s=list('kkkkk') s.insert(3,2) s.pop(3) s[6]=1 print(s) print('第一个1的位置是:',s.index('1')) x=0 y=0 for i in range(len(s)): if s[i]=='3': x=x+1 if x==1: y=i print('三分个数为:',x,' ','第一个三分位置是:',y) print('二分个数为:',s.count('2'))
>>> dic=dict(zip([1,2,3],['98','100','88'])) >>> dic {1: '98', 2: '100', 3: '88'} >>> dic2={4:'95'} >>> dic.update(dic2) >>> dic {1: '98', 2: '100', 3: '88', 4: '95'} >>> dic.pop(2) '100' >>> dic {1: '98', 3: '88', 4: '95'}
>>> dic {1: '120', 3: '88', 4: '95'} >>> del dic[3] >>> dic {1: '120', 4: '95'} >>> dic[1]='120' >>> dic {1: '120', 3: '88', 4: '95'} >>> dic {1: '98', 3: '88', 4: '95'} >>> dic.get(4) '95' >>> dic.get(5,'没有') '没有'
>>> dic[4] '95' >>> dic.keys() dict_keys([1, 3, 4]) >>> dic.values() dict_values(['98', '88', '95']) >>> dic.items() dict_items([(1, '98'), (3, '88'), (4, '95')]) dict
s=list(‘456132798‘) t=set(‘4561327489‘) c={‘小明‘:‘1‘,‘小红‘:‘3‘,‘小华‘:‘2‘} x=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) print(‘列表的遍历为:‘,end=‘‘) for i in s: print(i,end=‘‘) print() print(‘元祖的遍历为:‘,end=‘‘) for i in x: print(i,end=‘‘) print() print(‘字典key的遍历为:‘,end=‘‘) for i in c: print(i,end=‘‘) print() print(‘字典value的遍历为:‘,end=‘‘) for i in c.values(): print(i,end=‘‘) print() print(‘数组的遍历为:‘,end=‘‘) for i in x: print(i,end=‘‘)
''' 下载一首英文的歌词或文章,统计单词出现的次数,将所有,.?!替换为空格,将所有大写转换为小写。 ''' sr='''You're ?insecure Don't know what for You're turning heads through the door Don't need make-up to cover up Being the way that you are is enough Everyone else in the room can see it Everyone else but you Baby you light up my world like nobody else The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell You don't know Oh oh You don't know you're beautiful If only you saw what I can see You'll understand why I want you so desperately Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe You don't know Oh !oh You don't know you're beautiful Oh oh That's what makes you beautiful So c-come on You got it wrong To prove I'm ,right ''' print(sr.count('you')) for i in sr: sr=sr.replace(',','/t ') sr=sr.replace('!','/t ') sr=sr.replace('?','/t ') print(sr) for i in sr: sr=sr.upper() print(sr)
s='''Well I wonder could it be When I was dreaming about you baby You were dreaming of me Call me crazy Call me blind To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time Did I lose my love to someone better And does she love you like I do I do, you know I really really do Well hey So much I need to say Been lonely since the day The day you went away So sad but true For me there‘s only you Been crying since the day the day you went away.!?''' print("do出现次数",s.count('do')) s=s.replace(",","") s=s.replace(‘.‘,‘‘) s=s.replace(‘?‘,‘‘) s=s.replace(‘!‘,‘‘) s=s.replace(‘\n‘,‘‘) s=s.lower() s1=s.split(‘ ‘) key=set(s1) dic={} for i in key: dic[i]=s.count(i) wc=list(dic.items()) wc.sort(key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True) for i in range(10): print(wc[i])