<vxe-table border resizable:true :scroll-y="{ enabled: false }" :span-method="mergeRowMethod" :data="tableData">
<vxe-column field="mineralName" title="矿产名称(矿产组合)"></vxe-column>
<vxe-column field="unitNmae" title="统计对急及资源储量单位"></vxe-column>
<vxe-column field="brand" title="矿石工业类型及品级(牌号)"></vxe-column>
<vxe-column field="quality" title="矿石主要成分及质量指标"><template slot-scope="scope">
<span v-if="scope.row.wbsName == ''">
<span v-if="scope.row.wbsName !== ''">
<p>{{ scope.row.wbsName }}</p>
<vxe-colgroup title="截止2022年底查明资源储量及年度变化情况" align="center">
<vxe-column field="typeEncoding" title="类型编码" align="center"></vxe-column>
<vxe-column field="earlyTenure" title="年初保有" align="center"></vxe-column>
<vxe-column field="yearAccumulation" title="年初累计" align="center"></vxe-column>
<vxe-column field="expNumber" title="开采量" align="center"></vxe-column>
<vxe-column field="amountOfLoss" title="损失量" align="center"></vxe-column>
<vxe-column field="survey" title="勘查增减" align="center"></vxe-column>
<vxe-column field="rollBack" title="重算增减" align="center"></vxe-column>
<vxe-column field="amountOfOverlay" title="审批压覆量" align="center"></vxe-column>
<vxe-column field="other" title="其他" align="center"></vxe-column>
<vxe-column field="yearEndTenure" title="年末保有" align="center"></vxe-column>
<vxe-column field="cumulative" title="累计查明" align="center"></vxe-column>
export default {
data() {
return {
tableData: [
mineralName: "铅矿(共生矿产)312321",
unitNmae: "铅吨矿石千吨",
brand: "硫化锌矿石、混合锌矿石不分品级",
quality: "P6 0.",
typeEncoding: "探明资源量",
yearAccumulation: "2833/245.69",
earlyTenure: "",
expNumber: "",
amountOfLoss: "",
survey: "",
rollBack: "",
amountOfOverlay: "",
other: "",
yearEndTenure: "",
cumulative: ""
mineralName: "铅矿(共生矿产)",
unitNmae: "铅吨矿石千吨11",
brand: "硫化铅矿石不分品级",
quality: "P6 0.907 96",
typeEncoding: "探明资源量",
yearAccumulation: "2833/245.69",
earlyTenure: "",
expNumber: "",
amountOfLoss: "",
survey: "",
rollBack: "",
amountOfOverlay: "",
other: "",
yearEndTenure: "",
cumulative: ""
keys: []
created() {
methods: {
allProp() {
mergeRowMethod({ row, _rowIndex, column, visibleData }) {
const fields = ["mineralName", "unitNmae", "brand", "quality"];
console.log('row, _rowIndex, column, visibleData ',row, _rowIndex, column, visibleData );
const cellValue = row[column.property];
for (let j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) {
if (cellValue && fields[j].includes(column.property)) {
const prevRow = visibleData[_rowIndex - 1];
let nextRow = visibleData[_rowIndex + 1];
if (prevRow && prevRow[column.property] === cellValue) {
return { rowspan: 0, colspan: 0 };
} else {
let countRowspan = 1;
while (nextRow && nextRow[column.property] === cellValue) {
nextRow = visibleData[++countRowspan + _rowIndex];
if (countRowspan > 1) {
return { rowspan: countRowspan, colspan: 1 };
<div class="hello">
<table class="table">
<tr v-for="(items, i) in newArr" :key="i">
v-for="(item, j) in items"
{{ item.title }}
<tbody v-if="dataList">
<tr v-for="(items, index) in dataList" :key="index">
v-for="(item, i) in items.tdList"
:rowspan="resetRowSpan(index, item)"
{{ items[item] }}
<tbody v-else>
<tr v-for="(items, index) in dataList" :key="index">
<td v-for="(item, j) in colKeyList" :key="j">{{ items[item] }}</td>
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
props: {},
data() {
return {
columns: [
title: "矿产名称(矿产组合)",
key: "mineralName",
hasrowspan: true
title: "统计对急及资源储量单位",
key: "unitNmae",
hasrowspan: true
title: "矿石工业类型及品级(牌号)",
key: "brand",
hasrowspan: true
title: "矿石主要成分及质量指标",
key: "quality",
hasrowspan: true
title: "截止2022年底查明资源储量及年度变化情况",
children: [
title: "类型编码",
key: "typeEncoding",
align: "center"
title: "年初保有",
key: "earlyTenure",
align: "center"
title: "年初累计",
key: "yearAccumulation",
align: "center"
title: "开采量",
key: "expNumber",
align: "center"
title: "损失量",
key: "amountOfLoss",
align: "center"
title: "勘查增减",
key: "survey",
align: "center"
title: "重算增减",
key: "rollBack",
align: "center"
title: "审批压覆量",
key: "amountOfOverlay",
align: "center"
title: "其他",
key: "other",
align: "center"
title: "年末保有",
key: "yearEndTenure",
align: "center"
title: "累计查明",
key: "cumulative",
align: "center"
newArr: [[]],
maxHeight: 1,
colKeyList: [],
dataList: [
mineralName: "铅矿(共生矿产)",
unitNmae: "铅吨矿石千吨",
brand: "硫化铅矿石不分品级",
quality: "P6 0.907 96",
typeEncoding: "探明资源量",
yearAccumulation: "2833/245.69",
earlyTenure: "",
expNumber: "",
amountOfLoss: "",
survey: "",
rollBack: "",
amountOfOverlay: "",
other: "",
yearEndTenure: "",
cumulative: ""
mineralName: "铅矿(共生矿产)",
unitNmae: "铅吨矿石千吨",
brand: "硫化铅矿石不分品级",
quality: "P6 0.907 96",
typeEncoding: "推断资源量",
yearAccumulation: "2833/245.69",
earlyTenure: "",
expNumber: "",
amountOfLoss: "",
survey: "",
rollBack: "",
amountOfOverlay: "",
other: "",
yearEndTenure: "",
cumulative: ""
mineralName: "铅矿(共生矿产)",
unitNmae: "铅吨矿石千吨",
brand: "硫化锌矿石、混合锌矿石不分品级",
quality: "P6 0.",
typeEncoding: "探明资源量",
yearAccumulation: "2833/245.69",
earlyTenure: "",
expNumber: "",
amountOfLoss: "",
survey: "",
rollBack: "",
amountOfOverlay: "",
other: "",
yearEndTenure: "",
cumulative: ""
mineralName: "铅矿(共生矿产)",
unitNmae: "铅吨矿石千吨",
brand: "硫化铅矿石不分品级",
quality: "P6 0.907 96",
typeEncoding: "探明资源量",
yearAccumulation: "2833/245.69",
earlyTenure: "",
expNumber: "",
amountOfLoss: "",
survey: "",
rollBack: "",
amountOfOverlay: "",
other: "",
yearEndTenure: "",
cumulative: ""
mineralName: "铅矿(共生矿产)",
unitNmae: "铅吨矿石千吨",
brand: "硫化铅矿石不分品级",
quality: "P6 0.907 96",
typeEncoding: "探明资源量",
yearAccumulation: "2833/245.69",
earlyTenure: "",
expNumber: "",
amountOfLoss: "",
survey: "",
rollBack: "",
amountOfOverlay: "",
other: "",
yearEndTenure: "",
cumulative: ""
needRowSpan: [],
span: {}
mounted() {
this.maxHeight = this.getMaxFloor(this.columns);
this.dataHandle(this.dataList, this.needRowSpan);
methods: {
resetRowSpan(row, key) {
if (this.span[key] && this.span[key][row]) {
return this.span[key][row];
return 1;
gerMaxCol(items) {
let max = 0;
function each(data) {
if (max < data.length) {
max = data.length;
data.forEach((item) => {
if (item.children) {
return max;
getMaxFloor(treeData) {
let max = 0;
function each(data, floor) {
data.forEach((e) => {
if (floor > max) {
max = floor;
if (e.children && e.children.length > 0) {
each(e.children, floor + 1);
each(treeData, 1);
return max;
columnsHandle(treeData) {
const that = this;
const maxFloor = this.maxHeight;
function each(data, index) {
if (that.newArr[index] === undefined) {
that.newArr[index] = [];
data.forEach((e) => {
const obj = {
title: e.title,
key: e.key,
rowspan: maxFloor,
colspan: 1
if (e.children) {
obj.colspan = that.gerMaxCol(e.children);
obj.rowspan = maxFloor - that.getMaxFloor(e.children);
} else {
if (e.hasrowspan) {
if (e.children && e.children.length > 0) {
each(e.children, index + 1);
each(treeData, 0);
dataHandle(dataList, needRowSpan) {
needRowSpan.forEach((key) => {
const sum = {};
let i = 0;
let k = 0;
const that = this;
for (let j = 0; j < dataList.length; j += 1) {
i += 1;
let tdList = [];
if (dataList[j].tdList) {
tdList = [...dataList[j].tdList];
} else {
tdList = [...that.colKeyList];
if (
dataList[j - 1] &&
(dataList[j][key] === dataList[j - 1][key] || !dataList[j][key])
) {
const index = tdList.indexOf(key);
if (index > -1) {
tdList.splice(index, 1);
dataList[j].tdList = tdList;
if (dataList[j + 1] && dataList[j + 1][key]) {
if (dataList[j][key] !== dataList[j + 1][key]) {
sum[k] = i;
i = 0;
k = j + 1;
} else if (!dataList[j + 1]) {
sum[k] = i;
this.span[key] = sum;
this.showTable = true;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.table {
width: 100%;
border-collapse: collapse;
font-size: 12px;
color: #515a6e;
border: 1px solid #515a6e;
.table thead tr th {
height: 40px;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #f8f8f9;
th {
text-align: center;
border: 1px solid #e8eaec;
.table thead tr th,
.table tbody tr td {
padding: 0 10px;
.table tbody tr td {
height: 48px;
- 存在问题:返回的数据需要按相同字符的顺序进行返回,不然合并错乱
- 如果返回数据是树型数据,也可以扁平化之后再进行处理
flatTree(list) {
return list.reduce((ls, item) => {
let { children, ...res } = item;
if (children && children.length) {
return ls.concat(res, this.flatTree(children));
} else {
return ls.concat(res);
}, []);