为了简化它,我们先来处理函数。假设您有一个函数,它可以打印其参数的某些信息:def print_info(breed, name):
print "The doggie %s's breed is %s." % (name, breed)
现在你希望这个函数总是小写。所以你应该理智地这样做:def manually_lowered_print_info(breed, name):
print "The doggie %s's breed is %s." % (name, breed.lower())
输出为:>>> manually_lowered_print_info("Labrador", "Spike")
The doggie Spike's breed is labrador.
def dec_lowered_print_info(breed, name):
print "The doggie %s's breed is %s." % (name, breed)
这只是语法上的甜点:def tmp_func(breed, name):
print "The doggie %s's breed is %s." % (name, breed)
dec_lowered_print_info = lower_first_arg(tmp_func)
{{we要返回print_info函数专门定制一个函数。在def lower_first_arg(print_info_func_arg):
def inner_print_info(breed, name):
return print_info_func_arg(breed.lower(), name)
return inner_print_info
有用吗?让我们看看:>>> transformed_print_info = lower_first_arg(print_info)
>>> print_info("Pit Bull", "Spot")
The doggie Spot's breed is Pit Bull.
>>> transformed_print_info("Pit Bull", "Spot")
The doggie Spot's breed is pit bull.
def dec_lowered_print_info(breed, name):
print "The doggie %s's breed is %s." % (name, breed)
杰出的:>>> dec_lowered_print_info("Pit Bull", "Spot")
The doggie Spot's breed is pit bull.
很酷,就这样,真的。现在为了使decorator更通用,让我们首先概括一下这些名称:def generic_lower_first_arg(f):
def wrapped(arg1, arg2):
return f(arg1.lower(), arg2)
return wrapped
现在的问题是这个decorator只对2个arg的函数起作用。理想情况下,我们希望它能在任何1 arg或更多的函数上工作,例如:@generic_lower_first_arg
def failed_whatnow(first, last, middle):
print "%s %s %s" % (first, middle, last)
现在,该代码将运行,但如果尝试调用它,则会出现错误:>>> failed_whatnow("Bob", "Jones", "The Killer")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
failed_whatnow("Bob", "Jones", "The Killer")
TypeError: wrapped() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
怎么回事?好吧,decorator接受failed_whatnow并返回它定义的函数wrapped,但是{}函数只接受两个参数!这里的修复方法是使用varargs语法。通常,传递给包装函数的任何关键字参数也是一个好主意。在def proper_lower_first_arg(f):
def wrapped(arg1, *args, **kwargs):
return f(arg1.lower(), *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
def proper_whatnow(first, last, middle):
print "%s %s %s" % (first, middle, last)
def multiplyit(mm, n=3):
return mm * n
证明:>>> proper_whatnow("Bob", "Jones", "The Killer")
bob The Killer Jones
>>> multiplyit("HaHa.Fool!")
>>> multiplyit("HaHa.Fool!", n=5)