


20201,    "Cosmote",          "GR"

20205,    "Vodafone GR",      "GR"
20210,    "TELESTET",         "GR"
20404,    "Vodafone NL",      "NL"
20408,    "KPN",              "NL"
20412,    "O2 - NL",          "NL"
20416,    "Ben",              "NL"
20420,    "dutchtone",        "NL"
20601,    "Proximus",         "BE"
20610,    "Mobistar",         "BE"
20620,    "Orange",           "BE"
20801,    "Orange",           "FR" 法国
20810,    "SFR",              "FR"
20820,    "BOUYGTEL",         "FR"
21303,    "Mobiland",         "AD"
21401,    "Vodafone E",       "ES"
21402,    "MoviStar",         "ES"
21403,    "AMENA",            "ES"
21404,    "Xfera",            "ES"
21407,    "MoviStar",         "ES"
21601,    "Pannon GSM",       "HU"
21630,    "Westel",           "HU"
21670,    "Vodafone",         "HU"
21803,    "ERONET",           "BA"
21805,    "Mobilna Srpska",   "BA"
21890,    "GSM BiH",          "BA"
21901,    "CRONET",           "HR"
21910,    "VIP",              "HR"
22001,    "MOBTEL",           "YU"
22002,    "ProMonte",         "YU"
22003,    "Telekom Srbija",   "YU"
22004,    "MONET",            "YU"
22201,    "TIM",              "IT"
22210,    "Vodafone IT",      "IT"
22288,    "WIND",             "IT"
22298,    "Blu SpA",          "IT"
22601,    "CONNEX",           "RO"
22603,    "Cosmorom",         "RO"
22610,    "dialog",           "RO"
22801,    "Swiss GSM",        "CH"
22802,    "sunrise",          "CH"
22803,    "Orange",           "CH"
23001,    "PAEGAS",           "CZ"
23002,    "EUROTEL",          "CZ"
23003,    "OSKAR",            "CZ"
23101,    "GLOBTEL",          "SK"
23102,    "EUROTEL",          "SK"
23201,    "A1",               "AT"
23203,    "T-Mobile",         "AT"
23205,    "ONE",              "AT"
23207,    "tele.ring",        "AT"
23410,    "O2 - UK",          "GB"
23415,    "Vodafone",         "GB"
23430,    "T-Mobile UK",      "GB"
23431,    "T-Mobile UK",      "GB"
23432,    "T-Mobile UK",      "GB"
23433,    "Orange",           "GB"
23450,    "JT GSM",           "GB"
23455,    "GUERNSEY TEL",     "GB"
23458,    "MANX",             "GB"
23801,    "TDK-MOBIL",        "DK"
23802,    "SONOFON",          "DK"
23820,    "Telia",            "DK"
23830,    "Orange",           "DK"
24001,    "Telia S",          "SE"
24007,    "IQ",               "SE"
24008,    "Vodafone",         "SE"
24201,    "TELENOR",          "NO"
24202,    "NetCom",           "NO"
24403,    "Telia",            "FI"
24405,    "RADIOLINJA",       "FI"
24409,    "FINNET",           "FI"
24412,    "2G",               "FI"
24414,    "AMT",              "FI"
24491,    "SONERA",           "FI"
24601,    "OMNITEL",          "LT"
24602,    "Bite GSM",         "LT"
24603,    "TELE2",            "LT"
24701,    "LMT GSM",          "LV"
24702,    "BALTCOM",          "LV"
24801,    "EMT GSM",          "EE"
24802,    "RLE",              "EE"
24803,    "Q GSM",            "EE"
25001,    "MTS",              "RU"
25002,    "NorthWest GSM",    "RU"
25003,    "NCC",              "RU"
25005,    "SCS",              "RU"
25007,    "SMARTS",           "RU"
25010,    "DTC",              "RU"
25011,    "Orensot",          "RU"
25012,    "Far East",         "RU"
25013,    "Kuban GSM",        "RU"
25016,    "NTC",              "RU"
25017,    "Ermak RMS",        "RU"
25028,    "EXTEL",            "RU"
25039,    "Uraltel",          "RU"
25044,    "NC-GSM",           "RU"
25091,    "Sonic Duo",        "RU"
25092,    "Primtel",          "RU"
25093,    "JSC Telecom XXI",  "RU"
25099,    "Bee Line",         "RU"
25501,    "UMC",              "UA"
25502,    "WellCOM",          "UA"
25503,    "Kyivstar",         "UA"
25505,    "Golden Telecom",   "UA"
25701,    "VELCOM",           "BY"
25901,    "VOXTEL",           "MD"
25902,    "MOLDCELL",         "MD"
26001,    "Plus GSM",         "PL"
26002,    "Era GSM",          "PL"
26003,    "IDEA",             "PL"
26201,    "T-Mobile",         "DE"
26202,    "Vodafone D2",      "DE"
26203,    "E-Plus",           "DE"
26207,    "O2 - DE",          "DE"
26213,    "Mobilcom",         "DE"
26601,    "GIBTEL",           "GI"
26801,    "Vodafone",         "PT"
26803,    "OPTIMUS",          "PT"
26806,    "TMN",              "PT"
27001,    "LUXGSM",           "LU"
27077,    "TANGO",            "LU"
27201,    "Vodafone IRL",     "IE"
27202,    "O2 - IRL",         "IE"
27203,    "METEOR",           "IE"
27401,    "SIMINN",           "IS"
27402,    "TAL",              "IS"
27404,    "Viking",           "IS"
27601,    "AMC",              "AL"
27602,    "Vodafone",         "AL"
27801,    "Vodafone Malta",   "MT"
27821,    "go mobile",        "MT"
28001,    "CYTAGSM",          "CY"
28201,    "GEOCELL",          "GE"
28202,    "Magti GSM",        "GE"
28203,    "GEO 03",           "GE"
28301,    "ARMGSM",           "AM"
28401,    "M-TEL GSM",        "BG"
28601,    "TURKCELL",         "TR"
28602,    "TELSIM",           "TR"
28603,    "ARIA",             "TR"
28604,    "AYCELL",           "TR"
28801,    "FT GSM",           "FO"
29001,    "TELE Greenland",   "GR"
29340,    "SI.MOBIL",         "SI"
29341,    "MOBITEL",          "SI"
29401,    "MOBIMAK",          "MK"
29501,    "TELECOM",          "LI"
29502,    "MONTEL",           "LI"
29505,    "FL1",              "LI"
29577,    "LI TANGO",         "LI"
30237,    "Microcell",        "CA"
30272,    "Rogers AT&T",      "CA"
31001,    "Cellnet",          "US"  美国
31011,    "Wireless 2000",    "US"
31015,    "Cingular",         "US"
31016,    "T-Mobile",         "US"
31017,    "Cingular",         "US"
31018,    "Cingular",         "US"
31020,    "T-Mobile",         "US"
31021,    "T-Mobile",         "US"
31022,    "T-Mobile",         "US"
31023,    "T-Mobile",         "US"
31024,    "T-Mobile",         "US"
31025,    "T-Mobile",         "US"
31026,    "T-Mobile",         "US"
31027,    "T-Mobile",         "US"
31031,    "T-Mobile",         "US"
31034,    "WestLink",         "US"
31035,    "Carolina",         "US"
31038,    "AT&T Wireless",    "US"
31041,    "Cingular",         "US"
31046,    "TMP Corp",         "US"
31058,    "T-Mobile",         "US"
31061,    "Epic Touch",       "US"
31063,    "AmeriLink",        "US"
31064,    "Einstein PCS",     "US"
31066,    "T-Mobile",         "US"
31067,    "Wireless 2000",    "US"
31068,    "NPI Wireless",     "US"
31069,    "Conestoga",        "US"
31074,    "Telemetrix",       "US"
31076,    "PTSI",             "US"
31077,    "Iowa Wireless",    "US"
31078,    "Airlink PCS",      "US"
31079,    "PinPoint",         "US"
31080,    "T-Mobile",         "US"
31098,    "AWS",              "US"
31114,    "Sprocket",         UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_CODE
31601,    "Nextel",           UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_CODE
33805,    "Digicel",          "JM"
34001,    "Orange ",          "FW"
34020,    "Bouygues",         "FW"
34430,    "APUA PCS",         "AG"
35001,    "Telecom",          "BM"
36251,    "Telcell GSM",      "AN"
36801,    "C_Com",            "CU"
37001,    "Orange",           "DO"
40001,    "AZERCELL GSM",     "AZ"
40002,    "BAKCELL GSM 2000", "AZ"
40101,    "K-MOBILE",         "KZ"
40102,    "K'CELL",           "KZ"
40401,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40402,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40403,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40404,    "IDEA",             "IN"
40405,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40407,    "IDEA",             "IN"
40409,    "Reliance",         "IN"
40410,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40411,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40412,    "IDEA",             "IN"
40413,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40414,    "Spice",            "IN"
40415,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40416,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40418,    "Reliance",         "IN"
40419,    "IDEA",             "IN"
40420,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40421,    "BPL Mobile",       "IN"
40422,    "IDEA",             "IN"
40424,    "IDEA",             "IN"
40427,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40429,    "Aircel",           "IN"
40430,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40431,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40434,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40436,    "Reliance",         "IN"
40437,    "Aircel",           "IN"
40438,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40440,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40441,    "RPG",              "IN"
40443,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40444,    "Spice",            "IN"
40445,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40446,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40449,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40450,    "Reliance",         "IN"
40451,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40452,    "Reliance",         "IN"
40453,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40454,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40455,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40456,    "IDEA",             "IN"
40457,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40458,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40459,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40460,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40462,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40464,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40466,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40467,    "Reliance",         "IN"
40468,    "DOLPHIN",          "IN"
40469,    "MTNL",             "IN"
40470,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40471,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40472,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40473,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40474,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40475,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40476,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40477,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40478,    "IDEA",             "IN"
40479,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40480,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40481,    "Cellone",          "IN"
40482,    "IDEA",             "IN"
40483,    "Reliance",         "IN"
40484,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40485,    "Reliance",         "IN"
40486,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40487,    "IDEA",             "IN"
40488,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40489,    "IDEA",             "IN"
40490,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40492,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40493,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40494,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40495,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40496,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40497,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40498,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40551,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40552,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40553,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40554,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40555,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40556,    "Airtel",           "IN"
40566,    "Hutch",            "IN"
40567,    "Hutch",            "IN"
41001,    "Mobilink",         "PK"
41302,    "DIALOG",           "LK"
41303,    "CELLTEL",          "LK"
41401,    "MM 900",           "MM"
41501,    "Cellis",           "LB"
41503,    "LibanCell",        "LB"
41601,    "Fastlink",         "JO"
41677,    "MobileCom",        "JO"
41702,    "Spacetel",         "SY"
41709,    "MOBILE SYRIA",     "SY"
41902,    "MTCNet",           "KW"
41903,    "WATANIYA",         "KW"
42001,    "Al-Jawal",         "SA"
42007,    "EAE",              "SA"
42102,    "Spacetel",         "YE"
42202,    "OMAN MOBILE",      "OM"
42402,    "ETISALAT",         "AE"
42501,    "Orange",           "IL"
42505,    "JAWWAL",           "IL"
42601,    "MOBILE PLUS",      "BH"
42701,    "QATARNET",         "QA"
42899,    "MobiCom",          "MN"
42901,    "NTC",              "NP"
43211,    "TCI",              "IR"
43214,    "KISH",             "IR"
43401,    "Buztel",           "UZ"
43402,    "Uzmacom",          "UZ"
43404,    "UZB DAEWOO-GSM",   "UZ"
43405,    "Coscom",           "UZ"
43701,    "BITEL",            "KG"
43801,    "BCTI",             "TM"
45201,    "MOBIFONE",         "VN"
45202,    "VINAFONE",         "VN"
45400,    "CSL",              "HK"  香港电讯
45401,    "NEW WORLD",        "HK"
45402,    "CSL",              "HK"  香港电讯
45404,    "Orange",           "HK"
45406,    "SMC",              "HK"  数码通
45410,    "NEW WORLD",        "HK"  新世界传动网
45412,    "PEOPLES",          "HK"  万众电话
45416,    "SUNDAY",           "HK"
45418,    "HK TELECOM",       "HK"  香港电讯
45500,    "SmarTone",         UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_CODE //macau
45501,    "CTMGSM",           UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_CODE
45503,    "HT Macau",         UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_CODE
45601,    "MobiTel",          "KH"
45602,    "SAMART-GSM",       "KH"
45701,    "LAO GSM",          "LA"
46000,    "CHINA MOBILE",     "CN"  中国移动TD
46001,    "CHN-CUGSM",        "CN"  中国联通
46002,    "CHINA MOBILE",     "CN"  中国移动GSM

46003,    "CHINA TELECOM",    "CN"  中国电信CDMA
46601,    "Far EasTone",      "TW"  远传电讯
46606,    "TUNTEX",           "TW"
46668,    "ACeS",             "TW"
46688,    "KGT",              "TW"  和信电讯
46692,    "Chunghwa",         "TW"  中华电讯
46693,    "MobiTai",          "TW"  东信电讯
46697,    "TWN GSM",          "TW"  台湾大哥大
46699,    "TransAsia",        "TW"  泛亚电讯
47001,    "GrameemPhone",     "BD"
47002,    "AKTEL",            "BD"
47003,    "ShebaWorld",       "BD"
47019,    "Mobile 2000",      "BD"
47201,    "DHIMOBILE",        "MV"
50212,    "Maxis Mobile",     "MY"
50213,    "TM Touch",         "MY"
50216,    "DiGi",             "MY"
50217,    "ADAM",             "MY"
50219,    "CELCOM",           "MY"
50501,    "MobileNet",        "AU"
50502,    "OPTUS",            "AU"
50503,    "Vodafone",         "AU"
50508,    "One.Tel",          "AU"
51000,    "ACeS",             "ID"
51001,    "SATELINDOCEL",     "ID"
51008,    "LIPPO TEL",        "ID"
51010,    "TELKOMSEL",        "ID"
51011,    "GSM-XL",           "ID"
51021,    "INDOSAT",          "ID"
51501,    "ISLACOM",          "PH"
51502,    "Globe",            "PH"
51503,    "SMART",            "PH"
51505,    "Digitel",          "PH"
51511,    "ACeS",             "PH"
52001,    "AIS GSM",          "TH"
52015,    "ACT Mobile",       "TH"
52018,    "WP-1800",          "TH"
52020,    "ACeS",             "TH"
52023,    "HELLO",            "TH"
52099,    "Orange",           "TH"
52501,    "ST-GSM-SGP",       "SG"
52502,    "ST-GSM1800-SGP",   "SG"
52503,    "M1-GSM-SGP",       "SG"
52504,    "SGP-M1-3GSM",      "SG"
52505,    "STARHUB-SGP",      "SG"
52811,    "BRU TSTCom",       "BN"
53001,    "Vodafone",         "NZ"
53901,    "Tonga Comm.",      "TO"
54100,    "ACeS",             "VU"
54101,    "SMILE",            "VU"
54201,    "Vodafone",         "FJ"
54411,    "Blue Sky",         "AS"
54601,    "MOBILIS",          "NC"
54720,    "VINI",             "PF"
55001,    "FSM",              "FM"
60201,    "MobiNiL",          "EG"
60202,    "CLICK GSM",        "EG"
60301,    "AMN",              "DZ"
60400,    "Meditel",          "MA"
60401,    "IAM",              "MA"
60502,    "TUNICELL",         "TN"
60801,    "ALIZE",            "SN"
60802,    "SENTEL",           "SN"
61001,    "MALITEL",          "ML"
61101,    "MOBILIS",          "GN"
61102,    "LAGUI",            "GN"
61201,    "CORA",             "CI"
61203,    "Ivoiris",          "CI"
61205,    "TELECEL",          "CI"
61302,    "CELTEL",           "BF"
61402,    "CELTEL",           "NE"
61501,    "TOGOCEL",          "TG"
61601,    "LIBERCOM",         "BJ"
61602,    "Telecel Benin",    "BJ"
61603,    "BENINCELL",        "BJ"
61701,    "CELLPLUS",         "MU"
61710,    "EMTEL",            "MU"
61801,    "Omega",            "LR"
62001,    "SPACEFON",         "GH"
62002,    "ONEtouch",         "GH"
62003,    "MOBITEL",          "GH"
62100,    "MTN",              "NG"
62120,    "ECONET",           "NG"
62130,    "MTN",              "NG"
62140,    "NITEL GSM",        "NG"
62201,    "CELTEL",           "TD"
62202,    "LIBERTIS",         "TD"
62401,    "MTN-CAM",          "CM"
62402,    "MOBILIS",          "CM"
62501,    "CPV MOVEL",        "CV"
62801,    "LIBERTIS",         "GA"
62802,    "GO Celtel",        "GA"
62803,    "CELTEL",           "GA"
62901,    "CELTEL",           "CG"
62910,    "LIBERTIS",         "CG"
63001,    "CELLNET",          "CD"
63002,    "CELTEL",           "CD"
63004,    "CELLCO",           "CD"
63089,    "OASIS",            "CD"
63301,    "SEYCEL",           "SC"
63310,    "AIRTEL",           "SC"
63401,    "MobiTel",          "MZ"
63510,    "Rwandacell",       "RW"
63601,    "ETMTN",            "ET"
63701,    "BARAKAAT",         "SO"
63902,    "Safaricom",        "KE"
63903,    "KENCELL",          "KE"
64001,    "TRITEL",           "TZ"
64002,    "MobiTel",          "TZ"
64003,    "ZANTEL",           "TZ"
64004,    "Vodacom",          "TZ"
64005,    "CELTEL",           "TZ"
64101,    "CelTel",           "UG"
64110,    "MTN-UGANDA",       "UG"
64111,    "UTL TELECEL",      "UG"
64201,    "Spacetel",         "BI"
64202,    "SAFARIS",          "BI"
64301,    "mCel",             UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_CODE
64501,    "ZAMCELL",          UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_CODE
64502,    "TELECEL",          UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_CODE
64601,    "Madacom",          "MG"
64602,    "ANTARIS",          "MG"
64700,    "Orange Reunion",   "RE"
64710,    "SFR Reunion",      "RE"
64801,    "NET*ONE",          "ZW"
64803,    "TELECEL",          "ZW"
64804,    "ECONET",           "ZW"
64901,    "MTC",              "NA"
65001,    "CALLPOINT 90",     "MW"
65010,    "CelTel",           "MW"
65101,    "Vodacom",          "LS"
65201,    "MASCOM",           "BW"
65202,    "VISTA",            "BW"
65310,    "SwaziMTN",         "SZ"
65501,    "Vodacom",          "ZA"
65507,    "Cell C (Pty) Ltd", "ZA"
65510,    "MTN",              "ZA"
70601,    "PERSONAL",         "SV"
70602,    "DIGICEL",          "SV"
71610,    "TIM",              "PE"
72207,    "UNIFON",           "AR"
72234,    "Telecom Personal", "AR"
72235,    "PORT-HABLE",       "AR"
72402,    "TIM BRASIL",       "BR"
72403,    "TIM BRASIL",       "BR"
72404,    "TIM BRASIL",       "BR"
72405,    "Claro",            "BR"
72416,    "BrTCel",           "BR"
73001,    "ENTEL PCS",        "CL"
73010,    "ENTEL PCS",        "CL"
73401,    "INFONET",          "VE"
73402,    "DIGITEL",          "VE"
73601,    "NUEVATEL",         "BO"
73602,    "ENTEL",            "BO"
74401,    "VOX",              "PY"
74402,    "PY 02",            "PY"
74601,    "ICMS",             "SR"
90105,    "Thuraya",          UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_CODE

202, "Greece",   "GR", "希腊"
204, "Netherlands, The", "NL", "荷兰"
206, "Belgium",  "BE", "比利时"
208, "France",  "FR", "法国"
213, "Andorra",  "AD", "安道尔共和国"
214, "Spain",  "ES", "西班牙"
216, "Hungary",  "HU", "匈牙利"
218, "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "BA", ""
219, "Croatia",  "HR", "克罗地亚"
220, "Serbia and Montenegro", "CS", "塞尔维亚和黑山"
222, "Italy",  "IT", "意大利"
226, "Romania",  "RO", "罗马尼亚"
228, "Switzerland", "CH", "瑞士"
230, "Czech Republic", "CZ", "捷克"
231, "Slovakia", "SK", "斯洛伐克"
232, "Austria",  "AT", "奥地利"
234, "United Kingdom", "GB", "英国"
238, "Denmark",  "DK", "丹麦"
240, "Sweden",  "SE", "瑞典"
242, "Norway",  "NO", "挪威"
244, "Finland",  "FI", "芬兰"
246, "Lithuania", "LT", "立陶宛"
247, "Latvia",  "LV", "拉脱维亚"
248, "Estonia",  "EE", "爱沙尼亚"
250, "Russia",  "RU", "俄罗斯"
255, "Ukraine",  "UA", "乌克兰"
257, "Belarus",  "BY", ""
259, "Moldova",  "MD", ""
260, "Poland",  "PL", "波兰"
262, "Germany",  "DE", "德国"
266, "Gibraltar", "GI", "直布罗陀"
268, "Portugal", "PT", "葡萄牙"
270, "Luxembourg", "LU", "卢森堡"
272, "Ireland",  "IE", "爱尔兰"
274, "Iceland",  "IS", "冰岛"
276, "Albania",  "AL", "阿尔巴尼亚"
278, "Malta",  "MT", "马耳他"
280, "Cyprus",  "CY", "塞浦路斯"
282, "Georgia",  "GE", "乔治亚州"
283, "Armenia",  "AM", "亚美尼亚"
284, "Bulgaria", "BG", "保加利亚"
286, "Turkey",  "TR", "土耳其"
288, "Faroe Islands", "FO", ""
290, "Greenland", "GL", "格陵兰岛"
293, "Slovenia", "SI", "斯洛文尼亚"
294, "Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of","MK", ""
295, "Liechtenstein", "LI", ""
302, "Canada",  "CA", "加拿大"
310, "United States", "US", "美国"
334, "Mexico",  "MX", "墨西哥"
338, "Jamaica",  "JM", "牙买加"
340, "French West Indies", "FW", ""
342, "Barbados", "BB", ""
344, "Antigua and Barbuda", "AG", ""
346, "Cayman Islands", "KY", ""
350, "Bermuda",  "BM", "百慕大"
352, "Grenada",  "GD", ""
362, "Netherlands Antillies", "AN", ""
363, "Aruba",  "AW", ""
368, "Cuba",  "CU", "古巴"
370, "Dominican Republic", "DO", ""
374, "Trinidad and Tobago", "TT", ""
400, "Azerbaijan", "AZ", ""
401, "Kazakhstan", "KZ", "哈萨克"
402, "Bhutan",  "BT", "不丹"
404, "India",  "IN", "印度"
410, "Pakistan", "PK", "巴基斯坦"
412, "Afghanistan", "AF", "阿富汗"
413, "Sri Lanka", "LK", ""
414, "Myanmar",  "MM", "缅甸"
415, "Lebanon",  "LB", "黎巴嫩"
416, "Jordan",  "JO", "约旦"
417, "Syria",  "SY", "叙利亚"
418, "Iraq",  "IQ", "伊拉克"
419, "Kuwait",  "KW", "科威特"
420, "Saudi Arabia", "SA", ""
421, "Yemen",  "YE", "也门"
422, "Oman",  "OM", "阿曼"
424, "United Arab Emirates","AE", "阿拉伯联合酋长国"
425, "Israel",  "IL", "以色列"
426, "Bahrain",  "BH", "巴林岛"
427, "Qatar",  "QA", "卡塔尔"
428, "Mongolia", "MN", "蒙古"
429, "Nepal",  "NP", "尼泊尔"
432, "Iran",  "IR", "伊朗"
434, "Uzbekistan", "UZ", "乌兹别克斯坦"
437, "Kyrgyzstan", "KG", ""
438, "Turkmenistan","TM", "土库曼斯坦"
452, "Vietnam",  "VN", "越南"
454, "Hong Kong", "HK", "香港"
456, "Cambodia", "KH", "柬埔寨"
457, "Laos",  "LA", "老挝"
460, "China",  "CN", "中国"
466, "Taiwan",  "TW", "台湾"
467, "North Korea", "KP", "南韩"
470, "Bangladesh", "BD", "孟加拉国"
472, "Maldives", "MV", "马尔代夫"
502, "Malaysia", "MY", "马来西亚"
505, "Australia", "AU", "澳大利亚"
510, "Indonesia", "ID", "印尼"
515, "Philippines", "PH", "菲律宾"
520, "Thailand", "TH", "泰国"
525, "Singapore", "SG", "新加坡"
528, "Brunei",  "BN", "汶莱"
530, "New Zealand", "NZ", ""
539, "Tonga",  "TO", "东加"
541, "Vanuatu",  "VU", ""
542, "Fiji Islands","FJ", ""
544, "American Samoa", "AS", "萨摩亚" 
546, "New Caledonia","NC", ""
547, "French Polynesia","PF", "波利尼西亚" 
550, "Micronesia", "FM", ""
602, "Egypt",  "EG", "埃及"
603, "Algeria",  "DZ", "阿尔及利亚"
604, "Morocco",  "MA", "摩洛哥"
605, "Tunisia",  "TN", "突尼斯"
607, "Gambia, The", "GM", "冈比亚"
608, "Senegal",  "SN", "塞内加尔"
609, "Mauritania", "MR", ""
610, "Mali",  "ML", "马里"
611, "Guinea",  "GN", "几内亚"
612, "C?te d’Ivoire", "CI", ""
613, "Burkina Faso", "BF", ""
614, "Niger",  "NE", ""
615, "Togo",  "TG", "多哥"
616, "Benin",  "BJ", "贝南"
617, "Mauritius", "MU", "毛里求斯"
618, "Liberia",  "LR", "利比里亚"
620, "Ghana",  "GH", "加纳"
621, "Nigeria",  "NG", "尼日利亚"
622, "Chad",  "TD", "乍得"
623, "Central African Republic","CF", "中非"
624, "Cameroon", "CM", "喀麦隆"
625, "Cape Verde", "CV", ""
626, "S?o Tomé and Príncipe", "ST", ""
627, "Equatorial Guinea", "GQ", ""
628, "Gabon",  "GA", "加蓬"
629, "Congo",  "CG", "刚果"
630, "Congo (DRC)", "CD", "刚果"
631, "Angola",  "AO", "安哥拉"
633, "Seychelles", "SC", ""
634, "Mozambique", "MZ", "莫桑比克"
634, "Sudan",  "SD", "苏丹"
635, "Rwanda",  "RW", "卢安达"
636, "Ethiopia", "ET", "埃塞俄比亚"
637, "Somalia",  "SO", "索马里"
639, "Kenya",  "KE", "肯尼亚"
640, "Tanzania", "TZ", "坦桑尼亚"
641, "Uganda",  "UG", "乌干达"
642, "Burundi",  "BI", "布隆迪"
646, "Madagascar", "MG", "马达加斯加"
647, "Reunion",  "RE", ""
648, "Zimbabwe", "ZW", "津巴布韦"
649, "Namibia",  "NA", "纳米比亚"
650, "Malawi",  "MW", "马拉维"
651, "Lesotho",  "LS", ""
652, "Botswana", "BW", ""
653, "Swaziland", "SZ", ""
654, "Zambia",  "ZM", "赞比亚"
655, "South Africa","ZA", "南非"
702, "Belize",  "BZ", ""
706, "El Salvador", "SV", ""
710, "Nicaragua", "NI", "尼加拉瓜"
712, "Costa Rica", "CR", ""
716, "Peru",  "PE", "秘鲁"
722, "Argentina", "AR", "阿根廷"
724, "Brazil",  "BR", "巴西"
730, "Chile",  "CL", "智利"
734, "Venezuela", "VE", "委内瑞拉"
736, "Bolivia",  "BO", "玻利维亚"
744, "Paraguay", "PY", "巴拉圭"
746, "Suriname", "SR", ""



MCCMNC MCC MNC CountryNetwork / operator
28967 289 67 AbkhaziaAquafon
28968 289 68 AbkhaziaA-Mobile
28988 289 88 AbkhaziaA-Mobile
41201 412 1 AfghanistanAfghan Wireless/AWCC
41220 412 20 AfghanistanRoshan (Telecom Development Company Afghanistan)
41230 412 30 AfghanistanEtisalat
41240 412 40 AfghanistanAreeba (MTN)
41250 412 50 AfghanistanEtisalat
41280 412 80 AfghanistanAfghan Telecom Corp. (AT)
41288 412 88 AfghanistanAfghan Telecom Corp. (AT)
27601 276 1 AlbaniaAMC Mobil
27602 276 2 AlbaniaVodafone
27603 276 3 AlbaniaEagle Mobile
27604 276 4 AlbaniaPLUS Communication Sh.a
60301 603 1 AlgeriaATM Mobils
60302 603 2 AlgeriaOrascom / DJEZZY
60303 603 3 AlgeriaWataniya / Nedjma
54411 544 11 American SamoaBlue Sky Communications
544998 544 998 American SamoaAmerican Samoa Telecom
21303 213 3 Andorra

Mobiland (Servei De Tele. Dandorra) (Andorra Telecom)


63102 631 2 AngolaUnitel
63103 631 3 AngolaAngola Telecom (AKA MoviCel)
63104 631 4 AngolaMoviCel
365010 365 10 AnguillaDigicell / Wireless Vent. Ltd / Weblinks
365050 365 50 AnguillaDigicell
365840 365 840 AnguillaCable and Wireless
344030 344 30 Antigua and BarbudaAPUA PCS  (Antigua Public Utilities Authority) / imobile
344050 344 50 Antigua and BarbudaDigicel
344920 344 920 Antigua and BarbudaLIME (C & W)
344930 344 930 Antigua and BarbudaCing. Wirel./Digicel
722010 722 10 Argentina RepublicMovistar (Compania De Radiocomunicaciones Moviles SA)
722020 722 20 Argentina RepublicNextel /  NII Holdings Inc (AG)
722040 722 40 Argentina RepublicGlobalstar
722070 722 70 Argentina RepublicMovistar/Telefonica
722310 722 310 Argentina RepublicClaro/ CTI/AMX
722320 722 320 Argentina RepublicClaro/ CTI/AMX
722330 722 330 Argentina RepublicClaro/ CTI/AMX
722340 722 340 Argentina RepublicTelecom Personal S.A.
722341 722 341 Argentina RepublicTelecom Personal S.A.
722350 722 350 Argentina RepublicPORT-HABLE (Hutchison Telecommunications Argentina)
28301 283 1 ArmeniaBeeline/ArmenTel (Armenia Telephone Company)
28304 283 4 ArmeniaKarabakh Telecom
28305 283 5 ArmeniaVivacell (K Telecom CJSC)
28310 283 10 ArmeniaOrange
36301 363 1 ArubaSetar GSM
36302 363 2 ArubaDigicel
36320 363 20 ArubaDigicel / New Millenium Telecom Services (NMTS)
50501 505 1 AustraliaTelstra Corp. Ltd.
50502 505 2 AustraliaSingtel Optus
50503 505 3 AustraliaVodafone
50504 505 4 AustraliaDepartment of Defense
50505 505 5 AustraliaThe Ozitel Network Pty.
50506 505 6 AustraliaVodafone Hutchinson Australia (AKA Crazy John's)
50507 505 7 AustraliaVodafone
50508 505 8 AustraliaRailcorp/Vodafone
50509 505 9 AustraliaAirnet Commercial Australia Ltd..
50511 505 11 AustraliaTelstra Corp. Ltd.
50512 505 12 AustraliaVodafone Hutchinson Australia (AKA Crazy John's)
50513 505 13 AustraliaRailcorp/Vodafone
50514 505 14 AustraliaAAPT Ltd.
50516 505 16 AustraliaVictorian Rail Track Corp. (VicTrack)
50519 505 19 AustraliaLycamobile Pty Ltd
50524 505 24 AustraliaAdvanced Comm Tech Pty.
50526 505 26 AustraliaDialogue Communications Pty Ltd
50532 505 32 AustraliaThales Australia
50538 505 38 AustraliaVodafone (previously Crazy John's)
50571 505 71 AustraliaTelstra Corp. Ltd.
50572 505 72 AustraliaTelstra Corp. Ltd.
50588 505 88 AustraliaLocalstar Holding Pty. Ltd
50590 505 90 AustraliaSingtel Optus
50599 505 99 AustraliaRailcorp/Vodafone
23200 232 0 AustriaFix Line
23201 232 1 AustriaA1 MobilKom
23202 232 2 AustriaA1 MobilKom
23203 232 3 AustriaT-Mobile
23204 232 4 AustriaT-Mobile
23205 232 5 AustriaOrange/One Connect (Drei/Three)
23206 232 6 AustriaOrange/One Connect
23207 232 7 AustriaT-Mobile/Telering
23208 232 8 AustriaTelefonica
23209 232 9 AustriaA1 MobilKom
23210 232 10 AustriaH3G
23211 232 11 AustriaA1 MobilKom
23212 232 12 Austriayesss! (Orange/One Connect)
23214 232 14 AustriaH3G
23215 232 15 AustriaT-Mobile/Telering
23216 232 16 AustriaH3G
40001 400 1 AzerbaijanAzercell Telekom B.M.
40002 400 2 AzerbaijanJ.V. Bakcell GSM 2000
40003 400 3 AzerbaijanCaspian American Telecommunications LLC (CATEL)
40004 400 4 AzerbaijanAzerfon.
40005 400 5 AzerbaijanSpecial State Protection Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan
36430 364 30 BahamasBahamas Telco. Comp.
36439 364 39 BahamasBahamas Telco. Comp.
364390 364 390 BahamasBahamas Telco. Comp.
42601 426 1 BahrainBatelco
42602 426 2 BahrainMTC Vodafone (Zain)
42603 426 3 BahrainCivil Aviation Authority
42604 426 4 BahrainVIVA (Saudi Telecom Company Group)
42605 426 5 BahrainBatelco / Royal Court
47001 470 1 BangladeshGrameenPhone
47002 470 2 BangladeshRobi/Axoata (formerly Aktel)
47003 470 3 BangladeshBanlalink / Orascom
47004 470 4 BangladeshTeleTalk
47005 470 5 BangladeshCitycell
47006 470 6 BangladeshCitycell
47007 470 7 BangladeshAirtel/Warid
342050 342 50 BarbadosDigicel
342600 342 600 BarbadosLIME (C & W BET Ltd.)
342750 342 750 BarbadosDigicel
342810 342 810 BarbadosCingular Wireless (AT&T)
342820 342 820 BarbadosSunbeach
25701 257 1 BelarusVelcom (Mobile Digital Communications)
25702 257 2 BelarusMTS
25703 257 3 BelarusBelCel JV
25704 257 4 Belarus"Life :)" (Formlery BeST)
25705 257 5 BelarusRepublican Unitary Telecommunication Enterprise (RUE) Beltelecom (National Telecommunications Operator of the Republic of Belarus)
25706 257 6 BelarusBelorussian Cloud Technologies
257501 257 501 BelarusBelJel JV
20601 206 1 BelgiumBelgacom/Proximus
20602 206 2 BelgiumSNCT/NMBS
20605 206 5 BelgiumTelenet BidCo NV
20606 206 6 BelgiumLycamobile (MVNO under Mobistar)
20607 206 7 BelgiumMundio Mobile Belgium
20610 206 10 BelgiumMobistar/Orange
20615 206 15 BelgiumElephant Talk Communications Schweiz
20620 206 20 BelgiumBase/KPN
20640 206 40 BelgiumJoin Experience (Belgium)
70267 702 67 BelizeDigiCell (Belize Telemedia Ltd.)
70268 702 68 BelizeInternational Telco (INTELCO)
70299 702 99 BelizeSpeednet (Smart)
61600 616 0 BeninBell Benin/BBCOM
61601 616 1 BeninLibercom (Benin Telecoms Mobile)
61602 616 2 BeninEtisalat/MOOV/Telecel Benin
61603 616 3 BeninMTN/Spacetel
61604 616 4 BeninBell Benin/BBCOM
61605 616 5 BeninGloMobile
31059 310 59 BermudaCellularOne Bermuda
350000 350 0 BermudaBermuda Digital Communications Ltd (CellOne)
35000 350 0 BermudaCellOne / Bermuda Digital Communications Ltd (BDC)
35001 350 1 BermudaTelecommunications (Bermuda & West Indies) Ltd (Digicel Bermuda)
35002 350 2 BermudaM3 Wireless Ltd (Mobility Ltd)
338050 338 50 BermudaDigicell Bermuda
35010 350 10 BermudaDigiCel / Cingular
35003 350 3 BermudaCellOne Ltd
40211 402 11 BhutanB-Mobile
40217 402 17 BhutanBhutan Telecom Ltd (BTL)
40277 402 77 BhutanTashiCell
73601 736 1 BoliviaNuevatel
73602 736 2 BoliviaEntel Pcs
73603 736 3 BoliviaTigo / TELECEL BOLIVIA
36291 362 91 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaUnited Telecommunications Services NV (UTS) (SETEL)
21803 218 3 Bosnia & Herzegov.Eronet Mobile / Public Enterprise Croation Telecom
21805 218 5 Bosnia & Herzegov.M-Tel / RS Telecommunications JSC Banja Luka
21890 218 90 Bosnia & Herzegov.BH Mobile
65200 652 0 Botswana 
65201 652 1 BotswanaMascom Wireless (Pty) Ltd.
65202 652 2 BotswanaOrange
65204 652 4 BotswanaBTC Mobile / Botswana Telecommunications Corporation
72400 724 0 BrazilNextel (Telet) / NII Holdings, Inc
72401 724 1 BrazilVivo S.A./Telemig (Sisteer Do Brasil)
72402 724 2 BrazilTIM (Telecom Italia)
72403 724 3 BrazilTIM (Telecom Italia)
72404 724 4 BrazilTIM (Telecom Italia)
72405 724 5 BrazilClaro/Albra/America Movil
72406 724 6 BrazilVivo S.A./Telemig
72407 724 7 BrazilCTBC/Triangulo
72408 724 8 BrazilTIM (Telecom Italia)
72410 724 10 BrazilVivo S.A./Telemig
72411 724 11 BrazilVivo S.A./Telemig
72412 724 12 BrazilClaro/Albra/America Movil
72415 724 15 BrazilSercomtel Cel
72416 724 16 BrazilBrazil Telcom (BRT celular)
72418 724 18 BrazilDatora (MVNO)
72419 724 19 BrazilVivo S.A./Telemig
72423 724 23 BrazilVivo S.A./Telemig /Amazonia
72424 724 24 BrazilAmazonia Celular S/A
72430 724 30 BrazilOi (TNL PCS / Oi)
72431 724 31 BrazilOi (TNL PCS / Oi)
72432 724 32 BrazilCTBC Celular SA (CTBC)
72433 724 33 BrazilCTBC Celular SA (CTBC)
72434 724 34 BrazilCTBC Celular SA (CTBC)
72435 724 35 BrazilTelcom
72436 724 36 BrazilOptions
72437 724 37 BrazilUnicel do Brasil Telecomunicacoes Ltda
72438 724 38 BrazilClaro/Albra/America Movil
72439 724 39 BrazilNextel (Telet) / NII Holdings, Inc.
72454 724 54 BrazilPorto Seguro Telecomunicacoes (MVNO)
72499 724 99 BrazilLocal (STFC)
348170 348 170 British Virgin IslandsLIME (Cable & Wireless)
348570 348 570 British Virgin IslandsCaribbean Cellular / CCT Boatphone
348770 348 770 British Virgin IslandsDigicel
52801 528 1 Brunei DarussalamTelekom Brunei Bhd (TelBru) (Jabatann Telekom Brunei)
52802 528 2 Brunei Darussalamb-mobile
52811 528 11 Brunei DarussalamDatastream (DTSCom)
28401 284 1 BulgariaMobilTel AD
28403 284 3 BulgariaBTC Mobile EOOD (vivatel)
28405 284 5 BulgariaCosmo Mobile EAD/Globul
28406 284 6 BulgariaBTC Mobile EOOD (vivatel)
61301 613 1 Burkina FasoTeleMob-OnaTel
61302 613 2 Burkina FasoAirTel/ZAIN/CelTel
61303 613 3 Burkina FasoTeleCel
41401 414 1 Burma / MyanmarMyanmar Post & Teleco.
41405 414 5 Burma / MyanmarOoredoo
41406 414 6 Burma / MyanmarTelenor Myanmar
64201 642 1 BurundiSpacetel / Econet
64202 642 2 BurundiAfricel / Safaris
64203 642 3 BurundiOnatel / Telecel
64207 642 7 BurundiSmart Mobile / LACELL
64208 642 8 BurundiHiTs Telecom
64282 642 82 BurundiLeo (formerly U-COM (formerly Telecel)) / Orascom Telecom
45601 456 1 CambodiaMobitel/Cam GSM
45602 456 2 CambodiaSmart Axiata (formerly Hello Axiata and Smart Mobile)/Malaysia Telcom
45603 456 3 CambodiaQB/ Cambodia Advance Communications Co. Ltd (CADCOMMS)
45604 456 4 CambodiaQB/ Cambodia Advance Communications Co. Ltd (CADCOMMS)
45605 456 5 CambodiaLatelz Company Limited (Smart Mobile)
45606 456 6 CambodiaLatelz Company Limited (Smart Mobile)
45608 456 8 CambodiaMetfone
45609 456 9 CambodiaSotelco Ltd (Beeline Cambodia)
45611 456 11 CambodiaExcell
45618 456 18 CambodiaMFone/Camshin
62401 624 1 CameroonMTN
62402 624 2 CameroonOrange
62404 624 4 CameroonNextel (ex Viettel Cameroon)
302220 302 220 CanadaTelus Mobility
302221 302 221 CanadaTelus Mobility
302222 302 222 CanadaTelus Mobility
302250 302 250 CanadaALO Mobile Inc
302270 302 270 CanadaBragg Communications
302290 302 290 CanadaAirtel Wireless
302320 302 320 CanadaMobilicity / Dave Wireless
302340 302 340 CanadaExeculink
302350 302 350 CanadaFIRST Networks Operations
302360 302 360 CanadaTelus Mobility (Clearnet)
302370 302 370 CanadaFIDO (Rogers AT&T/ Microcell)
302380 302 380 CanadaDMTS Mobility  / Dryden Moblility / Keewaytinook Okimakinak
302390 302 390 CanadaDMTS Mobility  / Dryden Moblility
302480 302 480 CanadaSSi Connexions
302490 302 490 CanadaWIND (Globalive Wireless)
302500 302 500 CanadaVideotron
302510 302 510 CanadaVideotron
302520 302 520 CanadaVideotron
302530 302 530 CanadaKeewatinook Okimakinak
302560 302 560 CanadaLynx Mobility
302570 302 570 CanadaLightSquared
302590 302 590 CanadaQuadro Communication
302610 302 610 CanadaBell Mobility
302620 302 620 CanadaIce Wireless
302630 302 630 CanadaBell Aliant
302640 302 640 CanadaBell Mobility / Latitude Wireless
302651 302 651 CanadaBell Mobility
302652 302 652 CanadaBC Tel Mobility
302653 302 653 CanadaTelus Mobility
302654 302 654 CanadaSask Tel Mobility
302655 302 655 CanadaMTS Mobility
302656 302 656 CanadaTbay Mobility
302657 302 657 CanadaQuebectel Mobility
302660 302 660 CanadaMTS Mobility
302670 302 670 CanadaCityWest/CityTel Mobility
302680 302 680 CanadaSask Tel Mobility
302690 302 690 CanadaBell Mobility
302701 302 701 CanadaNB Tel Mobility
302702 302 702 CanadaMT&T Mobility
302703 302 703 CanadaNew Tel Mobility
302710 302 710 CanadaGlobalstar Canada
302720 302 720 CanadaRogers AT&T Wireless
302730 302 730 CanadaTerreStar Solutions
302740 302 740 CanadaShaw Telecom
302750 302 750 CanadaSask Tel Mobility
302760 302 760 CanadaPublic Mobile
302770 302 770 CanadaRural Com
302780 302 780 CanadaSask Tel Mobility
302790 302 790 CanadaNetSet Communications
302860 302 860 CanadaTelus Mobility
302880 302 880 CanadaTelus Communications company (possibly others too)
302940 302 940 CanadaWrightman Telecom
302990 302 990 CanadaTest
62501 625 1 Cape VerdeCV Movel
62502 625 2 Cape VerdeT+ Telecom (Unitel)
346006 346 6 Cayman IslandsDigicel Ltd
346050 346 50 Cayman IslandsDigicel Cayman Ltd
346140 346 140 Cayman IslandsLIME / Cable & Wirel.
346380 346 380 Cayman IslandsCingular Wireless (AT&T)
346998 346 998 Cayman IslandsWireless Ventures Cayman Islands
62301 623 1 Central African Rep.Centrafr. Telecom+
62302 623 2 Central African Rep.Telecel Centraf.
62303 623 3 Central African Rep.Orange/Celca
62304 623 4 Central African Rep.Nationlink
62201 622 1 ChadZain/Airtel/Celtel
62202 622 2 ChadTchad Mobile
62203 622 3 ChadTigo/Milicom/Tchad Mobile
62204 622 4 ChadSalam/Sotel
62207 622 7 ChadSalam/Sotel
73000 730 0 ChileTESAM SA
73001 730 1 ChileEntel Telefonia Mov
73002 730 2 ChileTELEFONICA
73003 730 3 ChileClaro
73004 730 4 ChileNextel SA
73005 730 5 ChileNextel SA
73006 730 6 ChileBlue Two Chile SA
73007 730 7 ChileTELEFONICA
73008 730 8 ChileVTR Banda Ancha SA
73009 730 9 ChileNextel SA
73010 730 10 ChileEntel PCS
73011 730 11 ChileCelupago SA
73012 730 12 ChileTelestar Movil SA
73013 730 13 ChileTribe Mobile SPA
73014 730 14 ChileNetline Telefonica Movil Ltda
73015 730 15 ChileCibeles Telecom SA
46000 460 0 ChinaChina Mobile GSM
46002 460 2 ChinaChina Mobile GSM
46007 460 7 ChinaChina Mobile GSM
46004 460 4 ChinaChina Space Mobile Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd (China Spacecom)
46003 460 3 ChinaChina Telecom
46005 460 5 ChinaChina Telecom
46001 460 1 ChinaChina Unicom
46006 460 6 ChinaChina Unicom
46011 460 11 ChinaChina Unicom
732001 732 1 ColombiaTIGO/Colombia Movil
732002 732 2 ColombiaEdatel S.A
732020 732 20 ColombiaUNE EPM Telecomunicaciones SA ESP
732101 732 101 ColombiaComcel S.A. Occel S.A./Celcaribe
732102 732 102 ColombiaMovistar
732103 732 103 ColombiaTIGO/Colombia Movil
732111 732 111 ColombiaTIGO/Colombia Movil
732123 732 123 ColombiaMovistar (Telefónica Móviles Colombia)
732130 732 130 ColombiaAvantel SAS
732142 732 142 ColombiaUNE EPM Telecomunicaciones SA ESP
732154 732 154 ColombiaVirgin Mobile Colombia SAS
65401 654 1 ComorosHURI - SNPT
63001 630 1 Congo, Dem. Rep.Vodacom
63002 630 2 Congo, Dem. Rep.ZAIN CelTel
63005 630 5 Congo, Dem. Rep.SuperCell
63086 630 86 Congo, Dem. Rep.Orange RDC sarl
63088 630 88 Congo, Dem. Rep.Yozma Timeturns sprl (YTT)
63089 630 89 Congo, Dem. Rep.TIGO/Oasis
63090 630 90 Congo, Dem. Rep.Africell
62901 629 1 Congo, RepublicAirtel Congo SA (formery Celtel)
62907 629 7 Congo, RepublicWarid
62910 629 10 Congo, RepublicMTN/Libertis
62902 629 2 Congo, RepublicZain/Celtel
54801 548 1 Cook IslandsTelecom Cook Islands
71201 712 1 Costa RicaICE
71202 712 2 Costa RicaICE
71203 712 3 Costa RicaClaro
71204 712 4 Costa RicaMovistar (Telefonica Moviles Costa Rica)
71220 712 20 Costa RicaVirtualis / fullmovil
21901 219 1 CroatiaT-Mobile/Cronet
21902 219 2 CroatiaTele2
21910 219 10 CroatiaVIPnet d.o.o.
36801 368 1 CubaC-COM (cubacel) / ETECSA
36269 362 69 CuracaoPolycom N.V./ Curacao Telecom d.b.a. Digicel
36295 362 95 CuracaoEOCG Wireless NV
28001 280 1 CyprusVodafone/CyTa
28010 280 10 CyprusMTN/Areeba
28020 280 20 CyprusPrimeTel PLC
28022 280 22 CyprusLemontel Ltd
23001 230 1 Czech RepublicT-Mobile / RadioMobil
23002 230 2 Czech RepublicO2
23003 230 3 Czech RepublicVodafone (formerly Oskar Mobil (formlerly Cesky))
23004 230 4 Czech RepublicUfone
23005 230 5 Czech RepublicTravel Telekommunikation s.r.o.
23007 230 7 Czech RepublicAstelnet
23008 230 8 Czech RepublicCompatel s.r.o.
23098 230 98 Czech RepublicSpráva železni?ní dopravní cesty (Railway)
23099 230 99 Czech RepublicVodafone
23801 238 1 DenmarkTDC Denmark
23802 238 2 DenmarkTelenor (former Sonofon)
23803 238 3 DenmarkMach Connectivity ApS
23804 238 4 DenmarkNextGen Mobile Ltd (CardBoardFish)
23806 238 6 DenmarkHi3G
23807 238 7 DenmarkBarablu Denmark
23808 238 8 DenmarkNordisk Mobiltelefon Danmark A/S
23810 238 10 DenmarkTDC Denmark
23812 238 12 DenmarkLycamobile Ltd
23813 238 13 DenmarkCompatel Limited
23815 238 15 DenmarkIce Darmark ApS
23820 238 20 DenmarkTelia
23823 238 23 DenmarkBanedanmark
23828 238 28 DenmarkCoolTEL ApS
23830 238 30 DenmarkTelia


















