AWS JDBC Driver 中国区和Global区域的区别是,由于中国区Aurora Endpoint与Global的后缀不同,中国区的AWS JDBC Driver其实无法识别中国区endpoint, 因为中国区的资源endpoint是以".cn" 结尾,这个endpoint不被认为是aurora的endpoint,会被认为是custom domain.
因此应用程序在使用AWS JDBC Driver连接中国区的Aurora,需要配置参数:enableClusterAwareFailover=false
### Cause: org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Failed to obtain JDBC Connection; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: The clusterInstanceHostPattern configuration property is required when an IP address or custom domain is used to connect to a cluster that provides topology information. If you would instead like to connect without failover functionality, set the enableClusterAwareFailover configuration property to false.
AWS JDBC Driver的github:
其实用MySQL JDBC Driver也没啥问题的~~