



Arithmetic 类,复数运算

namespace seal
    template <
        typename T_out, typename = std::enable_if_t<
                            std::is_same<std::remove_cv_t<T_out>, double>::value ||
                            std::is_same<std::remove_cv_t<T_out>, std::complex<double>>::value>>
    SEAL_NODISCARD inline T_out from_complex(std::complex<double> in);

    template <>
    SEAL_NODISCARD inline double from_complex(std::complex<double> in)
        return in.real();

    template <>
    SEAL_NODISCARD inline std::complex<double> from_complex(std::complex<double> in)
        return in;

    namespace util
        template <>
        class Arithmetic<std::complex<double>, std::complex<double>, double>

            inline std::complex<double> add(const std::complex<double> &a, const std::complex<double> &b) const
                return a + b;

            inline std::complex<double> sub(const std::complex<double> &a, const std::complex<double> &b) const
                return a - b;

            inline std::complex<double> mul_root(const std::complex<double> &a, const std::complex<double> &r) const
                return a * r;

            inline std::complex<double> mul_scalar(const std::complex<double> &a, const double &s) const
                return a * s;

            inline std::complex<double> mul_root_scalar(const std::complex<double> &r, const double &s) const
                return r * s;

            inline std::complex<double> guard(const std::complex<double> &a) const
                return a;
    } // namespace util

CKKSEncoder 类

Provides functionality for encoding vectors of complex or real numbers into
plaintext polynomials to be encrypted and computed on using the CKKS scheme.
If the polynomial modulus degree is N, then CKKSEncoder converts vectors of
N/2 complex numbers into plaintext elements. Homomorphic operations performed
on such encrypted vectors are applied coefficient (slot-)wise, enabling
powerful SIMD functionality for computations that are vectorizable. This
functionality is often called "batching" in the homomorphic encryption


包括 encode 和 decode

    Provides functionality for encoding vectors of complex or real numbers into
    plaintext polynomials to be encrypted and computed on using the CKKS scheme.
    If the polynomial modulus degree is N, then CKKSEncoder converts vectors of
    N/2 complex numbers into plaintext elements. Homomorphic operations performed
    on such encrypted vectors are applied coefficient (slot-)wise, enabling
    powerful SIMD functionality for computations that are vectorizable. This
    functionality is often called "batching" in the homomorphic encryption

    @par Mathematical Background
    Mathematically speaking, if the polynomial modulus is X^N+1, N is a power of
    two, the CKKSEncoder implements an approximation of the canonical embedding
    of the ring of integers Z[X]/(X^N+1) into C^(N/2), where C denotes the complex
    numbers. The Galois group of the extension is (Z/2NZ)* ~= Z/2Z x Z/(N/2)
    whose action on the primitive roots of unity modulo coeff_modulus is easy to
    describe. Since the batching slots correspond 1-to-1 to the primitive roots
    of unity, applying Galois automorphisms on the plaintext acts by permuting
    the slots. By applying generators of the two cyclic subgroups of the Galois
    group, we can effectively enable cyclic rotations and complex conjugations
    of the encrypted complex vectors.
    class CKKSEncoder
        using ComplexArith = util::Arithmetic<std::complex<double>, std::complex<double>, double>;
        using FFTHandler = util::DWTHandler<std::complex<double>, std::complex<double>, double>;

        Creates a CKKSEncoder instance initialized with the specified SEALContext.

        @param[in] context The SEALContext
        @throws std::invalid_argument if the encryption parameters are not valid
        @throws std::invalid_argument if scheme is not scheme_type::CKKS
        CKKSEncoder(const SEALContext &context);

        Encodes a vector of double-precision floating-point real or complex numbers
        into a plaintext polynomial. Append zeros if vector size is less than N/2.
        Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory
        pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.

        @tparam T Vector value type (double or std::complex<double>)
        @param[in] values The vector of double-precision floating-point numbers
        (of type T) to encode
        @param[in] parms_id parms_id determining the encryption parameters to
        be used by the result plaintext
        @param[in] scale Scaling parameter defining encoding precision
        @param[out] destination The plaintext polynomial to overwrite with the
        @param[in] pool The MemoryPoolHandle pointing to a valid memory pool
        @throws std::invalid_argument if values has invalid size
        @throws std::invalid_argument if parms_id is not valid for the encryption
        @throws std::invalid_argument if scale is not strictly positive
        @throws std::invalid_argument if encoding is too large for the encryption
        @throws std::invalid_argument if pool is uninitialized
        template <
            typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<
                            std::is_same<std::remove_cv_t<T>, double>::value ||
                            std::is_same<std::remove_cv_t<T>, std::complex<double>>::value>>
        inline void encode(
            const std::vector<T> &values, parms_id_type parms_id, double scale, Plaintext &destination,
            MemoryPoolHandle pool = MemoryManager::GetPool())
            encode_internal(, values.size(), parms_id, scale, destination, std::move(pool));

        Encodes a vector of double-precision floating-point real or complex numbers
        into a plaintext polynomial. Append zeros if vector size is less than N/2.
        The encryption parameters used are the top level parameters for the given
        context. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the
        memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.

        @tparam T Vector value type (double or std::complex<double>)
        @param[in] values The vector of double-precision floating-point numbers
        (of type T) to encode
        @param[in] scale Scaling parameter defining encoding precision
        @param[out] destination The plaintext polynomial to overwrite with the
        @param[in] pool The MemoryPoolHandle pointing to a valid memory pool
        @throws std::invalid_argument if values has invalid size
        @throws std::invalid_argument if scale is not strictly positive
        @throws std::invalid_argument if encoding is too large for the encryption
        @throws std::invalid_argument if pool is uninitialized
        template <
            typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<
                            std::is_same<std::remove_cv_t<T>, double>::value ||
                            std::is_same<std::remove_cv_t<T>, std::complex<double>>::value>>
        inline void encode(
            const std::vector<T> &values, double scale, Plaintext &destination,
            MemoryPoolHandle pool = MemoryManager::GetPool())
            encode(values, context_.first_parms_id(), scale, destination, std::move(pool));
        Encodes a vector of double-precision floating-point real or complex numbers
        into a plaintext polynomial. Append zeros if vector size is less than N/2.
        Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory
        pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.

        @tparam T Array value type (double or std::complex<double>)
        @param[in] values The array of double-precision floating-point numbers
        (of type T) to encode
        @param[in] parms_id parms_id determining the encryption parameters to
        be used by the result plaintext
        @param[in] scale Scaling parameter defining encoding precision
        @param[out] destination The plaintext polynomial to overwrite with the
        @param[in] pool The MemoryPoolHandle pointing to a valid memory pool
        @throws std::invalid_argument if values has invalid size
        @throws std::invalid_argument if parms_id is not valid for the encryption
        @throws std::invalid_argument if scale is not strictly positive
        @throws std::invalid_argument if encoding is too large for the encryption
        @throws std::invalid_argument if pool is uninitialized
        template <
            typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<
                            std::is_same<std::remove_cv_t<T>, double>::value ||
                            std::is_same<std::remove_cv_t<T>, std::complex<double>>::value>>
        inline void encode(
            gsl::span<const T> values, parms_id_type parms_id, double scale, Plaintext &destination,
            MemoryPoolHandle pool = MemoryManager::GetPool())
      , static_cast<std::size_t>(values.size()), parms_id, scale, destination, std::move(pool));

        Encodes a vector of double-precision floating-point real or complex numbers
        into a plaintext polynomial. Append zeros if vector size is less than N/2.
        The encryption parameters used are the top level parameters for the given
        context. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from the
        memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.

        @tparam T Array value type (double or std::complex<double>)
        @param[in] values The array of double-precision floating-point numbers
        (of type T) to encode
        @param[in] scale Scaling parameter defining encoding precision
        @param[out] destination The plaintext polynomial to overwrite with the
        @param[in] pool The MemoryPoolHandle pointing to a valid memory pool
        @throws std::invalid_argument if values has invalid size
        @throws std::invalid_argument if scale is not strictly positive
        @throws std::invalid_argument if encoding is too large for the encryption
        @throws std::invalid_argument if pool is uninitialized
        template <
            typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<
                            std::is_same<std::remove_cv_t<T>, double>::value ||
                            std::is_same<std::remove_cv_t<T>, std::complex<double>>::value>>
        inline void encode(
            gsl::span<const T> values, double scale, Plaintext &destination,
            MemoryPoolHandle pool = MemoryManager::GetPool())
            encode(values, context_.first_parms_id(), scale, destination, std::move(pool));
        Encodes a double-precision floating-point real number into a plaintext
        polynomial. The number repeats for N/2 times to fill all slots. Dynamic
        memory allocations in the process are allocated from the memory pool
        pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.

        @param[in] value The double-precision floating-point number to encode
        @param[in] parms_id parms_id determining the encryption parameters to be
        used by the result plaintext
        @param[in] scale Scaling parameter defining encoding precision
        @param[out] destination The plaintext polynomial to overwrite with the
        @param[in] pool The MemoryPoolHandle pointing to a valid memory pool
        @throws std::invalid_argument if parms_id is not valid for the encryption
        @throws std::invalid_argument if scale is not strictly positive
        @throws std::invalid_argument if encoding is too large for the encryption
        @throws std::invalid_argument if pool is uninitialized
        inline void encode(
            double value, parms_id_type parms_id, double scale, Plaintext &destination,
            MemoryPoolHandle pool = MemoryManager::GetPool())
            encode_internal(value, parms_id, scale, destination, std::move(pool));

        Encodes a double-precision floating-point real number into a plaintext
        polynomial. The number repeats for N/2 times to fill all slots. The
        encryption parameters used are the top level parameters for the given
        context. Dynamic memory allocations in the process are allocated from
        the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.

        @param[in] value The double-precision floating-point number to encode
        @param[in] scale Scaling parameter defining encoding precision
        @param[out] destination The plaintext polynomial to overwrite with the
        @param[in] pool The MemoryPoolHandle pointing to a valid memory pool
        @throws std::invalid_argument if scale is not strictly positive
        @throws std::invalid_argument if encoding is too large for the encryption
        @throws std::invalid_argument if pool is uninitialized
        inline void encode(
            double value, double scale, Plaintext &destination, MemoryPoolHandle pool = MemoryManager::GetPool())
            encode(value, context_.first_parms_id(), scale, destination, std::move(pool));

        Encodes a double-precision complex number into a plaintext polynomial.
        Append zeros to fill all slots. Dynamic memory allocations in the process
        are allocated from the memory pool pointed to by the given MemoryPoolHandle.

        @param[in] value The double-precision complex number to encode
        @param[in] parms_id parms_id determining the encryption parameters to be
        used by the result plaintext
        @param[in] scale Scaling parameter defining encoding precision
        @param[out] destination The pl