go get go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo
go get go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options
package mongodb
import (
var client *mongo.Client
var coll *mongo.Collection
func Init() (err error) {
// 1.连接mongodb
client, err = mongo.Connect(context.Background(),
if err != nil {
return err
if err = client.Ping(context.Background(), nil); err != nil {
return err
// 由于都是对同一个集合进行操作,所以在初始化mongodb时就选择了集合,防止后续出现大量重复代码
coll = client.Database("db").Collection("stu")
func GetClient() *mongo.Client {
return client
func Close() {
_ = client.Disconnect(context.Background())
package models
type Student struct {
ID int `bson:"_id"`
Age int `bson:"age"`
Name string `bson:"name"`
Addr string `bson:"address"`
package mongodb
import (
func InsertStudent(p *models.Student) error {
// 插入文档
if _, err := coll.InsertOne(context.Background(), p); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Document inserted successfully!")
return nil
package mongodb
import (
func InsertStudents(p []interface{}) error {
// 插入多条文档
if _, err := coll.InsertMany(context.Background(), p); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Document inserted successfully!")
return nil
package main
import (
func main() {
// 1.连接mongodb
if err := mongodb.Init(); err != nil {
defer mongodb.Close()
stus := []interface{}{
ID: 1,
Age: 18,
Name: "alice",
Addr: "beijing",
ID: 2,
Age: 19,
Name: "bob",
Addr: "shanghai",
ID: 3,
Age: 20,
Name: "charlie",
Addr: "guangzhou",
if err := mongodb.InsertStudents(stus); err != nil {
package mongodb
import (
func DeleteStudent(p int) error {
// 过滤条件
fil := bson.M{"_id": p}
// 删除文档
if _, err := coll.DeleteOne(context.Background(), fil); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Document Delete successfully!")
return nil
package mongodb
import (
// UpdateStudent 根据传入的参数进行更新
func UpdateStudent(p *models.Student) error {
// 根据条件筛选要更新的文档
filter := bson.M{"_id": p.ID}
update := bson.M{"$set": p}
// 更新文档
if _, err := coll.UpdateOne(context.Background(), filter, update); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Document Update successfully!")
return nil
// UpdateStudents 修改所有符合条件的数据update stu set age = 99 where name = ?
func UpdateStudents(p string) error {
// 根据条件筛选要更新的文档
filter := bson.M{"name": p}
update := bson.M{"$set": bson.M{"age": 99}}
// 更新文档
if _, err := coll.UpdateMany(context.Background(), filter, update); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Document Update successfully!")
return nil
package mongodb
import (
// QueryStudentByID select * from stu where id = ?
func QueryStudentByID(p int) error {
filter := bson.M{"_id": p} // 根据条件筛选要更新的文档
var s models.Student
// 插入文档
err := coll.FindOne(context.Background(), filter).Decode(&s)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Document Find successfully!")
fmt.Printf("Document Find: %+v", s)
return nil
// QueryStudentByID1 投影查询,类似select name age from stu where id = ?
func QueryStudentByID1(p int) error {
filter := bson.M{"_id": p} // 根据条件筛选要更新的文档
// 投影选项
d := bson.D{
{"name", 1},
{"age", 1},
// 查询文档
res, err := coll.Find(context.Background(), filter, options.Find().SetProjection(d))
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Document Find successfully!")
defer res.Close(context.Background())
var stus []models.Student
if err = res.All(context.Background(), &stus); err != nil {
return err
for _, s := range stus {
fmt.Printf("Document found: %+v\n", s)
return nil
// QueryStudent 分页查询 select * from stu limit ?
func QueryStudent(size int64) error {
// 分页选项
l := options.Find().SetLimit(size)
filter := bson.M{}
// 插入文档
res, err := coll.Find(context.TODO(), filter, l)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Document Find successfully!")
defer res.Close(context.Background())
var stus []models.Student
if err = res.All(context.Background(), &stus); err != nil {
return err
for _, s := range stus {
fmt.Printf("Document found: %+v\n", s)
return nil
// QueryStudentByID3 跳过指定数量的数据
func QueryStudentByID3(p int64) error {
// 跳跃选项
l := options.Find().SetSkip(p)
filter := bson.M{}
// 插入文档
res, err := coll.Find(context.TODO(), filter, l)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Document Find successfully!")
defer res.Close(context.Background())
var stus []models.Student
if err = res.All(context.Background(), &stus); err != nil {
return err
for _, s := range stus {
fmt.Printf("Document found: %+v\n", s)
return nil
5. order by desc
// QueryStudent2 对查询结果进行降序排序,入参为1升序,入参-1降序
func QueryStudent2(p int) error {
// select * from stu order by age desc
// 排序选项
s := options.Find().SetSort(bson.D{{"age", p}})
filter := bson.M{}
// 3.插入文档
res, err := coll.Find(context.TODO(), filter, s)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Document Find successfully!")
defer res.Close(context.Background())
var stus []models.Student
if err = res.All(context.Background(), &stus); err != nil {
return err
for _, s := range stus {
fmt.Printf("Document found: %+v\n", s)
return nil
// QueryStudent3 模糊查询 select * from stu where name like %?%
func QueryStudent3(p string) error {
filter := bson.M{
"name": bson.M{
"$regex": p,
//filter1 := bson.M{
// "name": bson.M{
// "$regex": fmt.Sprintf("^%s", p), //name like ?%
// },
// 查询
res, err := coll.Find(context.TODO(), filter)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Document Find successfully!")
defer res.Close(context.Background())
var stus []models.Student
if err = res.All(context.Background(), &stus); err != nil {
return err
for _, s := range stus {
fmt.Printf("Document found: %+v\n", s)
return nil
// QueryStudent4 比较查询 select * from stu where age > ?
func QueryStudent4(p int) error {
// 过滤条件
filter := bson.M{
"age": bson.M{
"$gt": p, // age > p
// $lt <
// $gte >=
// $lte <=
// $ne !=
// 查询
res, err := coll.Find(context.TODO(), filter)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Document Find successfully!")
defer res.Close(context.Background())
var stus []models.Student
if err = res.All(context.Background(), &stus); err != nil {
return err
for _, s := range stus {
fmt.Printf("Document found: %+v\n", s)
return nil
8. 包含查询
// QueryStudent5 包含查询 select * from stu where age in [s, e]
func QueryStudent5(s, e int) error {
// 过滤条件
filter := bson.M{
"age": bson.M{
"$in": []int{s, e}, // age in [s, e]
// "$nin": []int{s, e}, // age not in [s, e]
// 查询
res, err := coll.Find(context.TODO(), filter)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Document Find successfully!")
defer res.Close(context.Background())
var stus []models.Student
if err = res.All(context.Background(), &stus); err != nil {
return err
for _, s := range stus {
fmt.Printf("Document found: %+v\n", s)
return nil
9. and查询
// QueryStudent6 连接查询 select * from stu where age = ? and name = ?
func QueryStudent6(age int, name string) error {
// 过滤条件
filter := bson.M{
// age = ? and name = ?
"$and": []bson.M{
{"age": age},
{"name": name},
// age > ? and name = ?
//"$and": []bson.M{
// bson.M{"age": bson.M{"$gt": 20}},
// bson.M{"name": "zhaoliu"},
// age > ? or name = ?
//"$or": []bson.M{
// bson.M{"age": bson.M{"$gt": 20}},
// bson.M{"name": "zhaoliu"},
// 查询
res, err := coll.Find(context.TODO(), filter)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Document Find successfully!")
defer res.Close(context.Background())
var stus []models.Student
if err = res.All(context.Background(), &stus); err != nil {
return err
for _, s := range stus {
fmt.Printf("Document found: %+v\n", s)
return nil