对于局域网功能来说,首先建立连接(tcp),然后每次下棋时将棋子的坐标发送给对方,当接收到坐标后实例化成棋子对象,这 个接收时用了select函数,因为pygame需要循环渲染图片,所以要用非阻塞方式接收消息
select()的机制中提供一fd_set的数据结构,实际上是一long类型的数组, 每一个数组元素都能与一打开的文件句柄(不管 是Socket句柄,还是其他文件或命名管道或设备句柄)建立联系,建立联系的工作由程序员完成, 当调用select()时,由内核 根据IO状态修改fd_set的内容,由此来通知执行了select()的进程哪一Socket或文件可读或可写,主要用于Socket通信当中。
电脑对战的思路也很简单,用了应该是最常见的也是最简单的方法,就是循环遍历棋盘的每一个点,判断该点的价值,选取价值最 大的点落子,这个需要对五子棋的棋型有一定了解,这里介绍几种常见的棋型(约定1为己方棋子,2为对方棋子,0为空)
就这样把每种棋型判断一下,获得该点的价值,电脑选择落子位置时,要判断是进攻还是防守,需要两次遍历棋盘,获取进攻时的 最大价值和防守的最大价值。
# encoding:utf-8
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import sys
import math
from gobang_client import storn
from socket import *
import select
from tkinter import *
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
# 棋盘
x = []
y = []
for i in range(0, 15):
x.append(28 + i * 40)
y.append(28 + i * 40)
# 记录棋盘每个坐标的属性,没有棋子为0,白棋为1,黑棋为2
map_chess = {}
# 判断是否有子
def is_empty(me):
global map_chess
a = False
if map_chess[str(me[0]) + '|' + str(me[1])]:
a = True
return a
# 判断是否有五子连线
def iswin(targert):
x = []
y = []
for i in range(0, 15):
x.append(28 + i * 40)
for i in range(0, 15):
y.append(28 + i * 40)
for each in targert:
(a, b) = each.location()
# x轴方向
num_x = 0
c = a - 40
d = a + 40
while c > 0:
isbreak = True
for i in targert:
if i.location() == (c, b):
num_x += 1
isbreak = False
if not isbreak:
c -= 40
while d < 615:
isbreak = True
for i in targert:
if i.location() == (d, b):
num_x += 1
isbreak = False
if not isbreak:
d += 40
num_x += 1
# y轴方向
num_y = 0
e = b - 40
f = b + 40
while e > 0:
isbreak = True
for i in targert:
if i.location() == (a, e):
num_y += 1
isbreak = False
if not isbreak:
e -= 40
while f < 615:
isbreak = True
for i in targert:
if i.location() == (a, f):
num_y += 1
isbreak = False
if not isbreak:
f += 40
num_y += 1
# 西北,东南方向
num_en = 0
c1 = a - 40
c2 = b - 40
c3 = a + 40
c4 = b + 40
while c1 > 0 and c2 > 0:
isbreak = True
for i in targert:
if i.location() == (c1, c2):
num_en += 1
isbreak = False
if not isbreak:
c1 -= 40
c2 -= 40
while c3 < 615 and c4 < 615:
isbreak = True
for i in targert:
isbreak = True
if i.location() == (c3, c4):
num_en += 1
isbreak = False
if not isbreak:
c3 += 40
c4 += 40
num_en += 1
# 东北,西南方向
num_wn = 0
c5 = a + 40
c6 = b - 40
c7 = a - 40
c8 = b + 40
while c5 < 615 and c6 > 0:
isbreak = True
for i in targert:
if i.location() == (c5, c6):
num_wn += 1
isbreak = False
if not isbreak:
c5 += 40
c6 -= 40
while c7 > 0 and c8 < 615:
isbreak = True
for i in targert:
isbreak = True
if i.location() == (c7, c8):
num_wn += 1
isbreak = False
if not isbreak:
c7 -= 40
c8 += 40
num_wn += 1
if num_x >= 5 or num_y >= 5 or num_en >= 5 or num_wn >= 5:
return True
return False
# 判断每个点的价值
def point_value(pos, identify1, identify2):
value = 0
for i in range(1, 9):
# *1111_ 活四
if get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 5) == 0:
value += 40000
# *11112 死四1
if get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 5) == identify2:
value += 30000
# 1*111 死四2
if get_point(pos, i, -1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3) == identify1:
value += 30000
# 11*11 死四3
if get_point(pos, i, -2) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, -1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == identify1:
value += 30000
# *111_ 活三1
if get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4) == 0:
value += 20000
# *1_11_ 活三2
if get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 5) == 0:
value += 20000
# *1112 死三1
if get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4) == identify2:
value += 15000
# _1_112 死三2
if get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 5) == identify2:
value += 15000
# _11_12 死三3
if get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 5) == identify2:
value += 15000
# 1__11 死三4
if get_point(pos, i, -1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 1) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3) == identify1:
value += 15000
# 1_1_1 死三5
if get_point(pos, i, -1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3) == identify1:
value += 15000
# 2_111_2 死三6
if get_point(pos, i, -1) == identify2 and \
get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 5) == identify2:
value += 15000
# __11__ 活二1
if get_point(pos, i, -1) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4) == 0:
value += 1000
# _1_1_ 活二2
if get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 4) == 0:
value += 1000
# *1__
if get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == 0 and \
get_point(pos, i, 3) == 0:
value += 30
# *1_
if get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1 and \
get_point(pos, i, 2) == 0:
value += 20
# *1
if get_point(pos, i, 1) == identify1:
value += 10
return value
# 电脑选取落子的位置
def ai():
value = max1 = max2 = 0
pos1 = pos2 = ()
# 进攻时
for i in range(0, 15):
row = 28 + i * 40
for j in range(0, 15):
col = 28 + j * 40
pos = (row, col)
if is_empty(pos):
value = point_value(pos, 1, 2)
if value > max1:
max1 = value
pos1 = (row, col)
# 防守时
for i in range(0, 15):
for j in range(0, 15):
row = 28 + i * 40
col = 28 + j * 40
if is_empty((row, col)):
value = point_value((row, col), 2, 1)
if value > max2:
max2 = value
pos2 = (row, col)
if max1 > max2:
return pos1
return pos2
# 获取当前坐标的属性,返回1代表白棋,返回2代表黑棋,返回3代表没有棋
def get_point(pos, src, offset):
# 8个方向
global map_chess
directions = [[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [1, -1], [0, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1]]
x1, y1 = pos
x1 = x1 + directions[src - 1][0] * offset * 40
y1 = y1 + directions[src - 1][1] * offset * 40
if x1 > 588 or y1 > 588 or x1 < 28 or y1 < 28:
return 5
return map_chess[str(x1) + '|' + str(y1)]
# 初始化棋盘
def init():
global map_chess
for i in x:
for j in y:
map_chess[str(i) + '|' + str(j)] = 0
def main():
# TCP服务
BUFSIZ = 2048
tcpclisock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
bg_size = 615, 615
# 输入IP地址
def gui():
top = Tk()
HOST = ''
POST = 21578
nonlocal tcpclisock
def fun():
nonlocal HOST
nonlocal POST
nonlocal tcpclisock
HOST = E1.get()
L2 = Label(top, text='', font='华文行楷')
L2 = Label(top, text='已连接', font='华文行楷')
L2.grid(row=2, column=1)
except error:
L2 = Label(top, text='连接失败', font='华文行楷')
L2.grid(row=2, column=1)
L1 = Label(top, text=' IP 地址:', font='宋体', padx=5, pady=30)
L1.grid(row=1, column=0)
E1 = Entry(top, font='华文行楷')
E1.grid(row=1, column=1)
B1 = Button(top, text='连接', font='宋体', padx=1, command=fun)
B1.grid(row=2, column=0)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(bg_size)
bg_image = pygame.image.load('image/bg.png').convert_alpha() # 背景图片
# 背景音乐
bg_sound = pygame.mixer.music.load('sound/bg_music.mp3')
running = True
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
inputs = [tcpclisock]
# 棋子
white_chesses = []
black_chesses = []
chesses = []
# 标志轮到哪方下棋
is_play = True
# 标志是否连接
islink = False
# 标志是否结束游戏
result = False
# 标志赢方
black_win = False
white_win = False
# 标志人与人
is_people = False
# 标志人与电脑
is_ai = False
# 标志是否做出选择
is_choise = False
# 标志是否关闭声音
is_have_sound = True
# 标志是否再来 一局
is_playagain = False
# 对面是否发来重新开始的消息
is_recieve1 = False
# 对面拒绝了重新开始
is_recieve2 = False
# 输赢
font1 = pygame.font.Font('font/12345.TTF', 30)
win_text = font1.render(u"你赢了!!!", True, WHITE)
win_text_rect = win_text.get_rect()
win_text_rect.left, win_text_rect.top = (bg_size[0] - win_text_rect.width) // 2, \
(bg_size[1] - win_text_rect.height) // 2
lose_text = font1.render(u"垃圾...", True, WHITE)
lose_text_rect = lose_text.get_rect()
lose_text_rect.left, lose_text_rect.top = (bg_size[0] - lose_text_rect.width) // 2, \
(bg_size[1] - lose_text_rect.height) // 2
play_text = font1.render(u"再玩一局", True, WHITE)
play_text_rect = play_text.get_rect()
menu_text = font1.render(u'主菜单', True, WHITE)
menu_text_rect = menu_text.get_rect()
# 登入选项
text1 = font1.render(u"玩家与玩家", True, WHITE)
text1_rect = text1.get_rect()
text1_rect.left, text1_rect.top = (bg_size[0] - text1_rect.width) // 2, \
(bg_size[1] - text1_rect.height) // 2 - 100
text2 = font1.render(u'玩家与电脑', True, WHITE)
text2_rect = text2.get_rect()
text2_rect.left, text2_rect.top = (bg_size[0] - text1_rect.width) // 2, \
(bg_size[1] - text1_rect.height) // 2
text3 = font1.render(u'声音: 开', True, WHITE)
text3_rect = text3.get_rect()
text3_rect.left, text3_rect.top = (bg_size[0] - text3_rect.width) // 2, \
(bg_size[1] - text3_rect.height) // 2 + 100
text4 = font1.render(u'声音: 关', True, WHITE)
text4_rect = text4.get_rect()
text4_rect.left, text4_rect.top = (bg_size[0] - text4_rect.width) // 2, \
(bg_size[1] - text4_rect.height) // 2 + 100
text5 = font1.render(u'对方表示你很菜\n并断开了连接', True, WHITE)
text5_rect = text5.get_rect()
text5_rect.left, text5_rect.top = (bg_size[0] - text5_rect.width) // 2, \
(bg_size[1] - text5_rect.height) // 2
text6 = font1.render(u'对方再次向你发起挑战', True, WHITE)
text6_rect = text6.get_rect()
text6_rect.left, text6_rect.top = (bg_size[0] - text6_rect.width) // 2, \
(bg_size[1] - text6_rect.height) // 2
text7 = font1.render(u'接受挑战 返回主菜单', True, WHITE)
text7_rect = text7.get_rect()
text7_rect.left, text7_rect.top = (bg_size[0] - text7_rect.width) // 2, \
(bg_size[1] - text7_rect.height) // 2 + 100
# 初始化
while running:
screen.blit(bg_image, (0, 0))
# 绘制选项
if not is_choise:
screen.blit(text1, text1_rect)
screen.blit(text2, text2_rect)
if not is_have_sound:
screen.blit(text4, text4_rect)
screen.blit(text3, text3_rect)
# 绘制棋盘
if is_choise:
if chesses:
for i in chesses:
screen.blit(i.image, i.image_rect())
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if is_people:
if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if event.button == 1:
if is_choise:
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
# 判断是否连接是否是自己下棋时间
if is_play and not is_recieve1 and not result:
me = storn.Storn_White(pos)
if not is_empty(me.location()):
map_chess[str(me.location()[0]) + '|' + str(me.location()[1])] = 1
if is_people:
is_play = False
del (me)
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if text1_rect.left <= pos[0] <= text1_rect.left + 170 and \
text1_rect.top <= pos[1] <= text1_rect.top + 30:
is_choise = True
is_people = True
if text1_rect.left <= pos[0] <= text1_rect.left + 170 and \
text1_rect.top + 100 <= pos[1] <= text1_rect.top + 130:
is_choise = True
is_ai = True
if text1_rect.left <= pos[0] <= text1_rect.left + 160 and \
text1_rect.top + 200 <= pos[1] <= text1_rect.top + 230:
is_have_sound = not is_have_sound
if not is_have_sound:
# 对面发来请求时
if result:
if not is_recieve1 and not is_recieve2:
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if win_text_rect.left < pos[0] < win_text_rect.right - 50 and \
win_text_rect.top < pos[1] < win_text_rect.top + 30:
if is_people:
if is_ai:
is_playagain = True
is_play = True
result = False
if win_text_rect.left < pos[0] < win_text_rect.right and \
win_text_rect.top + 50 < pos[1] < win_text_rect.top + 120:
is_people = False
if islink:
islink = False
if is_recieve2:
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if text5_rect.left + 150 < pos[0] < text5_rect.left + 250 and \
text5_rect.top + 70 < pos[1] < text5_rect.top + 190:
if is_recieve1:
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if text7_rect.left < pos[0] < text7_rect.left + 150 and \
text7_rect.top < pos[1] < text7_rect.top + 120:
result = False
white_win = False
black_win = False
is_recieve1 = False
is_playagain = True
is_play = True
if text7_rect.left + 190 < pos[0] < text7_rect.left + 330 and \
text7_rect.top < pos[1] < text7_rect.top + 120:
# 电脑落子
if is_ai and not is_play:
me = storn.Storn_Black(ai())
map_chess[str(me.location()[0]) + '|' + str(me.location()[1])] = 2
is_play = True
# 接收cli的消息
if is_people:
rs, ws, es = select.select(inputs, [], [], 0)
for r in rs:
if r is tcpclisock:
data = r.recv(BUFSIZ)
islink = True
disconnected = not data
if data.decode('utf8') == 'again':
is_recieve1 = True
if data.decode('utf8') == 'yes':
is_playagain = True
is_play = True
if data.decode('utf8') == 'no':
is_recieve2 = True
islink = False
if not is_play and not result:
me = storn.Storn_Black(eval(data))
is_play = True
except error:
disconnected = True
islink = False
# 判断输赢
if not result and iswin(black_chesses):
result = True;
black_win = True
if not result and iswin(white_chesses):
result = True
white_win = True
if black_win and result and not is_recieve1 and not is_recieve2:
screen.blit(lose_text, (win_text_rect.left, win_text_rect.top - 80))
screen.blit(play_text, win_text_rect)
screen.blit(menu_text, (win_text_rect.left, win_text_rect.top + 80))
if white_win and result and not is_recieve1 and not is_recieve2:
screen.blit(win_text, (win_text_rect.left, win_text_rect.top - 80))
screen.blit(play_text, win_text_rect)
screen.blit(menu_text, (win_text_rect.left, win_text_rect.top + 80))
if is_recieve1:
screen.blit(text6, text6_rect)
screen.blit(text7, text7_rect)
if is_recieve2:
screen.blit(text5, text5_rect)
screen.blit(menu_text, (text5_rect.left + 150, text5_rect.top + 70))
if is_playagain:
result = False
black_win = False
white_win = False
is_playagain = False
if __name__ == '__main__':