木兰社区对《Open Source Law,Policy and Practice 》这本书的第二版进行了翻译,并发布在了gitee上。这本书是对开源文化、开源政策、法律的全面介绍。目录如下:
1 Open Source as Philosophy,Methodology,and CommerceUsing Law with Attitude第1章由Ian Walden撰写,标题为“开源:哲学、方法论和商业——有态度地使用法律”。
- Introduction 引言
- The Legal Treatment of Software 软件的法律待遇
- Open Source as Philosophy and Politics 开源作为哲学和政治
- 'Open'What? 开放’什么?
- Open Source as Development Methodology 开源作为开发方法论
- Open Source as Commerce 开源作为商业
- EnforcingOpen Source 强制执行开源
- Open Futures 开源的未来
- ConcludingRemarks 结论性评论
2. Evolving Perspective on Community andGovernance Ross Gardler and Stephen R Wall第2章的标题是“以演进视角看社区和治理”,由Ross Gardler和Stephen R Walli撰写。
2.1 Collaboration and Communities 合作与社区
2.2 Intellectual Assetsto IntellectualProperty 从智力资产到知识产权
2.3 Intellectual Property and Industrial Scale 知识产权与工业规模
2.4 Ealy Experiments under Copyright 版权下的早期实验
2.5 TheStart ofanEngineeringEconomic Model 工程经济模型的开始
2.6 Open Source as aShared Production Model 开源作为一种共享生产模型
2.7 Open Source Culture 开源文化
2.8 Licencesto Facilitate Collaboration 促进合作的许可证
2.9 ThePolitics and Ethics ofOpen Source 开源的政治和伦理
2.10 The Free Software Definition 自由软件定义
2.11 The Open Source Definition 开源定义
2.12 Open SourceInit iative,a Pragmatic Community 开源倡议:一个务实的社区
2.13 Pragmatism versus Ethics 实用主义与伦理
2.14 The Apache Software Foundation Apache软件基金会
2.15 Governance ofOpen Source 开源的治理
2.16 People versus Process 人与流程
2.17 The BenevolentDictator Governance Model 善意独裁者治理模型
2.18 The Meritocratic Governance Model 精英治理模型
2.19 Implicationsof Licence Choice andIPManagement onGovernance Models 许可选择和IP管理对治理模型的影响
2.20 The Rise of Codes of Conducts 行为准则的兴起
2,21 The Business ofOpen Source 开源的商业
2.22 Open Source Non-Profits 开源非营利组织
2.23 Conclusion 结论
3 Copyright,Contract,and Licensing inOpenSourcePMcCoy Smith 版权、合同和许可证
3.1 Copyrightand Software 版权和软件
3.2 Forms ofOpen Source Licensing 开源许可的形式
3.3 Software Interaction andLicence Compatibility 软件交互和许可兼容性
3.4 InterpretingOpen Source Licences:Contract or'Bare Licence? 解释开源许可:合同还是‘裸许可
3.5 What Makes aSoftware Licence free'or opensource? 什么使软件许可成为‘自由’或‘开源’?
3.6 Conclusion 结论
4 Contributor Agreements “贡献者协议” JilayneLovejoy
4.1 ProjectLicence Agreements 项目许可协议
4.2 Types oflnbound Agreements for Open Source Projects 开源项目的入境协议类型
4.3 Employee Contributions 员工贡献
4.4 Practical Advice 实用建议
5 Copyright EnforcementMiriam Ballhausen 版权执行
5.1 Introduction 引言
5.2 Whatis Copyright Infringement and What ClaimsCanBe Made? 什么是版权侵犯以及可以提出哪些索赔
5.3 Enforceability ofOpen Source Licences and Termin ationProvisions-How? 开源许可的可执行性和终止条款——如何
5.4 Why is Copyrightin Open Source so ConsistentlyEnforcedin Germany? 为什么开源在德国如此一致地执行版权
5.5 Who CanEnforce Copyright in Open Source? 谁可以执行开源的版权?
5.6 WhatAre the Key Arguments and Alleged Infringements? 关键论点和声称的侵权是什么?
5.7 New Trends 新趋势
6 Transforming theSupply Chain with Openchain ISO 5230Shane Coughlan 使用OpenChain ISO 5230改善供应链
6.1 Overview 概述
6.2 Compliance is a ProcessChallenge that Spans MultipleOrganisations 合规是一个跨越多个组织的流程挑战
6.3 Because No Single CompanyMakes a Finished Device,No Single Company CanSolve Compliance Challenges 因为没有单一公司制造完成设备,所以没有单一公司可以解决合规挑战
6.4 The BestSolutions Are Often the Simplest,with the LowestBarriersto Entry 最好的解决方案通常是最简单的,进入门槛最低的
6.5 OpenChain ISO5230is Intendedto Make Open SourceLicenceCompliance More Predictable,Understandable,andEffcient fortheSoftware Supply Chain OpenChain ISO 5230旨在使开源许可合规对于软件供应链来说更加可预测、可理解和高效
6.6 ASimple Specification that Explainsthe Key Requirements ofaQuality Compliance Program 一个简单的规范,解释了质量合规程序的关键要求
6.7 AClear and FreeWay to CheckConformancewiththeSpecification 检查是否符合规范的清晰且免费的方式
6.8 Reference Materialto Support Conformance and with BroaderQuestions of Trainingand Processes 支持符合性和更广泛培训及流程问题的参考材料
6.9 Community and Support 社区和支持
6.10 Condusion 结论
6.11 References 参考文献
7 SPDX and Software Billof MaterialsISO/IEC5962L2021Kate Stewart SPDX和软件物料清单ISO/IEC 5962 L2021
7.1 Why Create aSoftware Bill of Materials? 为什么创建软件物料清单
7.2 What is an SPDXDocument? 什么是SPDX文档
7.3 Listening to the OpenSource Community Needs 倾听开源社区的需求
7.4 Tooling and Best Practicesto Make it Easy for Developers 使开发者易于使用的工具和最佳实践
7.5 AdoptionofSPDXDocuments SPDX文档的采用
7.6 Future Directions 未来方向
8 Corporate Concerns:Audit,Valuation,and DealsToby Crick 企业关注:审计、估值和交易”
8.1 Introduction 引言
8.2 Why UnderstandingOpen Source is Important intheCorporate Context 为什么在商业环境中理解开源很重要
8.3 Open Source Audit Services 开源审计服务
8.4 Valuation 估值
8.5 Issues Arising on M&A M&A中出现的 issues
8.6 Investment in Open Source Businesses 对开源企业的投资
8.7 Insolvency 破产
8.8 IPO 首次公开募股(IPO)
9 Trademarks “商标”
9.1 Introduction 引言
9.2 TrademarkLaw Basics 商标法基础
9.3 Open Source Projects,Products,andServices 开源项目、产品和服务的商标
9.4 The Community Rolein Open Source Trademarks 开源商标中的社区角色
9.5 LawfulUse ofOthers'Trademarks 合法使用他人的商标
9.6 Attempts to Limit Competition with Trademarks 试图用商标限制竞争
9.7 Condusion 结论
10 Patents andthe Defensive ResponseMalcolm Bain andP McCoy Smith 专利和防御性应对 10.1 专利和软件,10.2 专利基础:为什么专利对开源很重要?,10.3 专利与开源的互动,10.4 开源如何处理专利,10.5 专利破解和专利池,10.6 针对开源发起的专利诉讼,以及10.7 结论。
10.1 Patents andSoftware
10.2 Patents 101:Why Are Patents Relevant to Open Source?
10.3 Patents andOpen SourceInteractions
10.4 How Open Source Dealswith Patents
10.5 Patent Busting and Patent Pools
10.6 Patent Litigations Initiated Against Open Source
10.7 Conclusions
11 Open SourceSoftware in Standard Setting标准制定中的开源软件:The Role ofIntellectual PropertyRight Regimes Knut Blind,Mirko Bohm,and Nikolaus Thumm 知识产权制度的作用”,由Knut Blind, Mirko Bohm和Nikolaus Thumm撰写,包括:11.1 引言,11.2 文献结果,11.3 案例研究和利益相关者咨询的见解,11.4 知识产权制度在标准开发组织和开源软件中的兼容性,以及11.5 结论。
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Results from the Literature
11.3 Insights from Case Studies and Stakeholder Consultation
11.4 Compatibility of Intellectual Property Regimes in StandardsDevelopment Organisations andOpenSource Software
11.5 Conclusion
12 Export Control “出口管制”,由Michael Cheng和Mishi Choudhary撰写,包括:12.1 引言,12.2 出口管制清单,12.3 案例研究:美国对开源的出口管制应用,12.4 出口管制制度的调查,以及12.5 建议。
Michael Cheng and MishiChoudhary
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Export ControlChecklist
12.3 Case Study:ApplicationofExport ControlRegimes to OpenSource inthe US
12.4 Survey ofExport Control Regimes
12.5 Recommendations
13 Open Source Software and Security:Practices,Governance,History,and Perceptions
Charles-HSchulz “开源软件与安全:实践、治理、历史和观念”,由Charles-H Schulz撰写,包括:13.1 开源与安全:神话与现实,13.2 开源安全治理:漏洞发现、修补和披露实践。
13.1 Open Source and Security:Myths and Reality
13.2 Open Source Security Governance:Vulnerability Discovery,Patching,and Disclosure Practices
14 Sustainability and Open SourceCristian Parrino 这是书中PART 2 “开放的业务:经济学、开源模型和使用”部分的章节标题和小节标题。第14章标题为“可持续性与开源”,由Cristian Parrino撰写,包括:14.1 从以人为中心的设计到以社区为中心的设计,14.2 阿姆斯特丹市案例,14.3 排放问题及供应链的角色和复杂性,14.4 碳负数据中心蓝图,以及14.5 联合国可持续发展目标与开放数据。
14.1 From Human-Centred Design to Community-Centred Design
14.2 The City of Amsterdam Case
14.3 The Emissions Problemand the Role and Complexity ofSupply Chains
14.4 The Carbon-Negative Data Centre Blue Print
14.5 UN Sustainable Development Goals andOpen Data
15 Economics ofOpen Source Mirko Bohm “开源经济学”,由Mirko Bohm撰写,包括:15.1 开源经济学,15.2 引言:开源、法律、政治和经济,15.3 为什么自由软件是免费的?,15.4 软件自由与开放协作,15.5 区分还是协作!,15.6 共同管理与治理,15.7 贡献、版权和参与,15.8 社区、贡献者和功绩,15.9 共享边缘的价值,15.10 与开源相关的产品和服务 15.11 开源在商业环境中的好处,15.12 在消费者眼中的差异化,15.13 志愿者社区的角色,15.14 更广泛开源社区中的竞争,15.15 合规、社会和市场交易以及零价格,以及15.16 开源作为社区提供的公共产品。
15.1 The Economics of OpenSource
15.2 Introduction:Open Source,Law,Politics,and Economics
15.3 Whyis Free Software Free?
15.4 Software Freedom and Open Collaboration
15.5 Differentiate or Collaborate!
15.6 JointStewardshipand Governance
15.7 Contributions,Copyright,andParticipation
15.8 Communities,Contributors,and Merit
15.9 Value at the Edge ofthe Commons
15.10 Open Source-Related Products and Service
15.11 The Beneits of Open Sourcein a BusinessContext
15.12 Differentiat ing in the Eyes of theConsumer
15.13 The Role of theVolunteer Community
15.14 Competition in the Wider Open Source Community
15.15 Compliance,Social andMarket Transactions,and Zero Price
15.16 Open Source as Community-Provisioned Public Good
16 Business and Revenue Modelsand Commercial Agreements Amanda Brock “商业收入模型及商业协议”,由Amanda Brock撰写,包括:16.1 引言,16.2 什么是开源?,16.3 商业模型和开源,16.4 商业或商业模型,16.5 云和过去几年的开源,16.6 标准和FRAND,16.7 开源商业模型 - 多样性和成功,16.8 衡量成功和开源的价值,以及16.9 开源和商业合同。
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Whatis Open Source?
16.3 Business Models andOpen Source
16.4 Commercial or Business Models
16.5 Cloud and Open Source in theLast Few Years
16.6 Standardsand FRAND
16.7 Open Source Business Models-Diversity and Success
16.8 Measuring Success andtheValuesofOpen Source
16.9 OpenSourceand CommercialContracts
17 Antitrust,Competition,and Open SourceCarlo Piana 第17章标题为“反垄断、竞争和开源”,由Carlo Piana撰写,包括:17.1 引言,17.2 滥用市场支配地位,以及17.3 合并控制。
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Abuse of Dominant Position
17.3 Merger Control
18 Foundations and Other OrganisationsKarenSandler “基金会和其他组织”,由Karen Sandler撰写,包括:18.1 治理与基金会,18.2 无基金会解决方案,18.3 慈善机构,18.4 商会,18.5 聚合基金会 - 财政赞助商,18.6 企业倡议,18.7 关于许可和基金会的注释,18.8 被企业模式边缘化、资金和混淆,以及18.9 组织多样性的需求。
18.1 Governance versus Foundations
18.2 The No-Foundation Solution
18.3 Charities
18.4 Trade Associations
18.5 Aggregating Foundations-Fiscal Sponsors
18.6 Corporate Initiatives
18.7 A Note of Licensing and Foundations
18.8 Co-option,Funding,and Confusion around Corporate Models
18.9 Need for Organisational Diversity
19 TheRise of the Open Source ProgramOffices(OSPO)NithyaRuff “开源项目管理办公室(OSPO)的崛起”,由Nithya Ruff撰写,包括:19.1 开始,19.2 你应该启动一个开源程序办公室(OSPO)吗?,19.3 OSPO的角色、模型选项和我们应该在哪里建立它?,19.3.1 深入了解OSPO的组件,19.4 OSPO是如何开始的以及什么是TODO集团?,19.5 OSPO对组织的影响是什么?,19.6 如何开始创建你自己的OSPO?,以及19.7 结论和归因。
19.1 The Beginning
19.2 ShouldYou StartAnOpen Source Program Office(OSPO)?
19.3 The Role of an OSPO,Model Options,andWhere Should WeBuild It?
19.3.1 Drillingdown into OSPO's components
19.4 How Did OSPOs Get Started and the What is the ToDo Group?
19.5 What is the Impact ofan OSPO on an Organisation?
19.6 How to Get Startedin Creating Your OwnOSPO?
19.7 Condusion and Attributions
20 Cloud NativeDevelopment,Containers,and Open SourceLicensingRichard Fontana 第20章标题为“云原生开发、容器和开源许可”,由Richard Fontana撰写,包括:20.1 Linux容器概述,20.2 容器与Copyleft的范围,20.3 容器镜像和源代码合规性,20.4 确定容器的许可,20.5 容器与网络服务Copyleft,以及20.6 针对云服务提供商的“源可用”许可的兴起。
20.1 OverviewofLinux Containers
20.2 Containers and the Scope of Copyleft
20.3 Container Images andSource Code Compliance
20.4 Identifyingthe Licenceofa Container
20.5 Containers and Network Services Copyleft
20.6 The Rise of'Source-Available'LicencesTargeting CloudService Providers
21 Public Sector and Open Source Iain GMitchell KC“公共部门和开源”,由Iain GMitchell KC撰写,包括:21.1 引言,21.2 国际背景 - 世界贸易组织(WTO),以及21.3 欧洲采购法背景。21.4 软件采购中的问题,21.5 英国的情况,21.6 美国的情况,以及21.7 结论。
21.1 Introduction
21.2 The InternationalContext-The WTO
21.3 The European Procurement Law Context
21.4 Issues in Software Procurement
21.5 The UK
21.6 The US
21.7 Condusion
22 Blockchain and Open SourceMark Raddlife “区块链和开源”,由Mark Raddlife撰写,包括:22.1 区块链系统,22.2 协议和客户端,22.3 分叉,22.4 代码审查,22.5 比特币客户端许可分析,22.6 以太坊客户端许可历史,22.7 以太坊客户端许可分析,以及22.8 结论。
22.1 Blockchain Systems
22.2 Protocols and Clients
22.3 Forking
22.4 Code Review
22.5 Bitcoin ClientLicence Analysis
22.6 Ethereum Client Licence History
22.7 Ethereum Client Licence Analysis
22.8 Condusions
23 Open Hardware Andrew Katz “开源硬件”,由Andrew Katz撰写,包括:23.1 引言,23.2 什么是硬件?,23.3 简史,23.4 开源硬件的定义,23.5 硬件与互惠(Copyleft)-知识产权,23.6 硬件与其他形式的知识产权权利,23.7 特定的开源硬件许可,23.8 非Copyleft硬件许可,23.9 开源硬件:开发模型,以及23.10 结论。
23.1 Introduction
23.2 What is Hardware?
23.3 ABrief History
23.4 The Open Source Hardware Definition
23.5 Hardwareand Reciprocity(Copyleft)-Intellectual Property23.6 Hardware andOtherForms ofIntellecual Property Right
23.7 Specific OpenHardware Licences
23.8 Non-copyleft Hardware Licences
23.9 Open SourceHandware:Development Models
23.10 Condusion
24 Open Everything Andrew Katz “一切皆可开放”,继续由Andrew Katz撰写,包括:24.1 使用、学习、修改和共享的自由,24.2 开放治理,24.3 反锁定,24.4 开放之间的相互关系,24.5 开放性与知识产权权利,24.6 软件中的开放性(和自由)定义,24.7 开放知识,24.8 开放数据,24.9 开放内容,24.10 知识共享许可,24.11 其他文档许可,24.12 开源硬件(和开源硬件),24.13 开放数据,24.14 开放软件服务,24.15 开放政治和开放政府,24.16 开放标准和开放规范,24.17 开放创新,24.18 开放出版、开放教育和开放获取,以及24.19 总结。
24.1 Freedom to Use,Study,Modify,and Share
24.2 Open Governance
24.3 Anti-Lock-In
24.4 InterelationshipBetween Opens
24.5 Openness and Intellectual Property Rights
24.6 Definitions ofOpenness(and Freedom)in Software
24.7 Open Knowledge
24.8 Open Data
24.9 Open Content
24.10 Creative Commons
24.11 Other Documentation Licences
24.12 Open Hardware(and Open Source Hardware)
24.13 Open Data
24.14 Open SoftwareServices
24.15 Open Politics andOpen Government
24.16 Open Standards and OpenSpecifications
24.17 OpenInnovation
24.18 Open Publishing,Open Education,and Open Access