classSolution{publicinttrap(int[] height){int size = height.length;if(size <=2)return0;// in the stack, we push the index of array// using height[] to access the real heightStack<Integer> stack =newStack<Integer>();
stack.push(0);int sum =0;for(int index =1; index < size; index++){int stackTop = stack.peek();if(height[index]< height[stackTop]){
stack.push(index);}elseif(height[index]== height[stackTop]){// 因为相等的相邻墙,左边一个是不可能存放雨水的,所以pop左边的index, push当前的index
stack.push(index);}else{//pop up all lower valueint heightAtIdx = height[index];while(!stack.isEmpty()&&(heightAtIdx > height[stackTop])){int mid = stack.pop();if(!stack.isEmpty()){int left = stack.peek();int h =Math.min(height[left], height[index])- height[mid];int w = index - left -1;int hold = h * w;if(hold >0) sum += hold;
stackTop = stack.peek();}}
stack.push(index);}}return sum;}}