
【Bluedroid】A2dp Source连接流程源码分析(三)


本篇主要围绕A2dp Source连接流程中的AVDTP Discover展开。



 * Function         AVDT_DiscoverReq
 * Description      This function initiates a connection to the AVDTP service
 *                  on the peer device, if not already present, and discovers
 *                  the stream endpoints on the peer device.  (Please note
 *                  that AVDTP discovery is unrelated to SDP discovery).
 *                  This function can be called at any time regardless of
 *                  whether there is an AVDTP connection to the peer device.
 *                  When discovery is complete, an AVDT_DISCOVER_CFM_EVT
 *                  is sent to the application via its callback function.
 *                  The application must not call AVDT_GetCapReq() or
 *                  AVDT_DiscoverReq() again to the same device until
 *                  discovery is complete.
 *                  The memory addressed by sep_info is allocated by the
 *                  application.  This memory is written to by AVDTP as part
 *                  of the discovery procedure.  This memory must remain
 *                  accessible until the application receives the
 *                  AVDT_DISCOVER_CFM_EVT.
 * Returns          AVDT_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise error.
uint16_t AVDT_DiscoverReq(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t channel_index, // 标识AVDTP连接的通道索引
                          tAVDT_SEP_INFO* p_sep_info, uint8_t max_seps,
                          tAVDT_CTRL_CBACK* p_cback) {
  AvdtpCcb* p_ccb;
  uint16_t result = AVDT_SUCCESS;
  tAVDT_CCB_EVT evt;


  /* find channel control block for this bd addr; if none, allocate one */
  // 查找或分配通道控制块(CCB)
  p_ccb = avdt_ccb_by_bd(bd_addr);
  if (p_ccb == NULL) {
    // 尝试根据通道索引为该地址分配一个新的通道控制块
    p_ccb = avdt_ccb_alloc_by_channel_index(bd_addr, channel_index);
    if (p_ccb == NULL) {
      /* could not allocate channel control block */
      result = AVDT_NO_RESOURCES;

  if (result == AVDT_SUCCESS) {
    /* make sure no discovery or get capabilities req already in progress */
    // 检查当前通道控制块是否已经有正在进行的发现或获取能力请求
    if (p_ccb->proc_busy) {
      result = AVDT_BUSY;
    /* send event to ccb */    
    else {// 发送发现请求事件
      // 创建一个事件,其中包含流端点信息、最大端点数和回调函数指针 = p_sep_info; = max_seps; = p_cback;
      avdt_ccb_event(p_ccb, AVDT_CCB_API_DISCOVER_REQ_EVT, &evt); // 将此事件发送到通道控制块进行处理

  if (result != AVDT_SUCCESS) {
    log::error("result={} address={}", result,
  return result;

调用AVDT_DiscoverReq函数向对等设备发送一个AVDTP发现请求,以查询对方支持的媒体流端点(SEP,Streaming Endpoint)。


 * Function         AVDT_DiscoverReq
 * Description      This function initiates a connection to the AVDTP service
 *                  on the peer device, if not already present, and discovers
 *                  the stream endpoints on the peer device.  (Please note
 *                  that AVDTP discovery is unrelated to SDP discovery).
 *                  This function can be called at any time regardless of
 *                  whether there is an AVDTP connection to the peer device.
 *                  When discovery is complete, an AVDT_DISCOVER_CFM_EVT
 *                  is sent to the application via its callback function.
 *                  The application must not call AVDT_GetCapReq() or
 *                  AVDT_DiscoverReq() again to the same device until
 *                  discovery is complete.
 *                  The memory addressed by sep_info is allocated by the
 *                  application.  This memory is written to by AVDTP as part
 *                  of the discovery procedure.  This memory must remain
 *                  accessible until the application receives the
 *                  AVDT_DISCOVER_CFM_EVT.
 * Returns          AVDT_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise error.
uint16_t AVDT_DiscoverReq(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t channel_index, // 标识AVDTP连接的通道索引
                          tAVDT_SEP_INFO* p_sep_info, uint8_t max_seps,
                          tAVDT_CTRL_CBACK* p_cback) {
  AvdtpCcb* p_ccb;
  uint16_t result = AVDT_SUCCESS;
  tAVDT_CCB_EVT evt;


  /* find channel control block for this bd addr; if none, allocate one */
  // 查找或分配通道控制块(CCB)
  p_ccb = avdt_ccb_by_bd(bd_addr);
  if (p_ccb == NULL) {
    // 尝试根据通道索引为该地址分配一个新的通道控制块
    p_ccb = avdt_ccb_alloc_by_channel_index(bd_addr, channel_index);
    if (p_ccb == NULL) {
      /* could not allocate channel control block */
      result = AVDT_NO_RESOURCES;

  if (result == AVDT_SUCCESS) {
    /* make sure no discovery or get capabilities req already in progress */
    // 检查当前通道控制块是否已经有正在进行的发现或获取能力请求
    if (p_ccb->proc_busy) {
      result = AVDT_BUSY;
    /* send event to ccb */    
    else {// 发送发现请求事件
      // 创建一个事件,其中包含流端点信息、最大端点数和回调函数指针 = p_sep_info; = max_seps; = p_cback;
      avdt_ccb_event(p_ccb, AVDT_CCB_API_DISCOVER_REQ_EVT, &evt); // 将此事件发送到通道控制块进行处理

  if (result != AVDT_SUCCESS) {
    log::error("result={} address={}", result,
  return result;




 * Function         avdt_ccb_event
 * Description      State machine event handling function for ccb
 * Returns          Nothing.
void avdt_ccb_event(AvdtpCcb* p_ccb, uint8_t event, tAVDT_CCB_EVT* p_data) {
  tAVDT_CCB_ST_TBL state_table;
  uint8_t action;
  int i;

  log::verbose("CCB ccb={} event={} state={} p_ccb={}", avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb),
               avdt_ccb_evt_str[event], avdt_ccb_st_str[p_ccb->state],

  /* look up the state table for the current state */
  // 查找状态表:根据当前CCB的状态,查找对应的状态表。状态表定义了每个状态下每个事件的处理逻辑,包括下一个状态和要执行的动作
  state_table = avdt_ccb_st_tbl[p_ccb->state];

  /* set next state */
  // 设置下一个状态:如果当前状态不是状态表中定义的下一个状态,则更新CCB的状态
  if (p_ccb->state != state_table[event][AVDT_CCB_NEXT_STATE]) {
    p_ccb->state = state_table[event][AVDT_CCB_NEXT_STATE];

  /* execute action functions */
  for (i = 0; i < AVDT_CCB_ACTIONS; i++) {
    action = state_table[event][i];
    log::verbose("event={} state={} action={}", avdt_ccb_evt_str[event],
                 avdt_ccb_st_str[p_ccb->state], action);
    if (action != AVDT_CCB_IGNORE) {
      (*avdtp_cb.p_ccb_act[action])(p_ccb, p_data);
    } else {



 * Function         avdt_ccb_snd_discover_cmd
 * Description      This function is called to send a discover command to the
 *                  peer.  It copies variables needed for the procedure from
 *                  the event to the CCB.  It marks the CCB as busy and then
 *                  sends a discover command.
 * Returns          void.
void avdt_ccb_snd_discover_cmd(AvdtpCcb* p_ccb, tAVDT_CCB_EVT* p_data) {
  /* store info in ccb struct */
  // 存储信息到CCB结构体:从事件结构体p_data中复制发现命令所需的信息到CCB结构体p_ccb中
  p_ccb->p_proc_data = p_data->discover.p_sep_info; // 指向SEP(Stream End Point,流端点)信息的指针,这些信息描述了要发现的流端点的特性
  p_ccb->proc_cback = p_data->discover.p_cback; // 回调函数指针,当发现过程完成时,这个回调函数将被调用
  p_ccb->proc_param = p_data->discover.num_seps; // 要发现的SEP的数量

  /* we're busy */
  p_ccb->proc_busy = true; // 标记这个CCB当前正在处理一个发现过程,防止其他过程同时使用这个CCB

  /* build and queue discover req */
  avdt_msg_send_cmd(p_ccb, NULL, AVDT_SIG_DISCOVER, NULL); // 建并发送一个发现请求消息



 * Function         avdt_msg_send_cmd
 * Description      This function is called to send a command message.  The
 *                  sig_id parameter indicates the message type, p_params
 *                  points to the message parameters, if any.  It gets a buffer
 *                  from the AVDTP command pool, executes the message building
 *                  function for this message type.  It then queues the message
 *                  in the command queue for this CCB.
 * Returns          Nothing.
void avdt_msg_send_cmd(AvdtpCcb* p_ccb, void* p_scb, uint8_t sig_id,
                       tAVDT_MSG* p_params) {
  uint8_t* p;
  uint8_t* p_start;
  BT_HDR* p_buf = (BT_HDR*)osi_malloc(AVDT_CMD_BUF_SIZE); // 分配缓冲区

  /* set up buf pointer and offset */
  // 设置缓冲区指针和偏移
  p_buf->offset = AVDT_MSG_OFFSET;
  p_start = p = (uint8_t*)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;

  /* execute parameter building function to build message */
  // 构建消息:根据sig_id调用相应的消息构建函数(从avdt_msg_bld_cmd数组中获取)
  (*avdt_msg_bld_cmd[sig_id - 1])(&p, p_params); // avdt_msg_bld_none

  /* set len */
  p_buf->len = (uint16_t)(p - p_start); // 设置消息长度

  /* now store scb hdls, if any, in buf */
  if (p_scb != NULL) { // 存储SCB句柄(如果适用)
    p = (uint8_t*)(p_buf + 1);

    /* for start and suspend, p_scb points to array of handles */
    if ((sig_id == AVDT_SIG_START) || (sig_id == AVDT_SIG_SUSPEND)) {
      memcpy(p, (uint8_t*)p_scb, p_buf->len);
    /* for all others, p_scb points to scb as usual */
    else {
      *p = avdt_scb_to_hdl((AvdtpScb*)p_scb);

  /* stash sig, label, and message type in buf */
  // 设置消息头:在缓冲区中设置消息的事件类型(即sig_id)、消息类型(命令)和标签(p_ccb->label)
  p_buf->event = sig_id;
  AVDT_BLD_LAYERSPEC(p_buf->layer_specific, AVDT_MSG_TYPE_CMD, p_ccb->label);

  /* increment label */
  p_ccb->label = (p_ccb->label + 1) % 16; // 递增CCB的标签值,并确保它在0到15的范围内循环

  /* queue message and trigger ccb to send it */
  fixed_queue_enqueue(p_ccb->cmd_q, p_buf); // 将消息添加到CCB的命令队列中
  avdt_ccb_event(p_ccb, AVDT_CCB_SENDMSG_EVT, NULL); // 触发事件(AVDT_CCB_SENDMSG_EVT)


 * Function         avdt_ccb_event
 * Description      State machine event handling function for ccb
 * Returns          Nothing.
void avdt_ccb_event(AvdtpCcb* p_ccb, uint8_t event, tAVDT_CCB_EVT* p_data) {
  tAVDT_CCB_ST_TBL state_table;
  uint8_t action;
  int i;

  log::verbose("CCB ccb={} event={} state={} p_ccb={}", avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb),
               avdt_ccb_evt_str[event], avdt_ccb_st_str[p_ccb->state],

  /* look up the state table for the current state */
  state_table = avdt_ccb_st_tbl[p_ccb->state];

  /* set next state */
  if (p_ccb->state != state_table[event][AVDT_CCB_NEXT_STATE]) {
    p_ccb->state = state_table[event][AVDT_CCB_NEXT_STATE];

  /* execute action functions */
  for (i = 0; i < AVDT_CCB_ACTIONS; i++) {
    action = state_table[event][i];
    log::verbose("event={} state={} action={}", avdt_ccb_evt_str[event],
                 avdt_ccb_st_str[p_ccb->state], action);
    if (action != AVDT_CCB_IGNORE) {
      (*avdtp_cb.p_ccb_act[action])(p_ccb, p_data);
    } else {


 * Function         avdt_ccb_snd_msg
 * Description
 * Returns          void.
void avdt_ccb_snd_msg(AvdtpCcb* p_ccb, UNUSED_ATTR tAVDT_CCB_EVT* p_data) {
  BT_HDR* p_msg;

  /* if not congested */
  if (!p_ccb->cong) { // 检查拥塞状态
    /* are we sending a fragmented message? continue sending fragment */
    // 发送分片消息
    if (p_ccb->p_curr_msg != NULL) { // 当前正在发送一个分片消息
      // 继续发送该消息的下一个分片。通常发生在消息太大而无法一次性发送时,需要将其分成多个较小的分片
      avdt_msg_send(p_ccb, NULL);
    /* do we have responses to send?  send them */
    // 发送响应消息
    else if (!fixed_queue_is_empty(p_ccb->rsp_q)) {
      // 尝试从队列中取出消息并发送它们,直到队列为空或遇到拥塞为止
      while ((p_msg = (BT_HDR*)fixed_queue_try_dequeue(p_ccb->rsp_q)) != NULL) {
        if (avdt_msg_send(p_ccb, p_msg)) {
          /* break out if congested */

    /* do we have commands to send?  send next command */
    // 发送命令消息:无论是否发送了响应消息,都会尝试发送下一个待发送的命令消息
    avdt_ccb_snd_cmd(p_ccb, NULL);

按照分段消息、响应消息、命令消息的优先级顺序,在没有拥塞的情况下,尝试依次发送各类 AVDTP 消息。


 * Function         avdt_msg_send
 * Description      Send, and if necessary fragment the next message.
 * Returns          Congested state; true if CCB congested, false if not.
bool avdt_msg_send(AvdtpCcb* p_ccb, BT_HDR* p_msg) {
  uint16_t curr_msg_len;
  uint8_t pkt_type;
  uint8_t hdr_len;
  AvdtpTransportChannel* p_tbl;
  BT_HDR* p_buf;
  uint8_t* p;
  uint8_t label;
  uint8_t msg;
  uint8_t sig;
  uint8_t nosp = 0; /* number of subsequent packets */

  /* look up transport channel table entry to get peer mtu */
  // 查找与信号通道(AVDT_CHAN_SIG)相关联的传输通道表条目,以获取对端的MTU大小
  p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_type(AVDT_CHAN_SIG, p_ccb, NULL);

  /* set the current message if there is a message passed in */
  if (p_msg != NULL) {
    // 将其设置为当前正在发送的消息
    p_ccb->p_curr_msg = p_msg;

  /* store copy of curr_msg->len */
  curr_msg_len = p_ccb->p_curr_msg->len;

  /* while not congested and we haven't sent it all */
  // 消息发送循环:进入循环,该循环将持续进行,直到CCB拥塞或当前消息完全发送为止
  while ((!p_ccb->cong) && (p_ccb->p_curr_msg != NULL)) {
    /* check what kind of message we've got here; we are using the offset
    ** to indicate that a message is being fragmented
    // 消息类型检查与分片
    /* if message isn't being fragmented and it fits in mtu */
    // 如果消息未被分片且适合MTU大小,则将其作为单包消息发送
    if ((p_ccb->p_curr_msg->offset == AVDT_MSG_OFFSET) &&
        (p_ccb->p_curr_msg->len <= p_tbl->peer_mtu - AVDT_LEN_TYPE_SINGLE)) {
      pkt_type = AVDT_PKT_TYPE_SINGLE;
      hdr_len = AVDT_LEN_TYPE_SINGLE;
      p_buf = p_ccb->p_curr_msg;
    /* if message isn't being fragmented and it doesn't fit in mtu */
    // 如果消息未被分片但不适合MTU大小,则开始分片过程,并发送第一个分片(起始分片)
    else if ((p_ccb->p_curr_msg->offset == AVDT_MSG_OFFSET) &&
             (p_ccb->p_curr_msg->len >
              p_tbl->peer_mtu - AVDT_LEN_TYPE_SINGLE)) {
      pkt_type = AVDT_PKT_TYPE_START;
      hdr_len = AVDT_LEN_TYPE_START;
      nosp = (p_ccb->p_curr_msg->len + AVDT_LEN_TYPE_START - p_tbl->peer_mtu) /
                 (p_tbl->peer_mtu - 1) +

      /* get a new buffer for fragment we are sending */
      p_buf = (BT_HDR*)osi_malloc(AVDT_CMD_BUF_SIZE);

      /* copy portion of data from current message to new buffer */
      p_buf->offset = L2CAP_MIN_OFFSET + hdr_len;
      p_buf->len = p_tbl->peer_mtu - hdr_len;
      memcpy((uint8_t*)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset,
             (uint8_t*)(p_ccb->p_curr_msg + 1) + p_ccb->p_curr_msg->offset,
    /* if message is being fragmented and remaining bytes don't fit in mtu */
    // 如果消息正在被分片且剩余字节不适合MTU大小,则发送一个继续分片
    else if ((p_ccb->p_curr_msg->offset > AVDT_MSG_OFFSET) &&
             (p_ccb->p_curr_msg->len >
              (p_tbl->peer_mtu - AVDT_LEN_TYPE_CONT))) {
      pkt_type = AVDT_PKT_TYPE_CONT;
      hdr_len = AVDT_LEN_TYPE_CONT;

      /* get a new buffer for fragment we are sending */
      p_buf = (BT_HDR*)osi_malloc(AVDT_CMD_BUF_SIZE);

      /* copy portion of data from current message to new buffer */
      p_buf->offset = L2CAP_MIN_OFFSET + hdr_len;
      p_buf->len = p_tbl->peer_mtu - hdr_len;
      memcpy((uint8_t*)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset,
             (uint8_t*)(p_ccb->p_curr_msg + 1) + p_ccb->p_curr_msg->offset,
    /* if message is being fragmented and remaining bytes do fit in mtu */
    else { // 如果消息正在被分片且剩余字节适合MTU大小或更少,则发送最后一个分片(结束分片)
      pkt_type = AVDT_PKT_TYPE_END;
      hdr_len = AVDT_LEN_TYPE_END;
      p_buf = p_ccb->p_curr_msg;

    /* label, sig id, msg type are in hdr of p_curr_msg */    
    label = AVDT_LAYERSPEC_LABEL(p_ccb->p_curr_msg->layer_specific);
    msg = AVDT_LAYERSPEC_MSG(p_ccb->p_curr_msg->layer_specific);
    sig = (uint8_t)p_ccb->p_curr_msg->event;
    log::verbose("avdt_msg_send label:{}, msg:{}, sig:{}", label, msg, sig);

    /* keep track of how much of msg we've sent */
    // 更新消息状态:根据已发送的字节数,更新当前消息的长度和偏移量。如果整个消息已发送完毕,则将当前消息指针设置为NULL
    curr_msg_len -= p_buf->len;
    if (curr_msg_len == 0) {
      /* entire message sent; mark as finished */
      p_ccb->p_curr_msg = NULL;

      /* start timer here for commands */
      // 设置定时器:对于命令消息,根据消息类型设置相应的定时器(响应定时器或重传定时器)
      if (msg == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_CMD) {
        /* if retransmit timeout set to zero, sig doesn't use retransmit */
        if ((sig == AVDT_SIG_DISCOVER) || (sig == AVDT_SIG_GETCAP) ||
            (sig == AVDT_SIG_SECURITY) || (avdtp_cb.rcb.ret_tout == 0)) {
          uint64_t interval_ms = avdtp_cb.rcb.sig_tout * 1000;
          alarm_set_on_mloop(p_ccb->rsp_ccb_timer, interval_ms,
                             avdt_ccb_rsp_ccb_timer_timeout, p_ccb);
        } else if (sig != AVDT_SIG_DELAY_RPT) {
          uint64_t interval_ms = avdtp_cb.rcb.ret_tout * 1000;
          alarm_set_on_mloop(p_ccb->ret_ccb_timer, interval_ms,
                             avdt_ccb_ret_ccb_timer_timeout, p_ccb);
    } else {
      /* message being fragmented and not completely sent */
      p_ccb->p_curr_msg->len -= p_buf->len;
      p_ccb->p_curr_msg->offset += p_buf->len;

    /* set up to build header */
    // 构建消息头:根据消息类型(单包、起始分片、继续分片、结束分片),构建消息头,并可能包括后续分片数量(对于起始分片)和信号ID(对于起始分片和单包消息)
    p_buf->len += hdr_len;
    p_buf->offset -= hdr_len;
    p = (uint8_t*)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;

    /* build header */
    AVDT_MSG_BLD_HDR(p, label, pkt_type, msg);
    if (pkt_type == AVDT_PKT_TYPE_START) {
      AVDT_MSG_BLD_NOSP(p, nosp);
    if ((pkt_type == AVDT_PKT_TYPE_START) ||
        (pkt_type == AVDT_PKT_TYPE_SINGLE)) {
      AVDT_MSG_BLD_SIG(p, sig);

    /* send msg buffer down */
    avdt_ad_write_req(AVDT_CHAN_SIG, p_ccb, NULL, p_buf); // 将构建好的消息发送到L2CAP层
  return (p_ccb->cong); // 拥塞检查:在循环结束时,返回CCB的拥塞状态



 * Function         avdt_ad_write_req
 * Description      This function is called by a CCB or SCB to send data to a
 *                  transport channel.  It looks up the LCID of the channel
 *                  based on the type, CCB, and SCB (if present).  Then it
 *                  passes the data to L2CA_DataWrite().
 * Returns          AVDT_AD_SUCCESS, if data accepted
 *                  AVDT_AD_CONGESTED, if data accepted and the channel is
 *                                     congested
 *                  AVDT_AD_FAILED, if error
uint8_t avdt_ad_write_req(uint8_t type, AvdtpCcb* p_ccb, AvdtpScb* p_scb,
                          BT_HDR* p_buf) {
  uint8_t tcid;

  /* get tcid from type, scb */
  // 查找LCID:根据数据类型和可能的SCB来查找对应的传输通道标识符(TCID)
  tcid = avdt_ad_type_to_tcid(type, p_scb);

  return L2CA_DataWrite([avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb)][tcid].lcid,

把 AVDTP 相关的传输需求转接到了 L2CA_DataWrite 函数。


 * Function         L2CA_DataWrite
 * Description      Higher layers call this function to write data.
 * Returns          L2CAP_DW_SUCCESS, if data accepted, else false
 *                  L2CAP_DW_CONGESTED, if data accepted and the channel is
 *                                      congested
 *                  L2CAP_DW_FAILED, if error
uint8_t L2CA_DataWrite(uint16_t cid, BT_HDR* p_data) {
  log::verbose("L2CA_DataWrite()  CID: 0x{:04x}  Len: {}", cid, p_data->len);
  return l2c_data_write(cid, p_data, L2CAP_FLUSHABLE_CH_BASED);



 * Function         l2c_data_write
 * Description      API functions call this function to write data.
 * Returns          L2CAP_DW_SUCCESS, if data accepted, else false
 *                  L2CAP_DW_CONGESTED, if data accepted and the channel is
 *                                      congested
 *                  L2CAP_DW_FAILED, if error
uint8_t l2c_data_write(uint16_t cid, BT_HDR* p_data, uint16_t flags) {
  /* Find the channel control block. We don't know the link it is on. */
  // 查找通道控制块, 尝试根据提供的CID找到对应的通道控制块(CCB)
  tL2C_CCB* p_ccb = l2cu_find_ccb_by_cid(NULL, cid);
  if (!p_ccb) {
    log::warn("L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_DataWrite, CID: {}", cid);
    return (L2CAP_DW_FAILED);

  /* Sending message bigger than mtu size of peer is a violation of protocol */
  uint16_t mtu;
  // 检查MTU大小:检查要发送的数据长度是否超过了对端设备的MTU大小
  if (p_ccb->p_lcb->transport == BT_TRANSPORT_LE)
    mtu = p_ccb->peer_conn_cfg.mtu;
    mtu = p_ccb->peer_cfg.mtu;

  if (p_data->len > mtu) {
        "L2CAP - CID: 0x{:04x}  cannot send message bigger than peer's mtu "
        "size: len={} mtu={}",
        cid, p_data->len, mtu);
    return (L2CAP_DW_FAILED);

  /* channel based, packet based flushable or non-flushable */
  p_data->layer_specific = flags;

  /* If already congested, do not accept any more packets */
  // 检查拥塞状态 
  if (p_ccb->cong_sent) { // 通道已经处于拥塞状态
        "L2CAP - CID: 0x{:04x} cannot send, already congested  "
        "xmit_hold_q.count: {}  buff_quota: {}",
        p_ccb->local_cid, fixed_queue_length(p_ccb->xmit_hold_q),

    return (L2CAP_DW_FAILED);

  // 执行L2CAP状态机
  l2c_csm_execute(p_ccb, L2CEVT_L2CA_DATA_WRITE, p_data);

  // 检查通道是否仍然处于拥塞状态
  if (p_ccb->cong_sent) return (L2CAP_DW_CONGESTED);

  return (L2CAP_DW_SUCCESS);

处理来自上层(如L2CAP API函数L2CA_DataWrite)的数据写入请求。验证请求的有效性,确保数据符合协议规范,并最终将数据传递给L2CAP状态机进行处理。


    case CST_OPEN:
      l2c_csm_open(p_ccb, event, p_data);


 * Function         l2c_csm_open
 * Description      This function handles events when the channel is in
 *                  OPEN state.
 * Returns          void
static void l2c_csm_open(tL2C_CCB* p_ccb, tL2CEVT event, void* p_data) {
  uint16_t local_cid = p_ccb->local_cid;
  tL2CAP_CFG_INFO* p_cfg;
  tL2C_CHNL_STATE tempstate;
  uint8_t tempcfgdone;
  uint8_t cfg_result = L2CAP_PEER_CFG_DISCONNECT;
  uint16_t credit = 0;
  tL2CAP_LE_CFG_INFO* p_le_cfg = (tL2CAP_LE_CFG_INFO*)p_data;

  log::verbose("LCID: 0x{:04x}  st: OPEN  evt: {}", p_ccb->local_cid,

  switch (event) {
    case L2CEVT_L2CA_DATA_WRITE: /* Upper layer data to send */
      if (p_data) {
        uint16_t package_len = ((BT_HDR*)p_data)->len; // 提取数据包的长度
        l2c_enqueue_peer_data(p_ccb, (BT_HDR*)p_data); // 将数据加入到对端设备的发送队列中
        l2c_link_check_send_pkts(p_ccb->p_lcb, 0, NULL);
            p_ccb->p_rcb->psm, p_ccb->local_cid, p_ccb->remote_id,
            p_ccb->p_lcb->remote_bd_addr, package_len);
      log::error("Handling unexpected event:{}", l2c_csm_get_event_name(event));
  log::verbose("Exit chnl_state={} [{}], event={} [{}]",
               channel_state_text(p_ccb->chnl_state), p_ccb->chnl_state,
               l2c_csm_get_event_name(event), event);



具体过程前文有分析。直接看snoop log:

AVDTP Discover Command

AVDTP中的Discover Command(发现命令)用于查询远端蓝牙设备可以提供的SEP(Stream End Point,流端点)的重要步骤。

AVDTP Discover Command的主要作用是发现远端蓝牙设备中的流端点(SEP)。每个SEP可以提供特定的服务,通过Discover Command,设备可以了解到远端设备支持哪些类型的音视频流,从而为后续的音视频传输做好准备。

AVDTP Discover Command的流程:

  • 建立Signalling Channel

    • AVDTP协议首先需要使用L2CAP(Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol Layer,逻辑链路控制和适配协议层)来建立Signalling Channel(信令通道)。
    • 在建立Signalling Channel的过程中,会生成Source CID(Channel Identifier,通道标识符)和Destination CID,以便后续区分使用。
  • 发送Discover Command

    • 一旦Signalling Channel建立完成,设备就可以通过该通道发送Discover Command来查询远端设备的SEP。
    • Discover Command会包含一些必要的参数,以便远端设备能够正确理解和响应。

  • 接收并处理响应

    • 远端设备在收到Discover Command后,会检查自身的SEP,并返回所有可用的SEP信息给发起查询的设备。
    • 发起查询的设备在收到响应后,会解析这些信息,并了解到远端设备支持哪些类型的音视频流。
AVDTP Discover Accept

AVDTP Discover Command是蓝牙音视频传输协议中的重要组成部分。通过该命令,设备可以了解到远端设备的音视频流支持情况,从而为后续的音视频传输选择合适的参数和配置。对于实现高质量的蓝牙音视频传输至关重要。

除了Discover Command外,AVDTP协议还包括其他多个重要命令,如Get Capabilities Command(获取能力命令)、Set Configuration Command(设置配置命令)、Open Stream Command(打开流命令)等。后面章节具体展开分析。





    case CST_OPEN:
      l2c_csm_open(p_ccb, event, p_data);


    case L2CEVT_L2CAP_DATA: /* Peer data packet rcvd    */
      if (p_data && (p_ccb->p_rcb)) {
        uint16_t package_len = ((BT_HDR*)p_data)->len; // 数据包头部中提取数据包的长度
        if (p_ccb->p_rcb->api.pL2CA_DataInd_Cb) { // 检查是否注册了回调函数 
          // 调用回调函数

            p_ccb->p_rcb->psm, p_ccb->local_cid, p_ccb->remote_id,
            p_ccb->p_lcb->remote_bd_addr, package_len);



 * Function         avdt_l2c_data_ind_cback
 * Description      This is the L2CAP data indication callback function.
 * Returns          void
void avdt_l2c_data_ind_cback(uint16_t lcid, BT_HDR* p_buf) {
  AvdtpTransportChannel* p_tbl; // 包含有关AVDTP传输通道的信息

  /* look up info for this channel */
  p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_lcid(lcid);
  if (p_tbl != NULL) {
    avdt_ad_tc_data_ind(p_tbl, p_buf); // 处理接收到的数据
  } else /* prevent buffer leak */

avdt_l2c_data_ind_cback 是一个回调函数,用于处理通过L2CAP接收到的数据。


 * Function         avdt_ad_tc_data_ind
 * Description      This function is called by the L2CAP interface layer when
 *                  incoming data is received from L2CAP.  It looks up the CCB
 *                  or SCB for the channel and routes the data accordingly.
 * Returns          Nothing.
void avdt_ad_tc_data_ind(AvdtpTransportChannel* p_tbl, BT_HDR* p_buf) {
  AvdtpCcb* p_ccb;
  AvdtpScb* p_scb;

  /* store type (media, recovery, reporting) */
  p_buf->layer_specific = avdt_ad_tcid_to_type(p_tbl->tcid); // 设置数据类型

  /* if signaling channel, handle control message */
  if (p_tbl->tcid == 0) { // 处理信令通道数据
    p_ccb = avdt_ccb_by_idx(p_tbl->ccb_idx);
    avdt_msg_ind(p_ccb, p_buf);
  /* if media or other channel, send event to scb */
  p_scb =*p_tbl); // 处理通过媒体通道或其他类型的通道发送的数据
  if (p_scb == nullptr) {
    log::error("Cannot find AvdtScb entry: ccb_idx:{} tcid:{}", p_tbl->ccb_idx,
    log::error("buffer freed");
  // 将接收到的数据作为事件传递给SCB进行处理
  avdt_scb_event(p_scb, AVDT_SCB_TC_DATA_EVT, (tAVDT_SCB_EVT*)&p_buf);



 * Function         avdt_msg_ind
 * Description      This function is called by the adaption layer when an
 *                  incoming message is received on the signaling channel.
 *                  It parses the message and sends an event to the appropriate
 *                  SCB or CCB for the message.
 * Returns          Nothing.
void avdt_msg_ind(AvdtpCcb* p_ccb, BT_HDR* p_buf) {
  AvdtpScb* p_scb;
  uint8_t* p;
  bool ok = true;
  bool handle_rsp = false;
  bool gen_rej = false;
  uint8_t label;
  uint8_t pkt_type;
  uint8_t msg_type;
  uint8_t sig = 0;
  tAVDT_MSG msg{};
  AvdtpSepConfig cfg{};
  uint8_t err;
  uint8_t evt = 0;
  uint8_t scb_hdl;

  /* reassemble message; if no message available (we received a fragment) return
  // 消息重组
  p_buf = avdt_msg_asmbl(p_ccb, p_buf);
  if (p_buf == NULL) {

  p = (uint8_t*)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset; // 调整指针指向消息内容起始位置

  /* parse the message header */
  // 从缓冲区中提取并解析消息头,获取标签(label)、包类型(pkt_type)和消息类型(msg_type)
  AVDT_MSG_PRS_HDR(p, label, pkt_type, msg_type);

  log::verbose("msg_type={}, sig={}", msg_type, sig);
  /* set up label and ccb_idx in message hdr */
  msg.hdr.label = label;
  msg.hdr.ccb_idx = avdt_ccb_to_idx(p_ccb);

  /* verify msg type */
  if (msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_GRJ) {
    log::warn("Dropping msg msg_type={}", msg_type);
    ok = false;
  /* check for general reject */
  else if ((msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_REJ) &&
           (p_buf->len == AVDT_LEN_GEN_REJ)) {
    gen_rej = true;
    if (p_ccb->p_curr_cmd != NULL) {
      msg.hdr.sig_id = sig = (uint8_t)p_ccb->p_curr_cmd->event;
      evt = avdt_msg_rej_2_evt[sig - 1];
      msg.hdr.err_code = AVDT_ERR_NSC;
      msg.hdr.err_param = 0;
  } else /* not a general reject */
    /* get and verify signal */
    AVDT_MSG_PRS_SIG(p, sig);
    msg.hdr.sig_id = sig;
    if ((sig == 0) || (sig > AVDT_SIG_MAX)) { // 如果信号无效
      log::warn("Dropping msg sig={} msg_type:{}", sig, msg_type);
      ok = false;

      /* send a general reject */
      if (msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_CMD) {
        avdt_msg_send_grej(p_ccb, sig, &msg);
  // 消息内容解析
  if (ok && !gen_rej) {
    /* skip over header (msg length already verified during reassembly) */
    p_buf->len -= AVDT_LEN_TYPE_SINGLE;

    /* set up to parse message */
    if ((msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_RSP) && (sig == AVDT_SIG_DISCOVER)) {
      /* parse discover rsp message to struct supplied by app */
      msg.discover_rsp.p_sep_info = (tAVDT_SEP_INFO*)p_ccb->p_proc_data;
      msg.discover_rsp.num_seps = p_ccb->proc_param;
    } else if ((msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_RSP) &&
               ((sig == AVDT_SIG_GETCAP) || (sig == AVDT_SIG_GET_ALLCAP))) {
      /* parse discover rsp message to struct supplied by app */
      msg.svccap.p_cfg = (AvdtpSepConfig*)p_ccb->p_proc_data;
    } else if ((msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_RSP) && (sig == AVDT_SIG_GETCONFIG)) {
      /* parse get config rsp message to struct allocated locally */
      msg.svccap.p_cfg = &cfg;
    } else if ((msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_CMD) && (sig == AVDT_SIG_SETCONFIG)) {
      /* parse config cmd message to struct allocated locally */
      msg.config_cmd.p_cfg = &cfg;
    } else if ((msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_CMD) && (sig == AVDT_SIG_RECONFIG)) {
      /* parse reconfig cmd message to struct allocated locally */
      msg.reconfig_cmd.p_cfg = &cfg;

    /* parse message; while we're at it map message sig to event */
    if (msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_CMD) {
      msg.hdr.err_code = err =
          (*avdt_msg_prs_cmd[sig - 1])(&msg, p, p_buf->len);
      evt = avdt_msg_cmd_2_evt[sig - 1];
    } else if (msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_RSP) {
      msg.hdr.err_code = err =
          (*avdt_msg_prs_rsp[sig - 1])(&msg, p, p_buf->len);
      evt = avdt_msg_rsp_2_evt[sig - 1];
    } else /* msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_REJ */
      err = avdt_msg_prs_rej(&msg, p, p_buf->len, sig);
      evt = avdt_msg_rej_2_evt[sig - 1];

    /* if parsing failed */
    if (err != 0) {
      log::warn("Parsing failed sig={} err=0x{:x}", sig, err);

      /* if its a rsp or rej, drop it; if its a cmd, send a rej;
      ** note special case for abort; never send abort reject
      ok = false;
      if ((msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_CMD) && (sig != AVDT_SIG_ABORT)) {
        avdt_msg_send_rej(p_ccb, sig, &msg);

  /* if its a rsp or rej, check sent cmd to see if we're waiting for
  ** the rsp or rej.  If we didn't send a cmd for it, drop it.  If
  ** it does match a cmd, stop timer for the cmd.
  // 响应与拒绝的处理
  if (ok) {
    if ((msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_RSP) || (msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_REJ)) { 
      // 检查它们是否与当前CCB中的命令匹配
      if ((p_ccb->p_curr_cmd != NULL) && (p_ccb->p_curr_cmd->event == sig) &&
          (AVDT_LAYERSPEC_LABEL(p_ccb->p_curr_cmd->layer_specific) == label)) {
        /* stop timer */

        /* clear retransmission count */
        p_ccb->ret_count = 0;

        /* later in this function handle ccb event */
        handle_rsp = true;
      } else {
        ok = false;
        log::warn("Cmd not found for rsp sig={} label={}", sig, label);

  // 事件分发:根据解析得到的信号和事件类型,将事件分发到相应的CCB或SCB(流控制块)进行处理
  if (ok) {
    /* if it's a ccb event send to ccb */
    if (evt & AVDT_CCB_MKR) {
      tAVDT_CCB_EVT avdt_ccb_evt;
      avdt_ccb_evt.msg = msg;
      avdt_ccb_event(p_ccb, (uint8_t)(evt & ~AVDT_CCB_MKR), &avdt_ccb_evt);
    /* if it's a scb event */
    else {
      /* Scb events always have a single seid.  For cmd, get seid from
      ** message.  For rej and rsp, get seid from p_curr_cmd.
      if (msg_type == AVDT_MSG_TYPE_CMD) {
        scb_hdl = msg.single.seid;
      } else {
        scb_hdl = *((uint8_t*)(p_ccb->p_curr_cmd + 1));

      /* Map seid to the scb and send it the event.  For cmd, seid has
      ** already been verified by parsing function.
      if (evt) {
        p_scb = avdt_scb_by_hdl(scb_hdl);
        if (p_scb != NULL) {
          tAVDT_SCB_EVT avdt_scb_evt;
          avdt_scb_evt.msg = msg;
          avdt_scb_event(p_scb, evt, &avdt_scb_evt);

  /* free message buffer */

  /* if its a rsp or rej, send event to ccb to free associated
  ** cmd msg buffer and handle cmd queue
  if (handle_rsp) {
    avdt_ccb_event(p_ccb, AVDT_CCB_RCVRSP_EVT, NULL);





 * Function         avdt_ccb_hdl_discover_rsp
 * Description      This function is called when a discover response or
 *                  reject is received from the peer.  It calls the application
 *                  callback function with the results.
 * Returns          void.
void avdt_ccb_hdl_discover_rsp(AvdtpCcb* p_ccb, tAVDT_CCB_EVT* p_data) {
  /* we're done with procedure */
  p_ccb->proc_busy = false; // 表示当前的发现过程已经结束

  /* call app callback with results */
  // 调用应用回调,将发现的结果通知给应用层。
  (*p_ccb->proc_cback)(0, p_ccb->peer_addr, AVDT_DISCOVER_CFM_EVT,





void bta_sys_sendmsg(void* p_msg) {
  if (do_in_main_thread(
          base::BindOnce(&bta_sys_event, static_cast<BT_HDR_RIGID*>(p_msg))) !=
    log::error("do_in_main_thread failed");


        case BTA_AV_STR_DISC_OK_EVT:
          event_handler1 = &bta_av_disc_results;


        case BTA_AV_STR_DISC_OK_EVT:
          event_handler1 = &bta_av_disc_results;



