


selector: ${SW_CORE:default}
# Mixed: Receive agent data, Level 1 aggregate, Level 2 aggregate
# Receiver: Receive agent data, Level 1 aggregate
# Aggregator: Level 2 aggregate
role: ${SW_CORE_ROLE:Mixed} # Mixed/Receiver/Aggregator
restHost: ${SW_CORE_REST_HOST:}
restPort: ${SW_CORE_REST_PORT:12800}
restContextPath: ${SW_CORE_REST_CONTEXT_PATH:/}
restMaxThreads: ${SW_CORE_REST_MAX_THREADS:200}
restIdleTimeOut: ${SW_CORE_REST_IDLE_TIMEOUT:30000}
restAcceptQueueSize: ${SW_CORE_REST_QUEUE_SIZE:0}
httpMaxRequestHeaderSize: ${SW_CORE_HTTP_MAX_REQUEST_HEADER_SIZE:8192}
gRPCPort: ${SW_CORE_GRPC_PORT:11800}
maxConcurrentCallsPerConnection: ${SW_CORE_GRPC_MAX_CONCURRENT_CALL:0}
- Hour
- Day
# Set a timeout on metrics data. After the timeout has expired, the metrics data will automatically be deleted.
##### 数据清理开关,默认开启
enableDataKeeperExecutor: ${SW_CORE_ENABLE_DATA_KEEPER_EXECUTOR:true} # Turn it off then automatically metrics data delete will be close
##### 数据清理定时器,默认5分钟
dataKeeperExecutePeriod: ${SW_CORE_DATA_KEEPER_EXECUTE_PERIOD:5} # How often the data keeper executor runs periodically, unit is minute
##### 明细记录有效期,默认3天
recordDataTTL: ${SW_CORE_RECORD_DATA_TTL:3} # Unit is day
##### 监测数据有效期,默认7天
metricsDataTTL: ${SW_CORE_METRICS_DATA_TTL:7} # Unit is day
# The period of L1 aggregation flush to L2 aggregation. Unit is ms.
##### 1级聚合到2级聚合的刷新时间,默认500毫秒
# The threshold of session time. Unit is ms. Default value is 70s.
##### 会话时间阈值,默认70秒
storageSessionTimeout: ${SW_CORE_STORAGE_SESSION_TIMEOUT:70000}
# The period of doing data persistence. Unit is second.Default value is 25s
##### 执行数据持久化周期,默认25秒
persistentPeriod: ${SW_CORE_PERSISTENT_PERIOD:25}
##### TOPN记录报告周期,默认10分钟
topNReportPeriod: ${SW_CORE_TOPN_REPORT_PERIOD:10} # top_n record worker report cycle, unit is minute
# Extra model column are the column defined by in the codes, These columns of model are not required logically in aggregation or further
# and it will cause more load for memory, network of OAP and storage.
# But, being activated, user could see the name in the storage entities, which make users easier to use 3rd party tool, such as Kibana->
ES, to query the data by themselves.
##### 代码中定义的额外模型列,这些模型列在聚合或查询时不需要,会加重负载。但激活后,用户可以看到名称,更容易自行查询数据。
activeExtraModelColumns: ${SW_CORE_ACTIVE_EXTRA_MODEL_COLUMNS:false} ### true
# The max length of service + instance names should be less than 200
serviceNameMaxLength: ${SW_SERVICE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH:70}
# The period(in seconds) of refreshing the service cache. Default value is 10s.
serviceCacheRefreshInterval: ${SW_SERVICE_CACHE_REFRESH_INTERVAL:10}
instanceNameMaxLength: ${SW_INSTANCE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH:70}
# The max length of service + endpoint names should be less than 240
endpointNameMaxLength: ${SW_ENDPOINT_NAME_MAX_LENGTH:150}
# Define the set of span tag keys, which should be searchable through the GraphQL.
# The max length of key=value should be less than 256 or will be dropped.
searchableTracesTags: ${SW_SEARCHABLE_TAG_KEYS:http.method,http.status_code,rpc.status_code,db.type,db.instance,mq.queue,mq.topic,mq.bro
# Define the set of log tag keys, which should be searchable through the GraphQL.
# The max length of key=value should be less than 256 or will be dropped.
searchableLogsTags: ${SW_SEARCHABLE_LOGS_TAG_KEYS:level,http.status_code}
# Define the set of alarm tag keys, which should be searchable through the GraphQL.
# The max length of key=value should be less than 256 or will be dropped.
searchableAlarmTags: ${SW_SEARCHABLE_ALARM_TAG_KEYS:level}
# The max size of tags keys for autocomplete select.
autocompleteTagKeysQueryMaxSize: ${SW_AUTOCOMPLETE_TAG_KEYS_QUERY_MAX_SIZE:100}
# The max size of tags values for autocomplete select.
autocompleteTagValuesQueryMaxSize: ${SW_AUTOCOMPLETE_TAG_VALUES_QUERY_MAX_SIZE:100}
# The number of threads used to prepare metrics data to the storage.
prepareThreads: ${SW_CORE_PREPARE_THREADS:2}
# Turn it on then automatically grouping endpoint by the given OpenAPI definitions.
enableEndpointNameGroupingByOpenapi: ${SW_CORE_ENABLE_ENDPOINT_NAME_GROUPING_BY_OPENAPI:true}
# The period of HTTP URI pattern recognition. Unit is second.
# The training period of HTTP URI pattern recognition. Unit is second.
# The max number of HTTP URIs per service for further URI pattern recognition.
maxHttpUrisNumberPerService: ${SW_CORE_MAX_HTTP_URIS_NUMBER_PER_SVR:3000}
