

Recently my article on creating elegant table data with OpenType gained some attention via a much-appreciated tweet from Smashing Magazine. In response to that, a commenter quite correctly pointed out that the table was not responsive: as the browser window narrowed, data was cut off.

最近,我有关使用OpenType创建优雅的表数据的文章通过Smashing Magazine广受赞赏的推文获得了一些关注。 对此,评论者非常正确地指出该表没有响应 :随着浏览器窗口范围的缩小,数据被切断。

I couldn’t change the table as I have in previous examples: the order and direction of the data matters, and must be retained. However, there is another possible solution.

我无法像以前的示例一样更改表:数据的顺序和方向很重要,必须保留。 但是,还有另一种可能的解决方案。

Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet applications have a feature called “pivot tables”, which translate rows into columns. For certain kinds of tables, such as the one shown at the top of this article, the same effect can be achieved on web pages using JavaScript.

Microsoft Excel和其他电子表格应用程序具有一项称为“数据透视表”的功能,该功能可将行转换为列。 对于某些类型的表,例如本文顶部显示的表,可以使用JavaScript在网页上实现相同的效果。

从标记开始 (Starting with Markup)

The table starts with similar markup to the OpenType example, but accessorized with an id and class (optional closing tags have been removed to simplify and clarify the code).


<table id="gg" class="large">
    <caption>2014 Greenhouse gas emissions, per country</caption>
            <th scope="col">China
            <th scope="col"><abbr title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
            <th scope="col"><abbr title="European Union">EU</abbr>
            <th scope="col">India
            <th scope="col">Russia
            <th scope="row">CO<sub>2</sub> (mt)
            <th scope="row">Emission per capita (t)

The CSS is similar too. I’ve written this example in Sass:

CSS也是如此。 我已经在Sass中编写了这个示例:

table {
    margin: 2rem auto;
    font-size: 1.6rem;
    border-collapse: collapse;
    @media all and (max-width: 636px) {
        font-size: 1.4rem; 
@media all and (max-width: 522px) {
        font-size: 1.2rem; 
table td {
    text-align: right;
    padding: .5rem;
    width: 5rem;
table thead th {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #777;
    font-weight: 400;
table tbody th {
    font-weight: 400;
    text-align: right;
    padding-right: 1rem;
table caption {
  font-weight: 600;
  margin-bottom: 1rem;
table tbody td {
  color: #444;

透视 (Pivotting)

The current table structure is read JavaScript as a variable called fulltable; without JavaScript, the table will still be shown; it just won’t pivot.

当前的表结构被JavaScript读取为称为fulltable变量 ; 如果没有JavaScript,表格仍会显示; 它只是不会旋转。

var fullTable = document.querySelector(".large").innerHTML,
caption = gg.getElementsByTagName("caption"),
ggHead = gg.querySelector("thead tr"),
ggBody = gg.querySelector("tbody"),
ggColHeaders = ggHead.querySelectorAll("th"),
ggDataHeaders = ggBody.querySelectorAll("tr th"),
ggDataRows = ggBody.querySelectorAll("tr"),
matchPoint = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 600px)"),

Each variable contains a part of the table.


function pivotTable() {
  if (matchPoint.matches && gg.matches(".large")) {
  if (typeof slimTable === 'undefined') {
    ggHead.innerHTML = "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
    for (var i = 0; i < ggDataHeaders.length; i++) {
      var scoped = ggDataHeaders[i];
      scoped.scope = "col";

    var totalCols = ggDataRows[0].getElementsByTagName("td").length;
    ggBody.innerHTML = "";       

    for (var j = 0; j < totalCols; j++) { 
      var newRow = document.createElement("tr");
      var newRowHeader = document.createElement("th");
      newRowHeader.scope = "row";
      newRowHeader.innerHTML = ggColHeaders[j].innerText;
      for (var k = 0; k < ggDataRows.length; k++) { 
        var currentRowData = ggDataRows[k].getElementsByTagName("td");
        var newCell = document.createElement("td");
        newCell.innerHTML = currentRowData[j].innerText;
  } else {
    gg.innerHTML = slimTable;
    slimTable = document.querySelector(".small").innerHTML;
  if (gg.matches(".small") && !matchPoint.matches) {
    gg.innerHTML = fullTable;

The pivotTable function swaps rows into columns, placing the header cells that were originally on the left of each row at the top of each column. Semantically (and from an accessibility perspective) the data remains the same, just presented in a different view.

pivotTable功能互换行转换成列,布置一个最初每左侧在每一顶部的标题细胞。 从语义上(从可访问性的角度来看),数据保持不变,只是以不同的视图显示。

When the data is pivoted, the table class is switched from large to small; the pivoted version of the table structure is recorded into the slimTable vaaible so that the pivot process doesn’t have to repeat itself if the viewport is made large and small again.

当数据旋转时,表classlarge切换到small ; 表格结构的枢轴版本记录在slimTable变量中,这样,如果视口再次变大或变小,枢轴过程就不必重复。

The pivotTable function is called once on page load:

pivotTable加载页面时, pivotTable 函数都会调用一次:


We don’t want to have to check if we need to call the pivotTable function every time the browser viewport is resized - that would drag down performance of the page - so I’ve throttled it to check every 200 milliseconds during a resize event:


window.addEventListener("resize", throttle( pivotTable, 200 ));

That throttle process is a function in itself:


function throttle (callback, limit) {
  var wait = false; 
  return function () {
    if (!wait) {; 
      wait = true; 
      setTimeout(function () { 
        wait = false;   
        }, limit);

结论 (Conclusion)

While not suitable for every table - those with just as many rows as there are columns would be an unsuitable candidate for this technique - but it could be very useful for tables like those above.


