
(免费源码)计算机毕业设计必学必看 万套实战教程 java、python、php、node.js、c#、APP、小程序、大数据、爬虫、大屏可视化 C#(智能制造业ERP系统89973 原创

摘 要



智能制造业ERP系统本文主要是采用C#语言、ASP.NET技术、SQL Server数据库、IIS服务器作为开发平台,系统采用B/S结构进行开发。

关键词ASP.NET技术;SQL Server;智能制造业ERP系统

C # (ASP. net) Intelligent Manufacturing ERP System


With the arrival of the internet trend, various industries are considering using the internet to promote themselves. The best way is to establish their own internet system, maintain and manage it. In practical applications, the working rules and development steps of application software are constructed using C # technology to build an intelligent manufacturing ERP system.

This design mainly implements an intelligent manufacturing ERP system that combines the advantages of humanization, efficiency, and convenience. It completes the homepage, personal information (personal information, password modification), user management (administrator, employee user, sales user, warehouse management user, production user, financial user, supplier user), asset management, salary management, sales order, inventory information, production plan, material requisition, material purchase The system communicates with the server through a browser for various functional modules such as supplier information, purchase orders, asset types, and department names, achieving data interaction and changes. You only need to use a computer and move your fingers to operate the system, achieving data communication management. The entire system design process fully considers issues such as data security, stability, and reliability, and the operation process is simple. This system improves work efficiency and reduces errors and omissions in data storage through scientific management and convenient services.

The intelligent manufacturing ERP system in this article mainly adopts C # language, ASP. NET technology, SQL Server database, and IIS server as the development platform, and the system adopts B/S structure for development.

Keywords: ASP. NET technology; SQL Server; Intelligent Manufacturing ERP System

目  录

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

1.2 国内外研究现状


第2章 系统相关技术综述



2.3 ASP.NET技术

2.4 microsoft sql server2008简介

第3章 系统需求分析

3.1 可行性分析

3.1.1 技术可行性分析

3.1.2 经济可行性分析

3.1.3 操作可行性分析

3.1.4 法律条规可行性分析

3.2 需求分析

3.3 性能分析

3.4 系统操作流程

3.4.1 用户登录流程

3.4.2 信息添加流程

3.4.3 信息删除流程

第4章 系统设计

4.1 系统结构设计

4.2 功能模块设计

4.3 开发流程设计

4.4 数据库设计

4.4.1 概念模型设计

4.4.2 数据表设计

第5章 系统实现

5.1 用户功能实现

5.2 管理员功能实现

第6章 第六章  系统的测试

6.1 测试目的

6.2 测试方案设计

6.2.1 测试策略

6.2.2 测试分析

6.3 测试结果

第7章 结论与展望


