


EXP ([Ee][-+]?[0-9]+)

"+" |
"-" |
"*" |
"/" |
"|" |
"(" |
")"     { return yytext[0]; }
([0-9]+"."[0-9]*{EXP}?)|("."?[0-9]+{EXP}?) { yylval.d = atof(yytext); return NUMBER; }

\n      { return EOL; }
[ \t]   { /* ignore white space */ }
.	{ yyerror("Mystery character %c\n", *yytext); }

#include <stdarg.h>
extern int yylineno; /* from lexer */
void yyerror(char *s, ...);
/* nodes in the abstract syntax tree */
struct ast {
int nodetype;
struct ast *l;
struct ast *r;
struct numval {
int nodetype; /* type K for constant */
double number;
/* build an AST */
struct ast *newast(int nodetype, struct ast *l, struct ast *r);
struct ast *newnum(double d);
/* evaluate an AST */
double eval(struct ast *);
/* delete and free an AST */
void treefree(struct ast *);

struct ast *
newast(int nodetype, struct ast *l, struct ast *r)
  struct ast *a = malloc(sizeof(struct ast));
  if(!a) {
    yyerror("out of space");
  a->nodetype = nodetype;
  a->l = l;
  a->r = r;
  return a;

struct ast *
newnum(double d)
  struct numval *a = malloc(sizeof(struct numval));
  if(!a) {
    yyerror("out of space");
  a->nodetype = 'K';
  a->number = d;
  return (struct ast *)a;

eval(struct ast *a)
  double v;

  switch(a->nodetype) {
  case 'K': v = ((struct numval *)a)->number; break;

  case '+': v = eval(a->l) + eval(a->r); break;
  case '-': v = eval(a->l) - eval(a->r); break;
  case '*': v = eval(a->l) * eval(a->r); break;
  case '/': v = eval(a->l) / eval(a->r); break;
  case '|': v = eval(a->l); if(v < 0) v = -v; break;
  case 'M': v = -eval(a->l); break;
  default: printf("internal error: bad node %c\n", a->nodetype);
  return v;

treefree(struct ast *a)
  switch(a->nodetype) {

    /* two subtrees */
  case '+':
  case '-':
  case '*':
  case '/':

    /* one subtree */
  case '|':
  case 'M':

    /* no subtree */
  case 'K':

  default: printf("internal error: free bad node %c\n", a->nodetype);

yyerror(char *s, ...)
  va_list ap;
  va_start(ap, s);

  fprintf(stderr, "%d: error: ", yylineno);
  vfprintf(stderr, s, ap);
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");

	struct ast *a;
	double d;
%token <d> NUMBER
%token EOL

%type <a> exp
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%nonassoc '|' UMINUS

calclist: /* nothing */
| calclist exp EOL {printf("= %4.4g\n", eval($2)); }
| calclist EOL { printf("> "); } /* blank line or a comment */
exp: exp '+' exp { $$ = newast('+', $1,$3); }
    | exp '-' exp { $$ = newast('-', $1,$3);}
	| exp '*' exp { $$ = newast('*', $1,$3); }
	| exp '/' exp { $$ = newast('/', $1,$3); }
	| '|' exp { $$ = newast('|', $2, NULL); }
	| '(' exp ')' { $$ = $2; }
	| '-' exp %prec UMINUS{ $$ = newast('M', $2, NULL); }
	| NUMBER { $$ = newnum($1); }

printf("> ");
return yyparse();
flex calc.l & bison -d calc.y
cc *.c -lfl
