Unix text file uses linefeed only to indicate end of line, the .net streamreader's readline function is not working with unix text file.
I made a small wrapper for StreamReader class to make it is working with unix format.
At first, I created a class
Public Class StreamReaderUnix
Inherits streamreader
Sub New ( ByVal filename As String )
MyBase .New(filename)
End Sub
Public Function ReadLine( ByVal unixStyle As String ) As String
Dim intByte As Integer
Dim bteRead() As Byte
Dim mybuffer( 1 ) As Char
Dim lineFeedLocation As Integer
Dim aLine As String = String .Empty
If unixStyle = "" Then
MyBase .ReadLine()
Do While Not intByte = - 1
intByte = MyBase .Read(mybuffer, 0 , 1 )
If intByte <> - 1 Then
lineFeedLocation = Array.IndexOf(mybuffer, CChar (vbLf))
If mybuffer( 0 ) = CChar (vbLf) Then
Return aLine
ElseIf mybuffer( 0 ) = CChar (vbCr) Then
' doing nothing
aLine = aLine & mybuffer( 0 )
End If
End If
End If
End Function
End Class
Public Class StreamReaderUnix
Inherits streamreader
Sub New ( ByVal filename As String )
MyBase .New(filename)
End Sub
Public Function ReadLine( ByVal unixStyle As String ) As String
Dim intByte As Integer
Dim bteRead() As Byte
Dim mybuffer( 1 ) As Char
Dim lineFeedLocation As Integer
Dim aLine As String = String .Empty
If unixStyle = "" Then
MyBase .ReadLine()
Do While Not intByte = - 1
intByte = MyBase .Read(mybuffer, 0 , 1 )
If intByte <> - 1 Then
lineFeedLocation = Array.IndexOf(mybuffer, CChar (vbLf))
If mybuffer( 0 ) = CChar (vbLf) Then
Return aLine
ElseIf mybuffer( 0 ) = CChar (vbCr) Then
' doing nothing
aLine = aLine & mybuffer( 0 )
End If
End If
End If
End Function
End Class
Below is the sample code to use this class
oRead = New StreamReaderUnix( " sample.txt " )
Dim lineIn As String
While oRead.Peek <> - 1
lineIn = oRead.ReadLine( " unix " )
MsgBox (lineIn)
End While
oRead = New StreamReaderUnix( " sample.txt " )
Dim lineIn As String
While oRead.Peek <> - 1
lineIn = oRead.ReadLine( " unix " )
MsgBox (lineIn)
End While