



  1. 先取 |-3| (绝对值)的原码:00000000 00000000 00000000 00000011
  2. 得反码: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111100
  3. 得补码(反码+1): 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101



  • 按位与运算符(&)
    例如:3&5 即 0000 0011 & 0000 0101 = 0000 0001 因此,3&5的值得1。

  • 按位或运算符(|):
    例如:3|5 即 0000 0011 | 0000 0101 = 0000 0111 因此,3|5的值得7。

  • 按位异或运算符(^):参加运算的两个数据,按二进制位进行“异或”运算。
    运算规则:0^0=0; 0^1=1; 1^0=1; 1^1=0;
    例如3 ^ 5 即0011 ^ 0101 = 0110 为6

  • 取反运算符(~):

    • 所有正整数的按位取反是其本身+1的负数,如~(3) = -4
    • 所有负整数的按位取反是其本身+1的绝对值,如~(-3) = 2
    • 零的按位取反是 -1
  • 左移运算符(<<)

    // 无符号数
    unsigned char short3 = 255 << 1;   // 左移溢出
    bitset<8> bitset3{ short3 };
    // short3 is 254, bitset: 11111110
    cout << "short3 is " << static_cast<int>(short3) << ", bitset: " << bitset3 << endl;
    // 有符号数	
    signed char short4 = 127 << 1;   // 左移溢出
    // 二进制: 01111111 左移之后为:11111110
    // short4 is -2, bitset: 11111110
    cout << "short4 is " << static_cast<int>(short4) << ", bitset: " << bitset<8>(short4) << endl;
  • 右移运算符(>>)

    // 无符号数
    unsigned char short5 = 255 >> 1;
    // short5 is 127, bitset: 01111111
    cout << "short5 is " << static_cast<int>(short5) << ", bitset: " << bitset<8>(short5) << endl;
    // 有符号数
    char short6 = -1 >> 1;
    // short6 is -1, bitset: 11111111
    cout << "short6 is " << static_cast<int>(short6) << ", bitset: " << bitset<8>(short6) << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>

using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << (3 & 5) << endl; // 1
    cout << (3 | 5) << endl; // 7
    cout << (3 ^ 5) << endl; // 6

    cout << bitset<32>(-3) << endl;
    cout << ~(-3) << endl;   // 2

    // 无符号左移n位 等同于val = val * (2^n)
    unsigned short short1 = 4;
    bitset<16> bitset1{ short1 };   // the bitset representation of 4
    cout << bitset1 << endl;  // 00000000'00000100

    unsigned short short2 = short1 << 1; // 4 left-shifted by 1 = 8
    bitset<16> bitset2{ short2 };
    cout << bitset2 << endl;  // 00000000'00001000

    // 无符号数
    unsigned char short3 = 255 << 1;   // 左移溢出
    bitset<8> bitset3{ short3 };
    // short3 is 254, bitset: 11111110
    cout << "short3 is " << static_cast<int>(short3) << ", bitset: " << bitset3 << endl;

    // 有符号数
    signed char short4 = 127 << 1;   // 左移溢出
    // 二进制: 01111111 左移之后为:11111110
    // short4 is -2, bitset: 11111110
    cout << "short4 is " << static_cast<int>(short4) << ", bitset: " << bitset<8>(short4) << endl;
    // 无符号数
    unsigned char short5 = 255 >> 1;
    // short5 is 127, bitset: 01111111
    cout << "short5 is " << static_cast<int>(short5) << ", bitset: " << bitset<8>(short5) << endl;
    // 有符号数
    char short6 = -1 >> 1;
    // short6 is -1, bitset: 11111111
    cout << "short6 is " << static_cast<int>(short6) << ", bitset: " << bitset<8>(short6) << endl;

    return 0;


  • 逻辑与:&& and
  • 逻辑或:|| or
  • 逻辑非:! not



Bits and Bitwise Operators
c++ 取反运算符“~”
