interface Ethernet0/0/24
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 to 4094
ntdp enable
ndp enable
[S2700]int Ethernet0/0/24
[S2700-Ethernet0/0/24]undo port link-type trunk
Error:Too many parameters found at '^' position.
[S2700-Ethernet0/0/24]undo port link-type
Error: Please renew the default configurations.
[S2700-Ethernet0/0/24]undo port link-type trunk
Error:Too many parameters found at '^' position.
于是希望先用命令undo port trunk allow-pass vlan all,然后再使用命令undo port link-type trunk 结果仍然出现错误提示Error: Please renew the default configurations.
[S2700-Ethernet0/0/24]port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
[S2700-Ethernet0/0/24]undo port link
[S2700-Ethernet0/0/24]undo port link-type trunk
Error:Too many parameters found at '^' position. //仍然不成功,继续试验。
[S2700-Ethernet0/0/24]undo port link-type
[S2700-Ethernet0/0/24]port link
[S2700-Ethernet0/0/24]port link-type access //成功。