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在KSVD去噪算法中,稀疏编码可以使用OMP或者任意其它的稀疏编码算法,KSVD是用于字典更新的算法,KSVD在字典更新的过程中,每次只更新一个原子和对应的稀疏编码向量,在更新该原子时,其它原子是不变的,每次更新完字典的所有原子就同时更新了系数编码系数,这叫作一次迭代,在KSVD算法中,可以选择稀疏表示的第2种模型或者第3种模型见我的上一篇文章 ,在程序中可以通过参数 errorFlag来设置,如果errorFlag 为0,表示是用第2种模型,如果errorFlag 为1,表示是用第3种模型。在程序中的参数说明如下:


%    errorFlag...              if =0, a fix number of coefficients is
%                                 used for representation of each signal. If so, param.L must be
%                                 specified as the number of representing atom. if =1, arbitrary number
%                                 of atoms represent each signal, until a specific representation error
%                                 is reached. If so, param.errorGoal must be specified as the allowed
%                                 error.

在这里,我们使用第2种模式,也就是令errorFlag 为0。












即把一个秩为K的矩阵分解为K个秩为1 的矩阵相加,现在假设我们要跟新第k列的原子,那么其他原子固定,即





接下来,我们将结合KSVD去噪的程序来说明KSVD算法的流程。KSVD去噪算法可以在pudn上下载,去噪的程序denoiseImageKSVD.m  和  KSVD算法的程序 KSVD.m  都在文章末尾。接下来我们将把程序的每个部分提出来分析其功能。




rPerm = randperm(size(Dictionary,2));%size(Dictionary,2)=256 ,该函数产生1到256的随机的整数
for j = rPerm  %j的值为从1到256的随机整数值(没有重复的)
    [betterDictionaryElement,CoefMatrix,addedNewVector] = I_findBetterDictionaryElement(Data,...
    Dictionary(:,j) = betterDictionaryElement;
    replacedVectorCounter = replacedVectorCounter+addedNewVector;


function [betterDictionaryElement,CoefMatrix,NewVectorAdded] = I_findBetterDictionaryElement(Data,Dictionary,j,CoefMatrix,numCoefUsed)
relevantDataIndices = find(CoefMatrix(j,:));
 % 查找出系数矩阵中每一行中非0元素的序号,即使用了第j个原子的的序号
if (length(relevantDataIndices)<1) %(length(relevantDataIndices)==0)  %如果系数矩阵为空,则进行如下的语句 。 如果relevantDataIndices0,说明没有patch表达需要用到第j个原子,则执行以下语句,称为语句块1
    ErrorMat = Data-Dictionary*CoefMatrix;
    ErrorNormVec = sum(ErrorMat.^2);
    [d,i] = max(ErrorNormVec);
    betterDictionaryElement = Data(:,i);
    betterDictionaryElement = betterDictionaryElement./sqrt(betterDictionaryElement'*betterDictionaryElement);%归一化
    betterDictionaryElement = betterDictionaryElement.*sign(betterDictionaryElement(1));
    CoefMatrix(j,:) = 0;
    NewVectorAdded = 1%%%%%实验证明(针对w.jpg图像),值累加了一次
%     liuzhe=1  没进行此句,说明稀疏矩阵的每一行都有非零的元素
NewVectorAdded = 0;
tmpCoefMatrix = CoefMatrix(:,relevantDataIndices); %将稀疏矩阵中使用了第j个原子的系数向量取出来,tmpCoefMatrix尺寸为:256*length(relevantDataIndices)
tmpCoefMatrix(j,:) = 0;% the coeffitients of the element we now improve are not relevant.
errors =(Data(:,relevantDataIndices) - Dictionary*tmpCoefMatrix); % vector of errors that we want to minimize with the new element    D:64*256     tmpCoefMatrix尺寸为:256*length(relevantDataIndices)  Data(:,relevantDataIndices):64*relevantDataIndices
%%在这里使用SVD就可以达到|| errors - beta*element ||_F^2误差最小的效果
[betterDictionaryElement,singularValue,betaVector] = svds(errors,1);%%%%%%%仅仅取出了第一主分量,betterDictionaryElement*singularValue*betaVector'近似的可以表示errors
CoefMatrix(j,relevantDataIndices) = singularValue*betaVector';%这里把SVD向量的左奇异矩阵的第一主向量作为更新的字典原子dk,把奇异值和右奇异向量的第一主向量的乘积作为更新的稀疏向量xk 










  1. function [IOut,output] = denoiseImageKSVD(Image,sigma,K,varargin)
  2. %==========================================================================
  3. % P E R F O R M D E N O I S I N G U S I N G A D I C T I O N A R Y
  4. % T R A I N E D O N N O I S Y I M A G E
  5. %==========================================================================
  6. % function IOut = denoiseImageKSVD(Image,sigma,K,varargin)
  7. % denoise an image by sparsely representing each block with the
  8. % already overcomplete trained Dictionary, and averaging the represented parts.
  9. % Detailed description can be found in "Image Denoising Via Sparse and Redundant
  10. % representations over Learned Dictionaries", (appeared in the
  11. % IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 15, no. 12, December 2006).
  12. % This function may take some time to process. Possible factor that effect
  13. % the processing time are:
  14. % 1. number of KSVD iterations - the default number of iterations is 10.
  15. % However, fewer iterations may, in most cases, result an acceleration in
  16. % the process, without effecting the result too much. Therefore, when
  17. % required, this parameter may be re-set.
  18. % 2. maxBlocksToConsider - The maximal number of blocks to train on. If this
  19. % number is larger the number of blocks in the image, random blocks
  20. % from the image will be selected for training.
  21. % ===================================================================
  22. % INPUT ARGUMENTS : Image - the noisy image (gray-level scale)
  23. % sigma - the s.d. of the noise (assume to be white Gaussian).
  24. % K - the number of atoms in the trained dictionary.
  25. % Optional arguments:
  26. % 'blockSize' - the size of the blocks the algorithm
  27. % works. All blocks are squares, therefore the given
  28. % parameter should be one number (width or height).
  29. % Default value: 8.
  30. % 'errorFactor' - a factor that multiplies sigma in order
  31. % to set the allowed representation error. In the
  32. % experiments presented in the paper, it was set to 1.15
  33. % (which is also the default value here).
  34. % 'maxBlocksToConsider' - maximal number of blocks that
  35. % can be processed. This number is dependent on the memory
  36. % capabilities of the machine, and performances?
  37. % considerations. If the number of available blocks in the
  38. % image is larger than 'maxBlocksToConsider', the sliding
  39. % distance between the blocks increases. The default value
  40. % is: 250000.
  41. % 'slidingFactor' - the sliding distance between processed
  42. % blocks. Default value is 1. However, if the image is
  43. % large, this number increases automatically (because of
  44. % memory requirements). Larger values result faster
  45. % performances (because of fewer processed blocks).
  46. % 'numKSVDIters' - the number of KSVD iterations processed
  47. % blocks from the noisy image. If the number of
  48. % blocks in the image is larger than this number,
  49. % random blocks from all available blocks will be
  50. % selected. The default value for this parameter is:
  51. % 10 if sigma > 5, and 5 otherwise.
  52. % 'maxNumBlocksToTrainOn' - the maximal number of blocks
  53. % to train on. The default value for this parameter is
  54. % 65000. However, it might not be enough for very large
  55. % images
  56. % 'displayFlag' - if this flag is switched on,
  57. % announcement after finishing each it