Games101 课程笔记
- 笔记
- 作业
- 课程大纲
- Lecture 1: Overview of Computer Graphics
- Lecture 2: Review of Linear Algebra
- Lecture 3: Transformation
- Lecture 4: Transformation Cont.
- Lecture 5: Rasterization 1 (Triangles)
- Lecture 6: Rasterization 2 (Antialiasing and Z-Buffering)
- Lecture 7: Shading 1 (Illumination, Shading and Graphics Pipeline)
- Lecture 8: Shading 2 (Shading, Pipeline and Texture Mapping)
- Lecture 9: Shading 3 (Texture Mapping Cont.)
- Lecture 10: Geometry 1 (Introduction)
- Lecture 11: Geometry 2 (Curves and Surfaces)
- Lecture 12: Geometry 3
- Lecture 13: Ray Tracing 1 (Whitted-Style Ray Tracing)
- Lecture 14: Ray Tracing 2 (Acceleration & Radiometry)
- Lecture 15: Ray Tracing 3 (Light Transport & Global Illumination)
- Lecture 16: Ray Tracing 4 (Monte Carlo Path Tracing)
- Lecture 17: Materials and Appearances
- Lecture 18: Advanced Topic in Rendering
- Lecture 19: Cameras, Lenses, and Light Fields
- Lecture 20: Color and Perception
- Lecture 21: Animation
- Lecture 22: Animation Cont.
Rasterization 光栅化
Lecture 7-9 Shading [Illumination, Shading]
Lecture 7-9 Shading [Shading Frequencies 着色频率]
Curves and Meshes 曲线和曲面
Ray Tracing 光线追踪
Animation / Simulation 动画与模拟
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Assignment 4
Assignment 5
Assignment 6
Assignment 7
Assignment 8
Lecture 1: Overview of Computer Graphics
- What is Computer Graphics?
- Why study Computer Graphics?
- Course Topics
- Course Logistics
Linear Algebra Review
Lecture 2: Review of Linear Algebra
More dependent on Linear Algebra
- Vectors(dot products, cross products,…)
- Matrices(matrix-matrix, matrix-vector mult., …)
For example,
- A point is a vector(?)
- An operation like translating or rotating objects can be matrix-vector multiplication
- Basic operations: addition, multiplication
Dot Product
- Forward / backward (dot product positive / negative)
Cross Product
- Left / right (cross product outward / inward)
Lecture 3: Transformation
- Why study transformation
- Modeling
- viewing
- 2D transformations
- Homogeneous coordinates
- Composite transform
Lecture 4: Transformation Cont.
- 3D transformations
- Viewing (观测) transformation
- View (视图) / Camera transformation