// To use these Internet methods, AndroidManifest.xml must have the following permission: //<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> // Create the Apache HTTP client and post HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("http://www.website.org/service.php"); try { // Add data to your post List<NameValuePair> pairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(2); pairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("ID", "VALUE")); pairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("string", "Yeah!")); httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(pairs)); //Finally, execute the request HttpResponse webServerAnswer = httpclient.execute(httppost); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) { String msg = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()); } } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { //Deal with it } catch (IOException e) { //Deal with it }