Boolean flag indicating whether data must be submitted in strict semantic order (slower). Note that the normal form serialization is done in semantic order with the exception of input elements of type="image". You should only set the semantic option to true if your server has strict semantic requirements and your form contains an input element of type="image".
布尔标志,表示数据是否必须严格按照语义顺序(slower?)来进行提交。注意:一般来说,表单已经按照语义顺序来进行了串行化(或序列化),除了 type="image"的input元素。如果你的服务器有严格的语义要求,以及表单中包含有一个type="image"的input元素,就应该将 semantic设置为true。(译注:这一段由于无法理解,翻译出来可能语不达意,但请达人指正。)