ITU-T G.988 GPON 系列规范:
ITU GPON协议大全_itu-t g.988标准中文-CSDN博客
🍎ITU-T GPON 系列规范是在ITU-T网站上开放的可以免费下载:🍎
Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks
本文使用的 ITU-T G.988.3 GPON 规范可以从如下ITU-T官方连接下载的到,本文之后将大量因为该ITU-T G.988.3 规范的内容:
1. 术语和缩略语
缩写 | 全程 | 解释 |
PLOAM | Physical Layer OAM | |
OAM | Operation, Administration, Management | |
PLend | Payload Length downstram | |
DBRu | Dynamic Bandwidth Report upstream | |
PLOu | Physical Layer Overhead upstream | |
PLSu | Power Leveling Sequence upstream | |
PLOAMd | Physiacal Layer OAM downstream | |
PSync | Physical Synchrnoization | |
GTC | GEM Transmission Convergence | |
GEM | GPON Encapsulation Mode | |
T-CONT | Transmission Container | |
Overhead | Overhead | Overhead英文解释为: 经常开支, 营运费用, 开销 |
SR-DBA | Status Report DBA | |
TM-DBA | Traffic Monitoring DBA | |
T-CONT | Transmission Container | |
Requisite Delay | ||
Blen | BWmap Length | |
BW | Bandwidth | |
BWmap | Bandwidth Map | |
DBA | Dynamic Bandwidth Assignment | |
DBRu | Dynamic Bandwidth Report upstream | |
FEC | Forward Error Correctijon | |
GEM | GPON Encapsulation Method | |
GTC | GPON Transmission Convergence | |
IIR | Infinite Impulse Response | |
Ind | Indication | |
PCBd | Physical Control Block downstream | |
WDM | Wavelength Disvison Multiplexing | |
WFQ | Weighted Fair Queuing | |
Conventions and terminology | 约定和术语 | |
terminology | 术语 | |
Conventions | 约定 | |
Abbreviations and acronyms | ||
acronyms | 首字母缩写 | |
Abbreviations | 缩写 | |