// 地图的工具类(使用平台,小程序,h5,pc等)
const EARTHRADIUS = 6370996.81;
const mapUtils = (function() {
const GeoUtils = function () {
// ------添加静态方法-------
* 判断点是否在矩形内
* @param {Point} point 点对象
* @param {bounds} bounds 矩形边界对象(由西南点, 东北点两个点构成)
* @returns {Boolean} 点在矩形内返回true,否则返回false
GeoUtils.isPointInRect = function(point, bounds) {
const sw = bounds.sw; //西南脚点
const ne = bounds.ne; //东北脚点
console.log(sw, ne);
return (point.longitude >= sw.longitude && point.longitude <= ne.longitude && point.latitude >= sw.latitude && point.latitude <= ne.latitude);
* 判断点是否多边形内
* @param {Point} point 点对象
* @param {Polyline} polygon 多边形对象
* @returns {Boolean} 点在多边形内返回true,否则返回false
GeoUtils.isPointInPolygon = function(point, polygon) { debugger;
// 工具函数
function equals(p1, p2) {
return p1 && p2 && p1.latitude == p2.latitude && p1.longitude == p2.longitude;
// const polygonBounds = polygon.getBounds();
// if(!this.isPointInRect(point, polygonBounds)) {
// return false;
// }
const pts = polygon;//获取多边形点
const N = pts.length;
let boundOrVertex = true; //如果点位于多边形的顶点或边上,也算做点在多边形内,直接返回true
let intersectCount = 0; //cross points count of x
const precision = 2e-10; //浮点类型计算时候与0比较时候的容差
let p1, p2; //neighbour bound vertices
let p = point; //测试点
p1 = pts[0];//left vertex
for(let i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { //check all rays
// 判断点是否与多边形的点重合
if(equals(p, p1)) {
return boundOrVertex;//p is an vertex
p2 = pts[i % N];//right vertex
// 点与线不想交,进行下次判断
if(p.latitude < Math.min(p1.latitude, p2.latitude) || p.latitude > Math.max(p1.latitude, p2.latitude)) {
//ray is outside of our interests
p1 = p2;
continue;//next ray left point
// 点与线相交
if(p.latitude > Math.min(p1.latitude, p2.latitude) && p.latitude < Math.max(p1.latitude, p2.latitude)) {
//ray is crossing over by the algorithm (common part of) (比较横坐标了)
if(p.longitude <= Math.max(p1.longitude, p2.longitude)) {
//x is before of ray
if (p1.latitude == p2.latitude && p.longitude >= Math.min(p1.longitude, p2.longitude)) {
//overlies on a horizontal ray(是否覆盖在水平线上)
return boundOrVertex;
if (p1.longitude == p2.longitude) { //ray is vertical (线是否垂直)
if(p1.longitude == p.longitude) { //overlies on a vertical ray
return boundOrVertex;
}else{ //before ray
} else { //cross point on the left side
const xinters = (p.latitude - p1.latitude) * (p2.longitude - p1.longitude) / (p2.latitude - p1.latitude) + p1.longitude;//cross point of longitude
if(Math.abs(p.longitude - xinters) < precision) { //overlies on a ray
return boundOrVertex;
if(p.longitude < xinters) { //before ray
}else{ //special case when ray is crossing through the vertex
if(p.latitude == p2.latitude && p.longitude <= p2.longitude) { //p crossing over p2
const p3 = pts[(i+1) % N]; //next vertex
if(p.latitude >= Math.min(p1.latitude, p3.latitude) && p.latitude <= Math.max(p1.latitude, p3.latitude)) { //p.latitude lies between p1.latitude & p3.latitude
intersectCount += 2;
p1 = p2;//next ray left point
if(intersectCount % 2 == 0) { //偶数在多边形外
return false;
} else { //奇数在多边形内
return true;
* 将v值限定在a,b之间,经度使用
function _getLoop(v, a, b){
while( v > b){
v -= b - a
while(v < a){
v += b - a
return v;
* 将度转化为弧度
* @param {degree} Number 度
* @returns {Number} 弧度
GeoUtils.degreeToRad = function(degree){
return Math.PI * degree/180;
* 将弧度转化为度
* @param {radian} Number 弧度
* @returns {Number} 度
GeoUtils.radToDegree = function(rad){
return (180 * rad) / Math.PI;
* 计算两点之间的距离,两点坐标必须为经纬度
* @param {point1} Point 点对象
* @param {point2} Point 点对象
* @returns {Number} 两点之间距离,单位为米
GeoUtils.getDistance = function(point1, point2){
point1.longitude = _getLoop(point1.longitude, -180, 180);
point1.latitude = _getRange(point1.latitude, -74, 74);
point2.longitude = _getLoop(point2.longitude, -180, 180);
point2.latitude = _getRange(point2.latitude, -74, 74);
var x1, x2, y1, y2;
x1 = GeoUtils.degreeToRad(point1.longitude);
y1 = GeoUtils.degreeToRad(point1.latitude);
x2 = GeoUtils.degreeToRad(point2.longitude);
y2 = GeoUtils.degreeToRad(point2.latitude);
return EARTHRADIUS * Math.acos((Math.sin(y1) * Math.sin(y2) + Math.cos(y1) * Math.cos(y2) * Math.cos(x2 - x1)));
return GeoUtils;
})();// 闭包结束
export default mapUtils;