原文地址:draw.io - 安装(永久地址,保存网址不迷路 🙃)
我们没有采用自建 draw.io 服务,而是使用它的客户端 jgraph/drawio-desktop: Official electron build of diagrams.net 软件。
该笔记将记录:在 Linux 中,安装 drawio-desktop 方法,以及常见问题的解决方法。
通过 AppImage 运行
wget https://github.com/jgraph/drawio-desktop/releases/download/v14.6.13/drawio-x86_64-14.6.13.AppImage chmod u+x drawio-x86_64-14.6.13.AppImage ./drawio-x86_64-14.6.13.AppImage
chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755
问题描述:在启动 drawio-desktop.AppImage 应用时,产生如下错误信息:
[11441:1216/003855.672724:FATAL:setuid_sandbox_host.cc(158)] The SUID sandbox he lper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /tmp/.mount_draw.ijM9w4w /chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755. Trace/breakpoint trap
原因分析:这是个老问题了,只需要在启动时指定 --no-sandbox 选项即可。
drawio-desktop.AppImage --no-sandbox