
基于GPS 飞机导航的时间序列模型(Matlab代码实现)







💥1 概述

📚2 运行结果

🎉3 参考文献

👨‍💻4 Matlab代码

💥1 概述

本文一个时间序列预测模型,以解决GPS飞机导航的问题,这是空中交通管制的关键要素。该项目实现了两种不同的时间序列模型,即ARIMA和LSTM。这些模型将用于在线预测飞机接下来 100 个时间步的纬度、经度和高度。仿真结果表明,所建立的模型能够以较高的置信区间准确预测飞机位置。






📚2 运行结果


clc; clear all; close all;

% Given parameters

T = 0.01;

Phi = [1 T;0 1]; % this is equivalent to A matrix

Psi = [(T^2)/2; T]; % this is equivalen to B matrix

H = [1 0]; % this is equivalent to C matrix

Gamma = [(T^2)/2 0;T 0.01]; % this is equivalent to W

Gam = [0;0.01]; % this is only for W in the dynamical system

Q = 0.001;%*eye(2);

R = 0.1;%*eye(2); 

u_variance = 0.1;

u_meanValue = 0;

w_variance = 0.001;

w_meanValue = 0;

v_variance = 0.1;

v_meanValue = 0;

% Implementation of kalman filter for the above system

K = [];

P = []; % The filter error covariance 

P_int = []; % P(k+1|k) -- Error covariance of the prediction x(k+1|k)

X = [];

X_hat = [];

Z_hat = [];

X_predict = [];

P(:,:,1) = 0.1*eye(2);

X_hat(:,:,1) = zeros(2,1);

X_predict(:,:,1) = zeros(2,1);

X(:,:,1) = [0;0];

for k = 1:1000

    % First construct the kalman gain matrix [K(k+1)]


    P_int(:,:,k) = Phi*P(:,:,k)*Phi' + Gamma*Q*Gamma'; % this is line 2 of section B

    K(:,:,k+1) = P_int(:,:,k)*(H')*inv(H*P_int(:,:,k)*H' + R); % This is line 1 of section B

    P(:,:,k+1) = (eye(2) - K(:,:,k+1)*H)*P_int(:,:,k); % This is line 3 of section B


    % Now let's implement the Kalman filter -- section 1


        % First let's implement the system to get Z(k+1)



        u_wnoise = sqrt(u_variance)*randn(size(1)) + u_meanValue;

        w_wnoise = sqrt(w_variance)*randn(size(1)) + w_meanValue;

        v_wnoise = sqrt(v_variance)*randn(size(1)) + v_meanValue;


        X(:,:,k+1) = Phi*X(:,:,k) + Psi*u_wnoise + Gam*w_wnoise;

        Z(:,:,k+1) = H*X(:,:,k+1) +v_wnoise;




    X_predict(:,:,k) = Phi*X_hat(:,:,k) + Psi*u_wnoise + Gam*w_wnoise;



    Z_til(:,:,k) = Z(:,:,k+1) - H*X_predict(:,:,k);


    X_hat(:,:,k+1) = X_predict(:,:,k) + K(:,:,k+1)*Z_til(:,:,k);


    Z_hat(:,:,k) = H*X_predict(:,:,k);



🎉3 参考文献



👨‍💻4 Matlab代码
