
VVC ISP之xGetNextISPMode函数超详解


// It decides which modes from the ISP lists can be full RD tested
void IntraSearch::xGetNextISPMode(ModeInfo& modeInfo, const ModeInfo* lastMode, const Size cuSize)
  static_vector<ModeInfo, FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM>* rdModeLists[2] = { &m_ispCandListHor, &m_ispCandListVer };

  const int curIspLfnstIdx = m_curIspLfnstIdx;
  if (curIspLfnstIdx >= NUM_LFNST_NUM_PER_SET)
    //All lfnst indices have been checked

  ISPType nextISPcandSplitType;
  auto& ispTestedModes = m_ispTestedModes[curIspLfnstIdx];
  const bool horSplitIsTerminated = ispTestedModes.splitIsFinished[HOR_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS - 1];
  const bool verSplitIsTerminated = ispTestedModes.splitIsFinished[VER_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS - 1];
  if (!horSplitIsTerminated && !verSplitIsTerminated)
  else if (!horSplitIsTerminated && verSplitIsTerminated)
  else if (horSplitIsTerminated && !verSplitIsTerminated)
    return;   // no more modes will be tested

  int maxNumSubPartitions = ispTestedModes.numTotalParts[nextISPcandSplitType - 1];

  // We try to break the split here for lfnst > 0 according to the first mode
  if (curIspLfnstIdx > 0 && ispTestedModes.numTestedModes[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] == 1)
    int firstModeThisSplit = ispTestedModes.getTestedIntraMode(nextISPcandSplitType, 0);
    int numSubPartsFirstModeThisSplit = ispTestedModes.getNumCompletedSubParts(nextISPcandSplitType, firstModeThisSplit);//在即将划分的模式下使用检测的第一个帧内模式的时被划分了多少个块,正常情况下被完全划分是应该等于maxnumsubpartitions的,也可能存在提前终止的情况,该情况下,就会小。
    CHECK(numSubPartsFirstModeThisSplit < 0, "wrong number of subpartitions!");
    bool stopThisSplit = false;
    bool stopThisSplitAllLfnsts = false;
    if (numSubPartsFirstModeThisSplit < maxNumSubPartitions)
      stopThisSplit = true;
      if (m_pcEncCfg->getUseFastISP() && curIspLfnstIdx == 1 && numSubPartsFirstModeThisSplit < maxNumSubPartitions - 1)
        stopThisSplitAllLfnsts = true;

    if (stopThisSplit)
      ispTestedModes.splitIsFinished[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] = true;
      if (curIspLfnstIdx == 1 && stopThisSplitAllLfnsts)
        m_ispTestedModes[2].splitIsFinished[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] = true;

  // We try to break the split here for lfnst = 0 or all lfnst indices according to the first two modes
  if (curIspLfnstIdx == 0 && ispTestedModes.numTestedModes[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] == 2)
    // Split stop criteria after checking the performance of previously tested intra modes
    const int thresholdSplit1 = maxNumSubPartitions;
    bool stopThisSplit = false;
    bool stopThisSplitForAllLFNSTs = false;
    const int thresholdSplit1ForAllLFNSTs = maxNumSubPartitions - 1;

    int mode1 = ispTestedModes.getTestedIntraMode((ISPType)nextISPcandSplitType, 0);
    mode1 = mode1 == DC_IDX ? -1 : mode1;
    int numSubPartsBestMode1 = mode1 != -1 ? ispTestedModes.getNumCompletedSubParts((ISPType)nextISPcandSplitType, mode1) : -1;
    int mode2 = ispTestedModes.getTestedIntraMode((ISPType)nextISPcandSplitType, 1);
    mode2 = mode2 == DC_IDX ? -1 : mode2;
    int numSubPartsBestMode2 = mode2 != -1 ? ispTestedModes.getNumCompletedSubParts((ISPType)nextISPcandSplitType, mode2) : -1;

    // 1) The 2 most promising modes do not reach a certain number of sub-partitions前两个模式如果不是DC,那么numsubPartsBestMode就不是-1
    if (numSubPartsBestMode1 != -1 && numSubPartsBestMode2 != -1)
      if (numSubPartsBestMode1 < thresholdSplit1 && numSubPartsBestMode2 < thresholdSplit1)
        stopThisSplit = true;
        if (curIspLfnstIdx == 0 && numSubPartsBestMode1 < thresholdSplit1ForAllLFNSTs && numSubPartsBestMode2 < thresholdSplit1ForAllLFNSTs)
          stopThisSplitForAllLFNSTs = true;
        //we stop also if the cost is MAX_DOUBLE for both modes
        double mode1Cost = ispTestedModes.getRDCost(nextISPcandSplitType, mode1);
        double mode2Cost = ispTestedModes.getRDCost(nextISPcandSplitType, mode2);
        if (!(mode1Cost < MAX_DOUBLE || mode2Cost < MAX_DOUBLE))
          stopThisSplit = true;
    if (!stopThisSplit)
      // 2) One split type may be discarded by comparing the number of sub-partitions of the best angle modes of both splits
      int  numSubPartsBestMode2OtherSplit = mode2 != -1 ? ispTestedModes.getNumCompletedSubParts(otherSplit, mode2) : -1;
      if (numSubPartsBestMode2OtherSplit != -1 && numSubPartsBestMode2 != -1 && ispTestedModes.bestSplitSoFar != nextISPcandSplitType)
        if (numSubPartsBestMode2OtherSplit > numSubPartsBestMode2)
          stopThisSplit = true;
        // both have the same number of subpartitions
        else if (numSubPartsBestMode2OtherSplit == numSubPartsBestMode2)
          // both have the maximum number of subpartitions, so it compares RD costs to decide
          if (numSubPartsBestMode2OtherSplit == maxNumSubPartitions)
            double rdCostBestMode2ThisSplit = ispTestedModes.getRDCost(nextISPcandSplitType, mode2);
            double rdCostBestMode2OtherSplit = ispTestedModes.getRDCost(otherSplit, mode2);
            double threshold = 1.3;
            if (rdCostBestMode2ThisSplit == MAX_DOUBLE || rdCostBestMode2OtherSplit < rdCostBestMode2ThisSplit * threshold)
              stopThisSplit = true;
          else // none of them reached the maximum number of subpartitions with the best angle modes, so it compares the results with the the planar mode
            int  numSubPartsBestMode1OtherSplit = mode1 != -1 ? ispTestedModes.getNumCompletedSubParts(otherSplit, mode1) : -1;
            if (numSubPartsBestMode1OtherSplit != -1 && numSubPartsBestMode1 != -1 && numSubPartsBestMode1OtherSplit > numSubPartsBestMode1)
              stopThisSplit = true;
    if (stopThisSplit)
      ispTestedModes.splitIsFinished[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] = true;
      if (stopThisSplitForAllLFNSTs)
        for (int lfnstIdx = 1; lfnstIdx < NUM_LFNST_NUM_PER_SET; lfnstIdx++)
          m_ispTestedModes[lfnstIdx].splitIsFinished[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] = true;

  // Now a new mode is retrieved from the list and it has to be decided whether it should be tested or not
  if (ispTestedModes.candIndexInList[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] < rdModeLists[nextISPcandSplitType - 1]->size())
    ModeInfo candidate = rdModeLists[nextISPcandSplitType - 1]->at(ispTestedModes.candIndexInList[nextISPcandSplitType - 1]);//即将要做的下一个模式
    ispTestedModes.candIndexInList[nextISPcandSplitType - 1]++;

    // extra modes are only tested if ISP has won so far
    if (ispTestedModes.candIndexInList[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] > ispTestedModes.numOrigModesToTest)
      if (ispTestedModes.bestSplitSoFar != candidate.ispMod || ispTestedModes.bestModeSoFar == PLANAR_IDX)
        ispTestedModes.splitIsFinished[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] = true;

    bool testCandidate = true;

    // we look for a reference mode that has already been tested within the window and decide to test the new one according to the reference mode costs
    if (maxNumSubPartitions > 2 && (curIspLfnstIdx > 0 || (candidate.modeId >= DC_IDX && ispTestedModes.numTestedModes[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] >= 2)))
      int       refLfnstIdx = -1;
      const int angWindowSize = 5;
      int       numSubPartsLeftMode, numSubPartsRightMode, numSubPartsRefMode, leftIntraMode = -1, rightIntraMode = -1;
      int       windowSize = candidate.modeId > DC_IDX ? angWindowSize : 1;
      int       numSamples = cuSize.width << floorLog2(cuSize.height);//也就是width乘以height,主要是因为height应该只能是2的倍数吧,所以log2height应该就是整数。
      int       numSubPartsLimit = numSamples >= 256 ? maxNumSubPartitions - 1 : 2;

      xFindAlreadyTestedNearbyIntraModes(curIspLfnstIdx, (int)candidate.modeId, &refLfnstIdx, &leftIntraMode, &rightIntraMode, (ISPType)candidate.ispMod, windowSize);
      if (refLfnstIdx != -1 && refLfnstIdx != curIspLfnstIdx)
        CHECK(leftIntraMode != candidate.modeId || rightIntraMode != candidate.modeId, "wrong intra mode and lfnstIdx values!");
        numSubPartsRefMode = m_ispTestedModes[refLfnstIdx].getNumCompletedSubParts((ISPType)candidate.ispMod, candidate.modeId);//代表在那个reflfnstidx下当前的帧内模式划分了多少块。
        CHECK(numSubPartsRefMode <= 0, "Wrong value of the number of subpartitions completed!");
        numSubPartsLeftMode = leftIntraMode != -1 ? ispTestedModes.getNumCompletedSubParts((ISPType)candidate.ispMod, leftIntraMode) : -1;
        numSubPartsRightMode = rightIntraMode != -1 ? ispTestedModes.getNumCompletedSubParts((ISPType)candidate.ispMod, rightIntraMode) : -1;
        numSubPartsRefMode = std::max(numSubPartsLeftMode, numSubPartsRightMode);

      if (numSubPartsRefMode > 0)
        // The mode was found. Now we check the condition
        testCandidate = numSubPartsRefMode > numSubPartsLimit;
    if (testCandidate)
      modeInfo = candidate;
    //the end of the list was reached, so the split is invalidated
    ispTestedModes.splitIsFinished[nextISPcandSplitType - 1] = true;


void IntraSearch::xFindAlreadyTestedNearbyIntraModes(int lfnstIdx, int currentIntraMode, int* refLfnstIdx, int* leftIntraMode, int* rightIntraMode, ISPType ispOption, int windowSize)
  bool leftModeFound = false, rightModeFound = false;
  *leftIntraMode = -1;
  *rightIntraMode = -1;
  *refLfnstIdx = -1;
  const unsigned st = ispOption - 1;

  //first we check if the exact intra mode was already tested for another lfnstIdx value
  if (lfnstIdx > 0)
    bool sameIntraModeFound = false;
    if (lfnstIdx == 2 && m_ispTestedModes[1].modeHasBeenTested[currentIntraMode][st])
      sameIntraModeFound = true;
      *refLfnstIdx = 1;
    else if (m_ispTestedModes[0].modeHasBeenTested[currentIntraMode][st])
      sameIntraModeFound = true;
      *refLfnstIdx = 0;

    if (sameIntraModeFound)
      *leftIntraMode = currentIntraMode;
      *rightIntraMode = currentIntraMode;
  //The mode has not been checked for another lfnstIdx value, so now we look for a similar mode within a window using the same lfnstIdx
  for (int k = 1; k <= windowSize; k++)
    int off = currentIntraMode - 2 - k;//这个off代表左边是否有角度模式,角度模式是从2开始的,因此是减去2
    int leftMode = (off < 0) ? NUM_LUMA_MODE + off : currentIntraMode - k;//如果减去2之后再减k大于等于零,说明左边至少有三个模式(因为k是从1开始计算的)。那么就选择左边的角度模式。例如如果当前为3,那么第一次循环中最终leftmode会是1,第二次循环因为3的左边除了2没有了角度模式,因此leftmode就是NUM_LUMA_MODE+off。
    int rightMode = currentIntraMode > DC_IDX ? (((int)currentIntraMode - 2 + k) % 65) + 2 : PLANAR_IDX;//如果当前模式是角度模式,那么rightmode为右边的模式,为了防止右边的模式超过67,因此才这么计算;否则,rightmode直接定义为Plannar_idx。
    leftModeFound  = leftMode  != (int)currentIntraMode ? m_ispTestedModes[lfnstIdx].modeHasBeenTested[leftMode][st]  : false;
    rightModeFound = rightMode != (int)currentIntraMode ? m_ispTestedModes[lfnstIdx].modeHasBeenTested[rightMode][st] : false;
    if (leftModeFound || rightModeFound)
      *leftIntraMode = leftModeFound ? leftMode : -1;
      *rightIntraMode = rightModeFound ? rightMode : -1;
      *refLfnstIdx = lfnstIdx;