- name: Configure Kerberos for Hadoop Users
hosts: hadoop_servers
become: no
gather_facts: no
kerberos_server: hadoop1.xuexi.com
keytab_file_path: /home/hadoop/keys/hadoop.keytab
- nn/
- dn/
- yarn/
- starrock/tasks:
- name: Ensure key directory exists
path: /home/hadoop/hxy
state: directory
mode: '0755'- name: Create Kerberos principals
ansible.builtin.command: >
kadmin.local -q 'addprinc -randkey { { item }}{ { inventory_hostname }}@XUEXI.COM'
register: addprinc_output
ignore_errors: yes
delegate_to: "{ { kerberos_server }}"
loop: "{ { principals }}"
extended: yes # Ensure extended loop variables are available- name: Check principal creation status
msg: "Failed to create principal for { { item.item }}: { { item.stderr }}"
when: "'Principal already exists' not in item.stderr and item.rc != 0"
loop: "{ { addprinc_output.results }}"
label: "{ { item.item }}{ { inventory_hostname }}@XUEXI.COM"- name: Generate keytab file for each principal
ansible.builtin.command: >
kadmin.local -q 'xst -k { { keytab_file_path }}.tmp -norandkey { { item }}{ { inventory_hostname }}@XUEXI.COM'
register: xst_output
delegate_to: "{ { kerberos_server }}"
loop: "{ { principals }}"
when: "'Principal already exists' in (addprinc_output.results | selectattr('item', 'equalto', item) | first).stderr or (addprinc_output.results | selectattr('item', 'equalto', item) | first).rc == 0"
# Note: The above when condition is simplified and may need adjustment.
# It assumes that if 'Principal already exists', it's okay to proceed.
# However, a more robust solution would involve tracking success/failure per principal.- name: Move keytab file to final location (on Kerberos server)
ansible.builtin.command: mv { { keytab_file_path }}.tmp { { keytab_file_path }}
delegate_to: "{ { kerberos_server }}"
when: xst_output is changed # This might not be perfect, as 'changed' depends on file existence, not Kerberos operation.- name: Fetch the keytab file to the control machine
src: "{ { keytab_file_path }}"
dest: "./hadoop.keytab"
flat: yes
delegate_to: "{ { kerberos_server }}"
run_once: yes # Ensure this task runs only once.- name: Distribute keytab files to each target host
src: ./hadoop.keytab
dest: /data1/tmp/hadoop.keytab
loop: "{ { groups['hadoop_servers'] }}"
delegate_to: "{ { item }}"- name: Clean up local keytab file
path: ./hadoop.keytab
state: absent
run_once: yes