1. ### SQL: select * from score_user where user_id = ? for update,这个sql查询是发送了死锁
1. 根据经验和死锁产生的条件,猜测代码并发执行,一个线程先锁住了表A的记录,另外一个线程由于原因没有线索表A记录,而锁住了表B的记录,接下来,锁住A记录的线程等待B的锁是否,锁住B的线程等待A的锁释放,所以产生了原因,所以先看代码
2. 代码如下面所示,可以看到,基本逻辑,都是先插入score_gain_stream
- @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, isolation = Isolation.READ_COMMITTED,rollbackFor = Exception.class)
- public boolean generateScoreInfo(String userId, Integer score,
- Long scoreRuleId, int scoreType, int scoreStatus, String scoreWay,
- String orderId, String inviteeId, String reqId, Integer eventVersion) {
- //0:参数判断
- if(null == score || score <= 0) {
- log.warn("score null or < 0, userId:" + userId + "scoreRuleId:" + scoreRuleId + ",scoreWay:" + scoreWay);
- return true;
- }
- //1:获取用户等级
- int memberLevel = MemberLevel.GENERAL_MEMBER;
- ScoreUser dbScoreUser = scoreUserManager.getScoreUserByUserIdForUpdate(userId);
- boolean isCreate = null == dbScoreUser ? true : false;
- if (!isCreate) {
- memberLevel = dbScoreUser.getMemberLevel();
- }
- // 2:构造/生成积分流水
- ScoreGainStream scoreGainStream = contructSocreGainStream(userId, score, scoreRuleId, scoreType, scoreStatus, scoreWay,
- orderId, inviteeId, reqId, eventVersion,memberLevel);
- boolean streamFlag = addScoreGainStream(scoreGainStream);
- if(!streamFlag){
- log.error("addScoreGainStream error,data:" + scoreGainStream.toString());
- return false;
- }
- // 3:判断用户类型
- if(isCreate){//新增积分用户信息
- try {
- boolean addFlag = addScoreUser(userId, memberLevel, scoreType, score);
- if(!addFlag){
- log.error("generateScoreInfo addScoreUser error, userId:" + userId + "|" + "score:" + score );
- throw new RuntimeException("generateScoreInfo addScoreUser error");
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- if(e instanceof DuplicateKeyException){
- log.warn("addScoreUser DuplicateKeyException,userId:" + userId + "|" + "score:" + score);
- //查询用户信息
- ScoreUser updateUser = contructUpdateScoreUser(scoreUserManager.getScoreUserByUserIdForUpdate(userId), score, scoreStatus);
- boolean flag = scoreUserManager.updateUserScoreInfoById(updateUser) > 0 ? true : false;
- if(!flag){
- log.error("generateScoreInfo updateUserScoreInfoById error, data:" + updateUser.toString());
- throw new RuntimeException("generateScoreInfo updateUserScoreInfoById error");
- }
- return true;
- }else{
- log.error("addScoreUser error,userId:" + userId + "|" + "score:" + score, e);
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }else{//更新积分用户信息
- ScoreUser updateScoreUser = contructUpdateScoreUser(dbScoreUser, score, scoreStatus);
- boolean flag = scoreUserManager.updateUserScoreInfoById(updateScoreUser) > 0 ? true : false;
- if(!flag){
- log.error("generateScoreInfo updateUserScoreInfoById error, data:" + updateScoreUser.toString());
- throw new RuntimeException("generateScoreInfo updateUserScoreInfoById error");
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
3. 看代码,不会发生死锁的,多个线程同时在执行,每个线程都开启事务,每个线程都加锁查询score_user,发现都没有查询到,那么每个线程都执行插入score_gain_stream操作,都成功,接下来,进行插入score_user,这里面只有一个线程可以成功,有唯一主键,其他线程这里会报错,接下来代码抓取异常,进行加锁查询,此时报错,死锁了
4. 理论上,报错,这里没有涉及争抢资源的情况,大家都在等待score_user释放,就一个锁,怎么会死锁呢,看来代码解决不了问题了
5. 再去查下mysql的死锁日志,看看死锁具体怎么产生的,如下图链接如何查询死锁日志
TRANSACTION 1292943095需要
RECORD LOCKS space id 553 page no 376 n bits 368 index `index_user_id` of table `tbj`.`score_user
TRANSACTION 1292943097这个已经持有
RECORD LOCKS space id 553 page no 376 n bits 368 index `index_user_id` of table `tbj`.`score_user
这个位置的S锁,这样导致TRANSACTION 1292943095无法在这个位置获得X锁
TRANSACTION 1292943097这个事务接下来也在
RECORD LOCKS space id 553 page no 376 n bits 368 index `index_user_id` of table `tbj`.`score_user
1. 为什么有一个线程会持有S锁,看前面的代码结构没有加过S锁?
2. 还有为什么TRANSACTION 1292943097这个事务不能继续加X锁提交?
- INSERT sets an exclusive lock on the inserted row. This lock is an index-record lock, not a next-key lock (that is, there is no gap lock) and does not prevent other sessions from inserting into the gap before the inserted row.Prior to inserting the row, a type of gap lock called an insertion intention gap lock is set. This lock signals the intent to insert in such a way that multiple transactions inserting into the same index gap need not wait for each other if they are not inserting at the same position within the gap.If a duplicate-key error occurs, a shared lock on the duplicate index record is set. This use of a shared lock can result in deadlock should there be multiple sessions trying to insert the same row if another session already has an exclusive lock.
- 大体的意思是:insert会对插入成功的行加上排它锁,这个排它锁是个记录锁,而非next-key锁(当然更不是gap锁了),不会阻止其他并发的事务往这条记录之前插入记录。在插入之前,会先在插入记录所在的间隙加上一个插入意向gap锁(简称I锁吧),并发的事务可以对同一个gap加I锁。如果insert 的事务出现了duplicate-key error ,事务会对duplicate index record加共享锁。这个共享锁在并发的情况下是会产生死锁的,比如有两个并发的insert都对要对同一条记录加共享锁,而此时这条记录又被其他事务加上了排它锁,排它锁的事务提交或者回滚后,两个并发的insert操作是会发生死锁的。
1. 并发插入时,不在一个事务内进行再次事务提交
2. 通过其他手段,如预创建账户,解决这个要并发插入的问题
3. 改并发为串行执行
1. mysql并发插入,出现duplicate时,会默认加S锁,这个坑啊,坑啊,要研究下为什么这么加
1. 知识体系,需要再次完善,技术无止境