game scene in Unity with our main character, and an enemy, it would look something like this:
Sure, this is perfectly fine for when you have one enemy, but what if you wanted a lot of them? Not 2 or 3, assume like 15 or 20. As a beginner learning Unity, you might be thinking something along these lines: Using the same asset, multiple times by creating copies.
当然,当您有一个敌人时,这是完全可以的,但是如果您想要很多敌人怎么办? 假设不是2还是3,则假设是15或20。假设您是