MySQL 深度分页是指在分页查询数据量比较大的表时,需要访问表中的某一段数据,而这段数据的位置非常靠后,需要通过较大的 offset 来获取目标数据。
-- 测试表
drop table if exists wide_table;
create table wide_table
id bigint auto_increment primary key,
a varchar(255),
b varchar(255),
c varchar(255),
d varchar(255),
e varchar(255),
f varchar(255),
g varchar(255),
h varchar(255),
i varchar(255),
create_time datetime default current_timestamp
-- 插入十万条记录
delimiter //
drop procedure if exists insert_data;
create procedure insert_data()
declare i int default 1;
while i <= 100000
insert into wide_table (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
values (i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i);
set i = i + 1;
if i % 10000 = 0 then
select i;
end if;
end while;
end //
delimiter ;
call insert_data();
3.1 默认分页
默认分页即通过 limit #{offset}, #{pageSize}
或 limit #{pageSize} offset #{offset}
来进行分页。二者本质上都是全表扫描,MySQL 会依次取出 pageSize 条记录,然后判断其是否在 offset 后,如果不在则舍弃,继续过滤,所以效率低下。
test> select *
from wide_table
limit 80000, 100
[2024-01-18 14:55:42] 在 335 ms (execution: 298 ms, fetching: 37 ms) 内检索到从 1 开始的 100 行
test> select *
from wide_table
limit 100 offset 80000
[2024-01-18 14:55:43] 在 282 ms (execution: 233 ms, fetching: 49 ms) 内检索到从 1 开始的 100 行
select *
from wide_table
limit 80000, 100;
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-----+--------+-----+
# |id|select_type|table |partitions|type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |filtered|Extra|
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-----+--------+-----+
# |1 |SIMPLE |wide_table|null |ALL |null |null|null |null|99551|100 |null |
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-----+--------+-----+
select *
from wide_table
limit 100 offset 80000;
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-----+--------+-----+
# |id|select_type|table |partitions|type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |filtered|Extra|
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-----+--------+-----+
# |1 |SIMPLE |wide_table|null |ALL |null |null|null |null|99551|100 |null |
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-----+--------+-----+
3.2 索引分页
test> select *
from wide_table
where id between 80000 and 80100
[2024-01-18 15:02:27] 在 224 ms (execution: 184 ms, fetching: 40 ms) 内检索到从 1 开始的 101 行
test> select *
from wide_table
where id > 80000
limit 100
[2024-01-18 14:58:34] 在 218 ms (execution: 185 ms, fetching: 33 ms) 内检索到从 1 开始的 100 行
select *
from wide_table
where id between 80000 and 80100;
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+-----+-------------+-------+-------+----+----+--------+-----------+
# |id|select_type|table |partitions|type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|filtered|Extra |
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+-----+-------------+-------+-------+----+----+--------+-----------+
# |1 |SIMPLE |wide_table|null |range|PRIMARY |PRIMARY|8 |null|101 |100 |Using where|
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+-----+-------------+-------+-------+----+----+--------+-----------+
select *
from wide_table
where id > 80000
limit 100;
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+-----+-------------+-------+-------+----+-----+--------+-----------+
# |id|select_type|table |partitions|type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |filtered|Extra |
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+-----+-------------+-------+-------+----+-----+--------+-----------+
# |1 |SIMPLE |wide_table|null |range|PRIMARY |PRIMARY|8 |null|39420|100 |Using where|
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+-----+-------------+-------+-------+----+-----+--------+-----------+
3.3 延迟关联
- 第三行执行计划 id 最大最先执行,这是一个对 wide_table 表的索引扫描,只遍历索引而无需回表(可以理解为索引覆盖)。最终查询到了从第 80001 条记录开始的 100 条记录的主键,并将这些主键保存在临时表 wt 中。
- 第一行执行计划对 wt 进行了全表扫描,获取了主键的查询结果集。
- 第二行执行计划在 wt 中这 100 条主键记录的基础上,通过等值连接(延迟关联)回表获取到了最终的分页结果。
整个查询过程中只有最终的 100 条记录发生了回表,其余记录都只查询了 id 并被过滤掉了,提高了查询的效率。
test> select *
from wide_table
inner join (select id from wide_table limit 80000, 100) as wt
on wide_table.id = wt.id
[2024-01-18 15:03:36] 在 241 ms (execution: 207 ms, fetching: 34 ms) 内检索到从 1 开始的 100 行
select *
from wide_table
inner join (select id from wide_table limit 80000, 100) as wt
on wide_table.id = wt.id;
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+------+-------------+-------+-------+-----+-----+--------+-----------+
# |id|select_type|table |partitions|type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |filtered|Extra |
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+------+-------------+-------+-------+-----+-----+--------+-----------+
# |1 |PRIMARY |<derived2>|null |ALL |null |null |null |null |80100|100 |null |
# |1 |PRIMARY |wide_table|null |eq_ref|PRIMARY |PRIMARY|8 |wt.id|1 |100 |null |
# |2 |DERIVED |wide_table|null |index |null |PRIMARY|8 |null |99551|100 |Using index|
# +--+-----------+----------+----------+------+-------------+-------+-------+-----+-----+--------+-----------+