
jq ajax success error,Jquery Ajax post success/error function

I have a post function that is not being caught on error.

Here's the value being returned from postride.php.

if ($group_id==0) {

echo 'No group selected';

return false;



Here's the jquery code:


$('#postride').submit(function(event) {


dataString = $("#postride").serialize();


type: "post",

url: "postride.php",


error: function(returnval) {

$(".message").text(returnval + " failure");




success: function (returnval) {

$(".message").text(returnval + " success");



//setTimeout( function() { top.location.href="view.php" }, 3000 );



return false;



The post function returns false, but the error function does not fire, only the success function. It will post "No group selected success".

Thanks for any help!
