清华大学建立了一个开放的知识表示框架OpenKE:OpenKE - An Open Source Framework for knowledge graph。
该框架集成了TransE 、TransH、TransR、TransD、RESCAL、DistMult、HolE、ComplEx等知识表示学习算法,其GitHub地址为:OpenKE - GitHub,并包含了训练用到的数据集及测试集。
1. 训练数据加载方法
# dataloader for training
train_dataloader = TrainDataLoader(
in_path = "./benchmarks/FB15K237/",
nbatches = 100,
threads = 8,
sampling_mode = "normal",
bern_flag = 1,
filter_flag = 1,
neg_ent = 25,
neg_rel = 0)
其中的8个参数会传到TrainDataLoader.py中class TrainDataLoader(object)的初始化函数__init__中
class TrainDataLoader(object):
def __init__(self,
in_path = "./", #数据所在的根目录
tri_file = None, #训练集
ent_file = None, #实体集
rel_file = None, #关系集
batch_size = None, #批次大小
nbatches = None, #批次数
threads = 8, #线程数量
sampling_mode = "normal", #采样方法
bern_flag = False,
filter_flag = True,
neg_ent = 1,
neg_rel = 0):
base_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../release/Base.so"))
self.lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(base_file)
self.lib.sampling.argtypes = [ #C与Python数据类型的转换,回调
self.in_path = in_path #路径
self.tri_file = tri_file
self.ent_file = ent_file
self.rel_file = rel_file
if in_path != None: #将训练集、实体集、关系集路径分别存放在对应的属性中
self.tri_file = in_path + "train2id.txt"
self.ent_file = in_path + "entity2id.txt"
self.rel_file = in_path + "relation2id.txt"
"""set essential parameters"""
self.work_threads = threads
self.nbatches = nbatches
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.bern = bern_flag
self.filter = filter_flag
self.negative_ent = neg_ent #负例实体
self.negative_rel = neg_rel #负例关系
self.sampling_mode = sampling_mode
self.cross_sampling_flag = 0
def read(self):
if self.in_path != None:
self.lib.setInPath(ctypes.create_string_buffer(self.in_path.encode(), len(self.in_path) * 2))
self.lib.setTrainPath(ctypes.create_string_buffer(self.tri_file.encode(), len(self.tri_file) * 2))
self.lib.setEntPath(ctypes.create_string_buffer(self.ent_file.encode(), len(self.ent_file) * 2))
self.lib.setRelPath(ctypes.create_string_buffer(self.rel_file.encode(), len(self.rel_file) * 2))
self.lib.setWorkThreads(self.work_threads) #设置工作线程
self.lib.randReset() #重置所有线程的随机种子
self.lib.importTrainFiles() #读取训练集
self.relTotal = self.lib.getRelationTotal() #获取关系总数
self.entTotal = self.lib.getEntityTotal() #获取实体总数
self.tripleTotal = self.lib.getTrainTotal() #获取训练三元组总数
if self.batch_size == None:
self.batch_size = self.tripleTotal // self.nbatches #根据样本总数与batches的大小,计算batch_size的大小
if self.nbatches == None:
self.nbatches = self.tripleTotal // self.batch_size #根据样本总数与batch_size的大小,计算batches的大小
self.batch_seq_size = self.batch_size * (1 + self.negative_ent + self.negative_rel)
zeros(shape, dtype=float, order=‘C’)
self.batch_h = np.zeros(self.batch_seq_size, dtype=np.int64)
self.batch_t = np.zeros(self.batch_seq_size, dtype=np.int64)
self.batch_r = np.zeros(self.batch_seq_size, dtype=np.int64)
self.batch_y = np.zeros(self.batch_seq_size, dtype=np.float32)
self.batch_h_addr = self.batch_h.__array_interface__["data"][0]
self.batch_t_addr = self.batch_t.__array_interface__["data"][0]
self.batch_r_addr = self.batch_r.__array_interface__["data"][0]
self.batch_y_addr = self.batch_y.__array_interface__["data"][0]
2. C++文件的注释
- Base.cpp文件
#include "Setting.h"
#include "Random.h"
#include "Reader.h"
#include "Corrupt.h"
#include "Test.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <pthread.h>
extern "C"
void setInPath(char *path);
extern "C"
void setTrainPath(char *path);
extern "C"
void setValidPath(char *path);
extern "C"
void setTestPath(char *path);
extern "C"
void setEntPath(char *path);
extern "C"
void setRelPath(char *path);
extern "C"
void setOutPath(char *path);
extern "C"
void setWorkThreads(INT threads);
extern "C"
void setBern(INT con);
extern "C"
INT getWorkThreads();
extern "C"
INT getEntityTotal();
extern "C"
INT getRelationTotal();
extern "C"
INT getTripleTotal();
extern "C"
INT getTrainTotal();
extern "C"
INT getTestTotal();
extern "C"
INT getValidTotal();
extern "C"
void randReset();
extern "C"
void importTrainFiles();
struct Parameter {
INT id;
INT *batch_h;
INT *batch_t;
INT *batch_r;
REAL *batch_y;
INT batchSize;
INT negRate;
INT negRelRate;
bool p;
bool val_loss;
INT mode;
bool filter_flag;
void* getBatch(void* con) {
Parameter *para = (Parameter *)(con); //将参数con赋值给para,也就是将sampling函数中的para和threads
INT id = para -> id;
INT *batch_h = para -> batch_h;
INT *batch_t = para -> batch_t;
INT *batch_r = para -> batch_r;
REAL *batch_y = para -> batch_y;
INT batchSize = para -> batchSize;
INT negRate = para -> negRate;
INT negRelRate = para -> negRelRate;
bool p = para -> p;
bool val_loss = para -> val_loss;
INT mode = para -> mode;
bool filter_flag = para -> filter_flag;
INT lef, rig;
if (batchSize % workThreads == 0) { //如果batchSize刚好能被线程数整除,也就是一个batch的大小刚好能被均分到每一个线程
lef = id * (batchSize / workThreads);
rig = (id + 1) * (batchSize / workThreads);
} else { //反之
lef = id * (batchSize / workThreads + 1);
rig = (id + 1) * (batchSize / workThreads + 1);
if (rig > batchSize) rig = batchSize;
REAL prob = 500;
if (val_loss == false) { //采样负例三元组
for (INT batch = lef; batch < rig; batch++) {
INT i = rand_max(id, trainTotal);
batch_h[batch] = trainList[i].h;
batch_t[batch] = trainList[i].t;
batch_r[batch] = trainList[i].r;
batch_y[batch] = 1;
INT last = batchSize;
for (INT times = 0; times < negRate; times ++) {
if (mode == 0){
if (bernFlag)
prob = 1000 * right_mean[trainList[i].r] / (right_mean[trainList[i].r] + left_mean[trainList[i].r]);
if (randd(id) % 1000 < prob) {
batch_h[batch + last] = trainList[i].h;
batch_t[batch + last] = corrupt_head(id, trainList[i].h, trainList[i].r); //根据头实体、关系,通过二分搜索,获取交换后(错误)的尾实体
batch_r[batch + last] = trainList[i].r;
} else {
batch_h[batch + last] = corrupt_tail(id, trainList[i].t, trainList[i].r); //根据尾实体、关系,通过二分搜索,获取交换后(错误)的头实体
batch_t[batch + last] = trainList[i].t;
batch_r[batch + last] = trainList[i].r;
batch_y[batch + last] = -1;
last += batchSize;
} else {
if(mode == -1){
batch_h[batch + last] = corrupt_tail(id, trainList[i].t, trainList[i].r);
batch_t[batch + last] = trainList[i].t;
batch_r[batch + last] = trainList[i].r;
} else {
batch_h[batch + last] = trainList[i].h;
batch_t[batch + last] = corrupt_head(id, trainList[i].h, trainList[i].r);
batch_r[batch + last] = trainList[i].r;
batch_y[batch + last] = -1;
last += batchSize;
for (INT times = 0; times < negRelRate; times++) {
batch_h[batch + last] = trainList[i].h;
batch_t[batch + last] = trainList[i].t;
batch_r[batch + last] = corrupt_rel(id, trainList[i].h, trainList[i].t, trainList[i].r, p); 根据头实体、尾实体,通过二分搜索,获取交换后(错误)的关系
batch_y[batch + last] = -1;
last += batchSize;
{ //验证集
for (INT batch = lef; batch < rig; batch++)
batch_h[batch] = validList[batch].h;
batch_t[batch] = validList[batch].t;
batch_r[batch] = validList[batch].r;
batch_y[batch] = 1;
pthread_exit(NULL); //线程终止
extern "C"
void sampling(
INT *batch_h,
INT *batch_t,
INT *batch_r,
REAL *batch_y,
INT batchSize,
INT negRate = 1,
INT negRelRate = 0,
INT mode = 0,
bool filter_flag = true,
bool p = false,
bool val_loss = false
) {
pthread_t *pt = (pthread_t *)malloc(workThreads * sizeof(pthread_t)); //根据线程数量,向内存分配指定的大小
Parameter *para = (Parameter *)malloc(workThreads * sizeof(Parameter)); //根据线程数量,以及Parameter结构体的大小,向内存分配指定的大小
for (INT threads = 0; threads < workThreads; threads++) {
para[threads].id = threads;
para[threads].batch_h = batch_h;
para[threads].batch_t = batch_t;
para[threads].batch_r = batch_r;
para[threads].batch_y = batch_y;
para[threads].batchSize = batchSize;
para[threads].negRate = negRate;
para[threads].negRelRate = negRelRate;
para[threads].p = p;
para[threads].val_loss = val_loss;
para[threads].mode = mode;
para[threads].filter_flag = filter_flag;
int pthread_create(
pthread_t *restrict tidp, //新创建的线程ID指向的内存单元。
const pthread_attr_t *restrict attr, //线程属性,默认为NULL
void *(*start_rtn)(void *), //新创建的线程从start_rtn函数的地址开始运行
void *restrict arg //默认为NULL。若上述函数需要参数,将参数放入结构中并将地址作为arg传入。
pthread_create(&pt[threads], NULL, getBatch, (void*)(para+threads));
int pthread_join( pthread_t thread, void * * value_ptr );
for (INT threads = 0; threads < workThreads; threads++)
pthread_join(pt[threads], NULL);
free(pt); //将通过malloc分配pt、para的内存释放
int main() {
return 0;
- Corrupt.h文件
#ifndef CORRUPT_H
#define CORRUPT_H
#include "Random.h"
#include "Triple.h"
#include "Reader.h"
INT corrupt_head(INT id, INT h, INT r, bool filter_flag = true) {
INT lef, rig, mid, ll, rr;
if (not filter_flag) { //如果filter_flag为false
INT tmp = rand_max(id, entityTotal - 1); //获取[0,entityTotal-1)的随机数
if (tmp < h) //如果随机数比h的ID小,直接返回随机数
return tmp;
else //反之,返回随机数+1
return tmp + 1;
lef = lefHead[h] - 1;
rig = rigHead[h];
while (lef + 1 < rig) {
mid = (lef + rig) >> 1; //将结果右移一位,等价于(lef+rig)/2
if (trainHead[mid].r >= r) rig = mid; else //如果mid对应的关系大于或等于r,则rig=mid
lef = mid; //反之,lef=mid
ll = rig;
lef = lefHead[h];
rig = rigHead[h] + 1;
while (lef + 1 < rig) {
mid = (lef + rig) >> 1;
if (trainHead[mid].r <= r) lef = mid; else
rig = mid;
rr = lef;
INT tmp = rand_max(id, entityTotal - (rr - ll + 1));
if (tmp < trainHead[ll].t) return tmp; //如果tmp小于ll在trainHead中的头实体,则返回tmp
if (tmp > trainHead[rr].t - rr + ll - 1) return tmp + rr - ll + 1; //如果大于
lef = ll, rig = rr + 1;
while (lef + 1 < rig) {
mid = (lef + rig) >> 1;
if (trainHead[mid].t - mid + ll - 1 < tmp)
lef = mid;
rig = mid;
return tmp + lef - ll + 1;
INT corrupt_tail(INT id, INT t, INT r, bool filter_flag = true) {
INT lef, rig, mid, ll, rr;
if (not filter_flag) {
INT tmp = rand_max(id, entityTotal - 1);
if (tmp < t)
return tmp;
return tmp + 1;
lef = lefTail[t] - 1;
rig = rigTail[t];
while (lef + 1 < rig) {
mid = (lef + rig) >> 1;
if (trainTail[mid].r >= r) rig = mid; else
lef = mid;
ll = rig;
lef = lefTail[t];
rig = rigTail[t] + 1;
while (lef + 1 < rig) {
mid = (lef + rig) >> 1;
if (trainTail[mid].r <= r) lef = mid; else
rig = mid;
rr = lef;
INT tmp = rand_max(id, entityTotal - (rr - ll + 1));
if (tmp < trainTail[ll].h) return tmp;
if (tmp > trainTail[rr].h - rr + ll - 1) return tmp + rr - ll + 1;
lef = ll, rig = rr + 1;
while (lef + 1 < rig) {
mid = (lef + rig) >> 1;
if (trainTail[mid].h - mid + ll - 1 < tmp)
lef = mid;
rig = mid;
return tmp + lef - ll + 1;
INT corrupt_rel(INT id, INT h, INT t, INT r, bool p = false, bool filter_flag = true) {
INT lef, rig, mid, ll, rr;
if (not filter_flag) {
INT tmp = rand_max(id, relationTotal - 1);
if (tmp < r)
return tmp;
return tmp + 1;
lef = lefRel[h] - 1;
rig = rigRel[h];
while (lef + 1 < rig) {
mid = (lef + rig) >> 1;
if (trainRel[mid].t >= t) rig = mid; else
lef = mid;
ll = rig;
lef = lefRel[h];
rig = rigRel[h] + 1;
while (lef + 1 < rig) {
mid = (lef + rig) >> 1;
if (trainRel[mid].t <= t) lef = mid; else
rig = mid;
rr = lef;
INT tmp;
if(p == false) {
tmp = rand_max(id, relationTotal - (rr - ll + 1));
else {
INT start = r * (relationTotal - 1);
REAL sum = 1;
bool *record = (bool *)calloc(relationTotal - 1, sizeof(bool));
for (INT i = ll; i <= rr; ++i){
if (trainRel[i].r > r){
sum -= prob[start + trainRel[i].r-1];
record[trainRel[i].r-1] = true;
else if (trainRel[i].r < r){
sum -= prob[start + trainRel[i].r];
record[trainRel[i].r] = true;
REAL *prob_tmp = (REAL *)calloc(relationTotal-(rr-ll+1), sizeof(REAL));
INT cnt = 0;
REAL rec = 0;
for (INT i = start; i < start + relationTotal - 1; ++i) {
if (record[i-start])
rec += prob[i] / sum;
prob_tmp[cnt++] = rec;
REAL m = rand_max(id, 10000) / 10000.0;
lef = 0;
rig = cnt - 1;
while (lef < rig) {
mid = (lef + rig) >> 1;
if (prob_tmp[mid] < m)
lef = mid + 1;
rig = mid;
tmp = rig;
if (tmp < trainRel[ll].r) return tmp;
if (tmp > trainRel[rr].r - rr + ll - 1) return tmp + rr - ll + 1;
lef = ll, rig = rr + 1;
while (lef + 1 < rig) {
mid = (lef + rig) >> 1;
if (trainRel[mid].r - mid + ll - 1 < tmp)
lef = mid;
rig = mid;
return tmp + lef - ll + 1;
bool _find(INT h, INT t, INT r) {
INT lef = 0;
INT rig = tripleTotal - 1;
INT mid;
while (lef + 1 < rig) {
INT mid = (lef + rig) >> 1;
if ((tripleList[mid]. h < h) || (tripleList[mid]. h == h && tripleList[mid]. r < r) || (tripleList[mid]. h == h && tripleList[mid]. r == r && tripleList[mid]. t < t)) lef = mid; else rig = mid;
if (tripleList[lef].h == h && tripleList[lef].r == r && tripleList[lef].t == t) return true;
if (tripleList[rig].h == h && tripleList[rig].r == r && tripleList[rig].t == t) return true;
return false;
INT corrupt(INT h, INT r){
INT ll = tail_lef[r];
INT rr = tail_rig[r];
INT loop = 0;
INT t;
while(true) {
t = tail_type[rand(ll, rr)];
if (not _find(h, t, r)) {
return t;
} else {
loop ++;
if (loop >= 1000) {
return corrupt_head(0, h, r);
- Random.h文件
#ifndef RANDOM_H
#define RANDOM_H
#include "Setting.h"
#include <cstdlib>
// the random seeds for all threads.
unsigned long long *next_random;
// reset the random seeds for all threads
extern "C"
void randReset() {
//calloc: 在内存的动态存储区中分配workThreads个长度为size的连续空间,函数返回一个指向分配起始地址的指针;如果分配不成功,返回NULL。
next_random = (unsigned long long *)calloc(workThreads, sizeof(unsigned long long));
for (INT i = 0; i < workThreads; i++)
next_random[i] = rand();
// get a random interger for the id-th thread with the corresponding random seed.
unsigned long long randd(INT id) {
next_random[id] = next_random[id] * (unsigned long long)(25214903917) + 11;
return next_random[id];
// get a random interger from the range [0,x) for the id-th thread.
INT rand_max(INT id, INT x) {
INT res = randd(id) % x;
while (res < 0)
res += x;
return res;
// get a random interger from the range [a,b) for the id-th thread.
INT rand(INT a, INT b){
return (rand() % (b-a))+ a;
- Reader.h文件
#ifndef READER_H
#define READER_H
#include "Setting.h"
#include "Triple.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
INT *freqRel, *freqEnt;
INT *lefHead, *rigHead;
INT *lefTail, *rigTail;
INT *lefRel, *rigRel;
REAL *left_mean, *right_mean;
REAL *prob;
Triple *trainList;
Triple *trainHead;
Triple *trainTail;
Triple *trainRel;
INT *testLef, *testRig;
INT *validLef, *validRig;
extern "C"
void importProb(REAL temp){
if (prob != NULL)
FILE *fin;
fin = fopen((inPath + "kl_prob.txt").c_str(), "r");
printf("Current temperature:%f\n", temp);
prob = (REAL *)calloc(relationTotal * (relationTotal - 1), sizeof(REAL));
INT tmp;
for (INT i = 0; i < relationTotal * (relationTotal - 1); ++i){
tmp = fscanf(fin, "%f", &prob[i]);
REAL sum = 0.0;
for (INT i = 0; i < relationTotal; ++i) {
for (INT j = 0; j < relationTotal-1; ++j){
REAL tmp = exp(-prob[i * (relationTotal - 1) + j] / temp);
sum += tmp;
prob[i * (relationTotal - 1) + j] = tmp;
for (INT j = 0; j < relationTotal-1; ++j){
prob[i*(relationTotal-1)+j] /= sum;
sum = 0;
extern "C"
void importTrainFiles() {
printf("The toolkit is importing datasets.\n");
FILE *fin;
int tmp;
if (rel_file == "")
fin = fopen((inPath + "relation2id.txt").c_str(), "r");
fin = fopen(rel_file.c_str(), "r"); //打开文件输入流
tmp = fscanf(fin, "%ld", &relationTotal); //读取第一行,作为关系的总数,赋值到relationTotal
printf("The total of relations is %ld.\n", relationTotal);
fclose(fin); //关闭文件输入流
if (ent_file == "")
fin = fopen((inPath + "entity2id.txt").c_str(), "r");
fin = fopen(ent_file.c_str(), "r");
tmp = fscanf(fin, "%ld", &entityTotal);
printf("The total of entities is %ld.\n", entityTotal);
if (train_file == "")
fin = fopen((inPath + "train2id.txt").c_str(), "r");
fin = fopen(train_file.c_str(), "r");
tmp = fscanf(fin, "%ld", &trainTotal);
trainList = (Triple *)calloc(trainTotal, sizeof(Triple));
trainHead = (Triple *)calloc(trainTotal, sizeof(Triple));
trainTail = (Triple *)calloc(trainTotal, sizeof(Triple));
trainRel = (Triple *)calloc(trainTotal, sizeof(Triple));
freqRel = (INT *)calloc(relationTotal, sizeof(INT));
freqEnt = (INT *)calloc(entityTotal, sizeof(INT));
for (INT i = 0; i < trainTotal; i++) {
tmp = fscanf(fin, "%ld", &trainList[i].h);
tmp = fscanf(fin, "%ld", &trainList[i].t);
tmp = fscanf(fin, "%ld", &trainList[i].r);
std::sort(trainList, trainList + trainTotal, Triple::cmp_head);
tmp = trainTotal; trainTotal = 1;
trainHead[0] = trainTail[0] = trainRel[0] = trainList[0];
freqEnt[trainList[0].t] += 1; //以trainList[0]的尾实体作为数组freqEnt的下标,对应的值+1
freqEnt[trainList[0].h] += 1; //以trainList[0]的头实体作为数组freqEnt的下标,对应的值+1
freqRel[trainList[0].r] += 1; //以trainList[0]的关系作为数组freqEnt的下标,对应的值+1
for (INT i = 1; i < tmp; i++)
if (trainList[i].h != trainList[i - 1].h || trainList[i].r != trainList[i - 1].r || trainList[i].t != trainList[i - 1].t) {
trainHead[trainTotal] = trainTail[trainTotal] = trainRel[trainTotal] = trainList[trainTotal] = trainList[i];
freqEnt[trainList[i].t]++; //以trainList[i]的尾实体作为数组freqEnt的下标,对应的值+1
freqEnt[trainList[i].h]++; //以trainList[i]的头实体作为数组freqEnt的下标,对应的值+1
freqRel[trainList[i].r]++; //以trainList[i]的关系作为数组freqEnt的下标,对应的值+1
std::sort(trainHead, trainHead + trainTotal, Triple::cmp_head);
std::sort(trainTail, trainTail + trainTotal, Triple::cmp_tail);
std::sort(trainRel, trainRel + trainTotal, Triple::cmp_rel);
printf("The total of train triples is %ld.\n", trainTotal);
lefHead = (INT *)calloc(entityTotal, sizeof(INT));
lefHead = (INT *)calloc(entityTotal, sizeof(INT));
lefTail = (INT *)calloc(entityTotal, sizeof(INT));
rigTail = (INT *)calloc(entityTotal, sizeof(INT));
lefRel = (INT *)calloc(entityTotal, sizeof(INT));
rigRel = (INT *)calloc(entityTotal, sizeof(INT));
memset(rigHead, -1, sizeof(INT)*entityTotal);
memset(rigTail, -1, sizeof(INT)*entityTotal);
memset(rigRel, -1, sizeof(INT)*entityTotal);
for (INT i = 1; i < trainTotal; i++) {
// 将后者尾实体为lefTail的下标,将i替换对应的-1
if (trainTail[i].t != trainTail[i - 1].t) {
rigTail[trainTail[i - 1].t] = i - 1; //将i-1赋值给以trainTail[i-1]的尾实体为下标,对应的rigTail值-1
lefTail[trainTail[i].t] = i; //将i赋值给以trainTail[i]的尾实体为下标,对应的lefTail值-1
if (trainHead[i].h != trainHead[i - 1].h) {
rigHead[trainHead[i - 1].h] = i - 1;
lefHead[trainHead[i].h] = i;
if (trainRel[i].h != trainRel[i - 1].h) {
rigRel[trainRel[i - 1].h] = i - 1;
lefRel[trainRel[i].h] = i;
lefHead[trainHead[0].h] = 0;
rigHead[trainHead[trainTotal - 1].h] = trainTotal - 1;
lefTail[trainTail[0].t] = 0;
rigTail[trainTail[trainTotal - 1].t] = trainTotal - 1;
lefRel[trainRel[0].h] = 0;
rigRel[trainRel[trainTotal - 1].h] = trainTotal - 1;
left_mean = (REAL *)calloc(relationTotal,sizeof(REAL));
right_mean = (REAL *)calloc(relationTotal,sizeof(REAL));
for (INT i = 0; i < entityTotal; i++) {
for (INT j = lefHead[i] + 1; j <= rigHead[i]; j++)
if (trainHead[j].r != trainHead[j - 1].r)
left_mean[trainHead[j].r] += 1.0; //相邻训练头实体对应的关系不等情况下,对头实体的出边+1
if (lefHead[i] <= rigHead[i])
left_mean[trainHead[lefHead[i]].r] += 1.0; //如果左实体的大小小于等于右实体的大小,则以左实体对应的出边+1
for (INT j = lefTail[i] + 1; j <= rigTail[i]; j++)
if (trainTail[j].r != trainTail[j - 1].r)
right_mean[trainTail[j].r] += 1.0;
if (lefTail[i] <= rigTail[i])
right_mean[trainTail[lefTail[i]].r] += 1.0;
for (INT i = 0; i < relationTotal; i++) {
left_mean[i] = freqRel[i] / left_mean[i]; //实体的个数除以对应实体的出边
right_mean[i] = freqRel[i] / right_mean[i]; //实体的个数除以对应实体的入边
Triple *testList;
Triple *validList;
Triple *tripleList;
extern "C"
void importTestFiles() {
FILE *fin;
INT tmp;
if (rel_file == "")
fin = fopen((inPath + "relation2id.txt").c_str(), "r");
fin = fopen(rel_file.c_str(), "r");
tmp = fscanf(fin, "%ld", &relationTotal);
if (ent_file == "")
fin = fopen((inPath + "entity2id.txt").c_str(), "r");
fin = fopen(ent_file.c_str(), "r");
tmp = fscanf(fin, "%ld", &entityTotal);
FILE* f_kb1, * f_kb2, * f_kb3;
if (train_file == "")
f_kb2 = fopen((inPath + "train2id.txt").c_str(), "r");
f_kb2 = fopen(train_file.c_str(), "r");
if (test_file == "")
f_kb1 = fopen((inPath + "test2id.txt").c_str(), "r");
f_kb1 = fopen(test_file.c_str(), "r");
if (valid_file == "")
f_kb3 = fopen((inPath + "valid2id.txt").c_str(), "r");
f_kb3 = fopen(valid_file.c_str(), "r");
tmp = fscanf(f_kb1, "%ld", &testTotal);
tmp = fscanf(f_kb2, "%ld", &trainTotal);
tmp = fscanf(f_kb3, "%ld", &validTotal);
tripleTotal = testTotal + trainTotal + validTotal;
testList = (Triple *)calloc(testTotal, sizeof(Triple));
validList = (Triple *)calloc(validTotal, sizeof(Triple));
tripleList = (Triple *)calloc(tripleTotal, sizeof(Triple));
for (INT i = 0; i < testTotal; i++) {
tmp = fscanf(f_kb1, "%ld", &testList[i].h);
tmp = fscanf(f_kb1, "%ld", &testList[i].t);
tmp = fscanf(f_kb1, "%ld", &testList[i].r);
tripleList[i] = testList[i];
for (INT i = 0; i < trainTotal; i++) {
tmp = fscanf(f_kb2, "%ld", &tripleList[i + testTotal].h);
tmp = fscanf(f_kb2, "%ld", &tripleList[i + testTotal].t);
tmp = fscanf(f_kb2, "%ld", &tripleList[i + testTotal].r);
for (INT i = 0; i < validTotal; i++) {
tmp = fscanf(f_kb3, "%ld", &tripleList[i + testTotal + trainTotal].h);
tmp = fscanf(f_kb3, "%ld", &tripleList[i + testTotal + trainTotal].t);
tmp = fscanf(f_kb3, "%ld", &tripleList[i + testTotal + trainTotal].r);
validList[i] = tripleList[i + testTotal + trainTotal];
std::sort(tripleList, tripleList + tripleTotal, Triple::cmp_head);
std::sort(testList, testList + testTotal, Triple::cmp_rel2);
std::sort(validList, validList + validTotal, Triple::cmp_rel2);
printf("The total of test triples is %ld.\n", testTotal);
printf("The total of valid triples is %ld.\n", validTotal);
testLef = (INT *)calloc(relationTotal, sizeof(INT));
testRig = (INT *)calloc(relationTotal, sizeof(INT));
memset(testLef, -1, sizeof(INT) * relationTotal);
memset(testRig, -1, sizeof(INT) * relationTotal);
for (INT i = 1; i < testTotal; i++) {
if (testList[i].r != testList[i-1].r) {
testRig[testList[i-1].r] = i - 1;
testLef[testList[i].r] = i;
testLef[testList[0].r] = 0;
testRig[testList[testTotal - 1].r] = testTotal - 1;
validLef = (INT *)calloc(relationTotal, sizeof(INT));
validRig = (INT *)calloc(relationTotal, sizeof(INT));
memset(validLef, -1, sizeof(INT)*relationTotal);
memset(validRig, -1, sizeof(INT)*relationTotal);
for (INT i = 1; i < validTotal; i++) {
if (validList[i].r != validList[i-1].r) {
validRig[validList[i-1].r] = i - 1;
validLef[validList[i].r] = i;
validLef[validList[0].r] = 0;
validRig[validList[validTotal - 1].r] = validTotal - 1;
INT* head_lef;
INT* head_rig;
INT* tail_lef;
INT* tail_rig;
INT* head_type;
INT* tail_type;
extern "C"
void importTypeFiles() {
head_lef = (INT *)calloc(relationTotal, sizeof(INT));
head_rig = (INT *)calloc(relationTotal, sizeof(INT));
tail_lef = (INT *)calloc(relationTotal, sizeof(INT));
tail_rig = (INT *)calloc(relationTotal, sizeof(INT));
INT total_lef = 0;
INT total_rig = 0;
FILE* f_type = fopen((inPath + "type_constrain.txt").c_str(),"r");
INT tmp;
tmp = fscanf(f_type, "%ld", &tmp);
for (INT i = 0; i < relationTotal; i++) {
INT rel, tot;
tmp = fscanf(f_type, "%ld %ld", &rel, &tot);
for (INT j = 0; j < tot; j++) {
tmp = fscanf(f_type, "%ld", &tmp);
tmp = fscanf(f_type, "%ld%ld", &rel, &tot);
for (INT j = 0; j < tot; j++) {
tmp = fscanf(f_type, "%ld", &tmp);
head_type = (INT *)calloc(total_lef, sizeof(INT));
tail_type = (INT *)calloc(total_rig, sizeof(INT));
total_lef = 0;
total_rig = 0;
f_type = fopen((inPath + "type_constrain.txt").c_str(),"r");
tmp = fscanf(f_type, "%ld", &tmp);
for (INT i = 0; i < relationTotal; i++) {
INT rel, tot;
tmp = fscanf(f_type, "%ld%ld", &rel, &tot);
head_lef[rel] = total_lef;
for (INT j = 0; j < tot; j++) {
tmp = fscanf(f_type, "%ld", &head_type[total_lef]);
head_rig[rel] = total_lef;
std::sort(head_type + head_lef[rel], head_type + head_rig[rel]);
tmp = fscanf(f_type, "%ld%ld", &rel, &tot);
tail_lef[rel] = total_rig;
for (INT j = 0; j < tot; j++) {
tmp = fscanf(f_type, "%ld", &tail_type[total_rig]);
tail_rig[rel] = total_rig;
std::sort(tail_type + tail_lef[rel], tail_type + tail_rig[rel]);
- Setting.h文件
#ifndef SETTING_H
#define SETTING_H
#define INT long
#define REAL float
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
std::string inPath = "../data/FB15K/";
std::string outPath = "../data/FB15K/";
std::string ent_file = "";
std::string rel_file = "";
std::string train_file = "";
std::string valid_file = "";
std::string test_file = "";
//extern 是变量或函数的申明,告诉编译器在其它文件中找这个变量或函数的定义。
extern "C"
void setInPath(char *path) {
INT len = strlen(path);
inPath = "";
for (INT i = 0; i < len; i++)
inPath = inPath + path[i];
printf("Input Files Path : %s\n", inPath.c_str());
extern "C"
void setOutPath(char *path) {
INT len = strlen(path);
outPath = "";
for (INT i = 0; i < len; i++)
outPath = outPath + path[i];
printf("Output Files Path : %s\n", outPath.c_str());
extern "C"
void setTrainPath(char *path) {
INT len = strlen(path);
train_file = "";
for (INT i = 0; i < len; i++)
train_file = train_file + path[i];
printf("Training Files Path : %s\n", train_file.c_str());
extern "C"
void setValidPath(char *path) {
INT len = strlen(path);
valid_file = "";
for (INT i = 0; i < len; i++)
valid_file = valid_file + path[i];
printf("Valid Files Path : %s\n", valid_file.c_str());
extern "C"
void setTestPath(char *path) {
INT len = strlen(path);
test_file = "";
for (INT i = 0; i < len; i++)
test_file = test_file + path[i];
printf("Test Files Path : %s\n", test_file.c_str());
extern "C"
void setEntPath(char *path) {
INT len = strlen(path);
ent_file = "";
for (INT i = 0; i < len; i++)
ent_file = ent_file + path[i];
printf("Entity Files Path : %s\n", ent_file.c_str());
extern "C"
void setRelPath(char *path) {
INT len = strlen(path);
rel_file = "";
for (INT i = 0; i < len; i++)
rel_file = rel_file + path[i];
printf("Relation Files Path : %s\n", rel_file.c_str());
INT workThreads = 1;
extern "C"
void setWorkThreads(INT threads) {
workThreads = threads;
extern "C"
INT getWorkThreads() {
return workThreads;
INT relationTotal = 0;
INT entityTotal = 0;
INT tripleTotal = 0;
INT testTotal = 0;
INT trainTotal = 0;
INT validTotal = 0;
extern "C"
INT getEntityTotal() {
return entityTotal;
extern "C"
INT getRelationTotal() {
return relationTotal;
extern "C"
INT getTripleTotal() {
return tripleTotal;
extern "C"
INT getTrainTotal() {
return trainTotal;
extern "C"
INT getTestTotal() {
return testTotal;
extern "C"
INT getValidTotal() {
return validTotal;
INT bernFlag = 0;
extern "C"
void setBern(INT con) {
bernFlag = con;
- Test.h文件
#ifndef TEST_H
#define TEST_H
#include "Setting.h"
#include "Reader.h"
#include "Corrupt.h"
link prediction
INT lastHead = 0;
INT lastTail = 0;
INT lastRel = 0;
REAL l1_filter_tot = 0, l1_tot = 0, r1_tot = 0, r1_filter_tot = 0, l_tot = 0, r_tot = 0, l_filter_rank = 0, l_rank = 0, l_filter_reci_rank = 0, l_reci_rank = 0;
REAL l3_filter_tot = 0, l3_tot = 0, r3_tot = 0, r3_filter_tot = 0, l_filter_tot = 0, r_filter_tot = 0, r_filter_rank = 0, r_rank = 0, r_filter_reci_rank = 0, r_reci_rank = 0;
REAL rel3_tot = 0, rel3_filter_tot = 0, rel_filter_tot = 0, rel_filter_rank = 0, rel_rank = 0, rel_filter_reci_rank = 0, rel_reci_rank = 0, rel_tot = 0, rel1_tot = 0, rel1_filter_tot = 0;
REAL l1_filter_tot_constrain = 0, l1_tot_constrain = 0, r1_tot_constrain = 0, r1_filter_tot_constrain = 0, l_tot_constrain = 0, r_tot_constrain = 0, l_filter_rank_constrain = 0, l_rank_constrain = 0, l_filter_reci_rank_constrain = 0, l_reci_rank_constrain = 0;
REAL l3_filter_tot_constrain = 0, l3_tot_constrain = 0, r3_tot_constrain = 0, r3_filter_tot_constrain = 0, l_filter_tot_constrain = 0, r_filter_tot_constrain = 0, r_filter_rank_constrain = 0, r_rank_constrain = 0, r_filter_reci_rank_constrain = 0, r_reci_rank_constrain = 0;
REAL hit1, hit3, hit10, mr, mrr;
REAL hit1TC, hit3TC, hit10TC, mrTC, mrrTC;
extern "C"
void initTest() {
lastHead = 0;
lastTail = 0;
lastRel = 0;
l1_filter_tot = 0, l1_tot = 0, r1_tot = 0, r1_filter_tot = 0, l_tot = 0, r_tot = 0, l_filter_rank = 0, l_rank = 0, l_filter_reci_rank = 0, l_reci_rank = 0;
l3_filter_tot = 0, l3_tot = 0, r3_tot = 0, r3_filter_tot = 0, l_filter_tot = 0, r_filter_tot = 0, r_filter_rank = 0, r_rank = 0, r_filter_reci_rank = 0, r_reci_rank = 0;
REAL rel3_tot = 0, rel3_filter_tot = 0, rel_filter_tot = 0, rel_filter_rank = 0, rel_rank = 0, rel_filter_reci_rank = 0, rel_reci_rank = 0, rel_tot = 0, rel1_tot = 0, rel1_filter_tot = 0;
l1_filter_tot_constrain = 0, l1_tot_constrain = 0, r1_tot_constrain = 0, r1_filter_tot_constrain = 0, l_tot_constrain = 0, r_tot_constrain = 0, l_filter_rank_constrain = 0, l_rank_constrain = 0, l_filter_reci_rank_constrain = 0, l_reci_rank_constrain = 0;
l3_filter_tot_constrain = 0, l3_tot_constrain = 0, r3_tot_constrain = 0, r3_filter_tot_constrain = 0, l_filter_tot_constrain = 0, r_filter_tot_constrain = 0, r_filter_rank_constrain = 0, r_rank_constrain = 0, r_filter_reci_rank_constrain = 0, r_reci_rank_constrain = 0;
extern "C"
void getHeadBatch(INT *ph, INT *pt, INT *pr) {
for (INT i = 0; i < entityTotal; i++) {
ph[i] = i;
pt[i] = testList[lastHead].t;
pr[i] = testList[lastHead].r;
extern "C"
void getTailBatch(INT *ph, INT *pt, INT *pr) {
for (INT i = 0; i < entityTotal; i++) {
ph[i] = testList[lastTail].h;
pt[i] = i;
pr[i] = testList[lastTail].r;
extern "C"
void getRelBatch(INT *ph, INT *pt, INT *pr) {
for (INT i = 0; i < relationTotal; i++) {
ph[i] = testList[lastRel].h;
pt[i] = testList[lastRel].t;
pr[i] = i;
extern "C"
void testHead(REAL *con, INT lastHead, bool type_constrain = false) {
INT h = testList[lastHead].h;
INT t = testList[lastHead].t;
INT r = testList[lastHead].r;
INT lef, rig;
if (type_constrain) {
lef = head_lef[r];
rig = head_rig[r];
REAL minimal = con[h];
INT l_s = 0;
INT l_filter_s = 0;
INT l_s_constrain = 0;
INT l_filter_s_constrain = 0;
for (INT j = 0; j < entityTotal; j++) {
if (j != h) {
REAL value = con[j];
if (value < minimal) {
l_s += 1;
if (not _find(j, t, r))
l_filter_s += 1;
if (type_constrain) {
while (lef < rig && head_type[lef] < j) lef ++;
if (lef < rig && j == head_type[lef]) {
if (value < minimal) {
l_s_constrain += 1;
if (not _find(j, t, r)) {
l_filter_s_constrain += 1;
if (l_filter_s < 10) l_filter_tot += 1;
if (l_s < 10) l_tot += 1;
if (l_filter_s < 3) l3_filter_tot += 1;
if (l_s < 3) l3_tot += 1;
if (l_filter_s < 1) l1_filter_tot += 1;
if (l_s < 1) l1_tot += 1;
l_filter_rank += (l_filter_s+1);
l_rank += (1 + l_s);
l_filter_reci_rank += 1.0/(l_filter_s+1);
l_reci_rank += 1.0/(l_s+1);
if (type_constrain) {
if (l_filter_s_constrain < 10) l_filter_tot_constrain += 1;
if (l_s_constrain < 10) l_tot_constrain += 1;
if (l_filter_s_constrain < 3) l3_filter_tot_constrain += 1;
if (l_s_constrain < 3) l3_tot_constrain += 1;
if (l_filter_s_constrain < 1) l1_filter_tot_constrain += 1;
if (l_s_constrain < 1) l1_tot_constrain += 1;
l_filter_rank_constrain += (l_filter_s_constrain+1);
l_rank_constrain += (1+l_s_constrain);
l_filter_reci_rank_constrain += 1.0/(l_filter_s_constrain+1);
l_reci_rank_constrain += 1.0/(l_s_constrain+1);
extern "C"
void testTail(REAL *con, INT lastTail, bool type_constrain = false) {
INT h = testList[lastTail].h;
INT t = testList[lastTail].t;
INT r = testList[lastTail].r;
INT lef, rig;
if (type_constrain) {
lef = tail_lef[r];
rig = tail_rig[r];
REAL minimal = con[t];
INT r_s = 0;
INT r_filter_s = 0;
INT r_s_constrain = 0;
INT r_filter_s_constrain = 0;
for (INT j = 0; j < entityTotal; j++) {
if (j != t) {
REAL value = con[j];
if (value < minimal) {
r_s += 1;
if (not _find(h, j, r))
r_filter_s += 1;
if (type_constrain) {
while (lef < rig && tail_type[lef] < j) lef ++;
if (lef < rig && j == tail_type[lef]) {
if (value < minimal) {
r_s_constrain += 1;
if (not _find(h, j ,r)) {
r_filter_s_constrain += 1;
if (r_filter_s < 10) r_filter_tot += 1;
if (r_s < 10) r_tot += 1;
if (r_filter_s < 3) r3_filter_tot += 1;
if (r_s < 3) r3_tot += 1;
if (r_filter_s < 1) r1_filter_tot += 1;
if (r_s < 1) r1_tot += 1;
r_filter_rank += (1+r_filter_s);
r_rank += (1+r_s);
r_filter_reci_rank += 1.0/(1+r_filter_s);
r_reci_rank += 1.0/(1+r_s);
if (type_constrain) {
if (r_filter_s_constrain < 10) r_filter_tot_constrain += 1;
if (r_s_constrain < 10) r_tot_constrain += 1;
if (r_filter_s_constrain < 3) r3_filter_tot_constrain += 1;
if (r_s_constrain < 3) r3_tot_constrain += 1;
if (r_filter_s_constrain < 1) r1_filter_tot_constrain += 1;
if (r_s_constrain < 1) r1_tot_constrain += 1;
r_filter_rank_constrain += (1+r_filter_s_constrain);
r_rank_constrain += (1+r_s_constrain);
r_filter_reci_rank_constrain += 1.0/(1+r_filter_s_constrain);
r_reci_rank_constrain += 1.0/(1+r_s_constrain);
extern "C"
void testRel(REAL *con) {
INT h = testList[lastRel].h;
INT t = testList[lastRel].t;
INT r = testList[lastRel].r;
REAL minimal = con[r];
INT rel_s = 0;
INT rel_filter_s = 0;
for (INT j = 0; j < relationTotal; j++) {
if (j != r) {
REAL value = con[j];
if (value < minimal) {
rel_s += 1;
if (not _find(h, t, j))
rel_filter_s += 1;
if (rel_filter_s < 10) rel_filter_tot += 1;
if (rel_s < 10) rel_tot += 1;
if (rel_filter_s < 3) rel3_filter_tot += 1;
if (rel_s < 3) rel3_tot += 1;
if (rel_filter_s < 1) rel1_filter_tot += 1;
if (rel_s < 1) rel1_tot += 1;
rel_filter_rank += (rel_filter_s+1);
rel_rank += (1+rel_s);
rel_filter_reci_rank += 1.0/(rel_filter_s+1);
rel_reci_rank += 1.0/(rel_s+1);
extern "C"
void test_link_prediction(bool type_constrain = false) {
l_rank /= testTotal;
r_rank /= testTotal;
l_reci_rank /= testTotal;
r_reci_rank /= testTotal;
l_tot /= testTotal;
l3_tot /= testTotal;
l1_tot /= testTotal;
r_tot /= testTotal;
r3_tot /= testTotal;
r1_tot /= testTotal;
// with filter
l_filter_rank /= testTotal;
r_filter_rank /= testTotal;
l_filter_reci_rank /= testTotal;
r_filter_reci_rank /= testTotal;
l_filter_tot /= testTotal;
l3_filter_tot /= testTotal;
l1_filter_tot /= testTotal;
r_filter_tot /= testTotal;
r3_filter_tot /= testTotal;
r1_filter_tot /= testTotal;
printf("no type constraint results:\n");
printf("metric:\t\t\t MRR \t\t MR \t\t hit@10 \t hit@3 \t hit@1 \n");
printf("l(raw):\t\t\t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \n", l_reci_rank, l_rank, l_tot, l3_tot, l1_tot);
printf("r(raw):\t\t\t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \n", r_reci_rank, r_rank, r_tot, r3_tot, r1_tot);
printf("averaged(raw):\t\t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \n",
(l_reci_rank+r_reci_rank)/2, (l_rank+r_rank)/2, (l_tot+r_tot)/2, (l3_tot+r3_tot)/2, (l1_tot+r1_tot)/2);
printf("l(filter):\t\t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \n", l_filter_reci_rank, l_filter_rank, l_filter_tot, l3_filter_tot, l1_filter_tot);
printf("r(filter):\t\t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \n", r_filter_reci_rank, r_filter_rank, r_filter_tot, r3_filter_tot, r1_filter_tot);
printf("averaged(filter):\t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \n",
(l_filter_reci_rank+r_filter_reci_rank)/2, (l_filter_rank+r_filter_rank)/2, (l_filter_tot+r_filter_tot)/2, (l3_filter_tot+r3_filter_tot)/2, (l1_filter_tot+r1_filter_tot)/2);
mrr = (l_filter_reci_rank+r_filter_reci_rank) / 2;
mr = (l_filter_rank+r_filter_rank) / 2;
hit10 = (l_filter_tot+r_filter_tot) / 2;
hit3 = (l3_filter_tot+r3_filter_tot) / 2;
hit1 = (l1_filter_tot+r1_filter_tot) / 2;
if (type_constrain) {
//type constrain
l_rank_constrain /= testTotal;
r_rank_constrain /= testTotal;
l_reci_rank_constrain /= testTotal;
r_reci_rank_constrain /= testTotal;
l_tot_constrain /= testTotal;
l3_tot_constrain /= testTotal;
l1_tot_constrain /= testTotal;
r_tot_constrain /= testTotal;
r3_tot_constrain /= testTotal;
r1_tot_constrain /= testTotal;
// with filter
l_filter_rank_constrain /= testTotal;
r_filter_rank_constrain /= testTotal;
l_filter_reci_rank_constrain /= testTotal;
r_filter_reci_rank_constrain /= testTotal;
l_filter_tot_constrain /= testTotal;
l3_filter_tot_constrain /= testTotal;
l1_filter_tot_constrain /= testTotal;
r_filter_tot_constrain /= testTotal;
r3_filter_tot_constrain /= testTotal;
r1_filter_tot_constrain /= testTotal;
printf("type constraint results:\n");
printf("metric:\t\t\t MRR \t\t MR \t\t hit@10 \t hit@3 \t hit@1 \n");
printf("l(raw):\t\t\t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \n", l_reci_rank_constrain, l_rank_constrain, l_tot_constrain, l3_tot_constrain, l1_tot_constrain);
printf("r(raw):\t\t\t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \n", r_reci_rank_constrain, r_rank_constrain, r_tot_constrain, r3_tot_constrain, r1_tot_constrain);
printf("averaged(raw):\t\t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \n",
(l_reci_rank_constrain+r_reci_rank_constrain)/2, (l_rank_constrain+r_rank_constrain)/2, (l_tot_constrain+r_tot_constrain)/2, (l3_tot_constrain+r3_tot_constrain)/2, (l1_tot_constrain+r1_tot_constrain)/2);
printf("l(filter):\t\t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \n", l_filter_reci_rank_constrain, l_filter_rank_constrain, l_filter_tot_constrain, l3_filter_tot_constrain, l1_filter_tot_constrain);
printf("r(filter):\t\t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \n", r_filter_reci_rank_constrain, r_filter_rank_constrain, r_filter_tot_constrain, r3_filter_tot_constrain, r1_filter_tot_constrain);
printf("averaged(filter):\t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \n",
(l_filter_reci_rank_constrain+r_filter_reci_rank_constrain)/2, (l_filter_rank_constrain+r_filter_rank_constrain)/2, (l_filter_tot_constrain+r_filter_tot_constrain)/2, (l3_filter_tot_constrain+r3_filter_tot_constrain)/2, (l1_filter_tot_constrain+r1_filter_tot_constrain)/2);
mrrTC = (l_filter_reci_rank_constrain+r_filter_reci_rank_constrain)/2;
mrTC = (l_filter_rank_constrain+r_filter_rank_constrain) / 2;
hit10TC = (l_filter_tot_constrain+r_filter_tot_constrain) / 2;
hit3TC = (l3_filter_tot_constrain+r3_filter_tot_constrain) / 2;
hit1TC = (l1_filter_tot_constrain+r1_filter_tot_constrain) / 2;
extern "C"
void test_relation_prediction() {
rel_rank /= testTotal;
rel_reci_rank /= testTotal;
rel_tot /= testTotal;
rel3_tot /= testTotal;
rel1_tot /= testTotal;
// with filter
rel_filter_rank /= testTotal;
rel_filter_reci_rank /= testTotal;
rel_filter_tot /= testTotal;
rel3_filter_tot /= testTotal;
rel1_filter_tot /= testTotal;
printf("no type constraint results:\n");
printf("metric:\t\t\t MRR \t\t MR \t\t hit@10 \t hit@3 \t hit@1 \n");
printf("averaged(raw):\t\t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \n",
rel_reci_rank, rel_rank, rel_tot, rel3_tot, rel1_tot);
printf("averaged(filter):\t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \n",
rel_filter_reci_rank, rel_filter_rank, rel_filter_tot, rel3_filter_tot, rel1_filter_tot);
extern "C"
REAL getTestLinkHit10(bool type_constrain = false) {
if (type_constrain)
return hit10TC;
printf("%f\n", hit10);
return hit10;
extern "C"
REAL getTestLinkHit3(bool type_constrain = false) {
if (type_constrain)
return hit3TC;
return hit3;
extern "C"
REAL getTestLinkHit1(bool type_constrain = false) {
if (type_constrain)
return hit1TC;
return hit1;
extern "C"
REAL getTestLinkMR(bool type_constrain = false) {
if (type_constrain)
return mrTC;
return mr;
extern "C"
REAL getTestLinkMRR(bool type_constrain = false) {
if (type_constrain)
return mrrTC;
return mrr;
triple classification
Triple *negTestList = NULL;
extern "C"
void getNegTest() {
if (negTestList == NULL)
negTestList = (Triple *)calloc(testTotal, sizeof(Triple));
for (INT i = 0; i < testTotal; i++) {
negTestList[i] = testList[i];
if (randd(0) % 1000 < 500)
negTestList[i].t = corrupt_head(0, testList[i].h, testList[i].r);
negTestList[i].h = corrupt_tail(0, testList[i].t, testList[i].r);
extern "C"
void getTestBatch(INT *ph, INT *pt, INT *pr, INT *nh, INT *nt, INT *nr) {
for (INT i = 0; i < testTotal; i++) {
ph[i] = testList[i].h;
pt[i] = testList[i].t;
pr[i] = testList[i].r;
nh[i] = negTestList[i].h;
nt[i] = negTestList[i].t;
nr[i] = negTestList[i].r;
- Triple.h
#ifndef TRIPLE_H
#define TRIPLE_H
#include "Setting.h"
struct Triple {
INT h, r, t;
static bool cmp_head(const Triple &a, const Triple &b) {
return (a.h < b.h)||(a.h == b.h && a.r < b.r)||(a.h == b.h && a.r == b.r && a.t < b.t);
static bool cmp_tail(const Triple &a, const Triple &b) {
return (a.t < b.t)||(a.t == b.t && a.r < b.r)||(a.t == b.t && a.r == b.r && a.h < b.h);
static bool cmp_rel(const Triple &a, const Triple &b) {
return (a.h < b.h)||(a.h == b.h && a.t < b.t)||(a.h == b.h && a.t == b.t && a.r < b.r);
static bool cmp_rel2(const Triple &a, const Triple &b) {
return (a.r < b.r)||(a.r == b.r && a.h < b.h)||(a.r == b.r && a.h == b.h && a.t < b.t);
3. 模型定义
# define the model
transe = TransE(
ent_tot = train_dataloader.get_ent_tot(), #获取实体总数
rel_tot = train_dataloader.get_rel_tot(), #获取关系总数
dim = 200, #向量维度
p_norm = 1,
norm_flag = True)
4. 损失函数的定义
# define the loss function
model = NegativeSampling(
model = transe,
loss = MarginLoss(margin = 5.0),
batch_size = train_dataloader.get_batch_size() #获取batchSize
5. 模型的训练
# train the model
model: 模型,这里是transe
data_loader: 数据加载
train_times: 训练次数
alpha: 学习率,在优化理论中,学习率也叫步长。在梯度下降算法中,步长决定了每一次迭代过程中,会往梯度下降的方向移动的距离。如果步长很大,算法会在局部最优点附近来回跳动,不会收敛;但如果步长太短,算法每步的移动距离很短,就会导致算法收敛速度很慢。
use_gpu: 是否使用GPU
trainer = Trainer(model = model, data_loader = train_dataloader, train_times = 1000, alpha = 1.0, use_gpu = True)
[1]: https://www.codetd.com/article/7778596
[3]: https://github.com/thunlp/OpenKE
[4]: http://papers.nips.cc/paper/5071-translating-embeddings-for-modeling-multi-relational-data.pdf