
Hyperledger Fabric v1.4(LTS) 系列(5.2):Developing Applications-Analysis

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4(LTS) 系列(5.2):Developing Applications-Analysis


Audience: Architects, Application and smart contract developers, Business professionals

Let’s analyze commercial paper in a little more detail. PaperNet participants such as MagnetoCorp and DigiBank use commercial paper transactions to achieve their business objectives – let’s examine the structure of a commercial paper and the transactions that affect it over time. We will also consider which organizations in PaperNet need to sign off on a transaction based on the trust relationships among the organizations in the network. Later we’ll focus on how money flows between buyers and sellers; for now, let’s focus on the first paper issued by MagnetoCorp.


Commercial paper lifecycle

A paper 00001 is issued by MagnetoCorp on May 31. Spend a few moments looking at the first state of this paper, with its different properties and values:


Issuer = MagnetoCorp
Paper = 00001
Owner = MagnetoCorp
Issue date = 31 May 2020
Maturity = 30 November 2020
Face value = 5M USD
Current state = issued

This paper state is a result of the issue transaction and it brings MagnetoCorp’s first commercial paper into existence! Notice how this paper has a 5M USD face value for redemption later in the year. See how the Issuer and Owner are the same when paper 00001 is issued. Notice that this paper could be uniquely identified as MagnetoCorp00001 – a composition of the Issuer and Paper properties. Finally, see how the property Current state = issued quickly identifies the stage of MagnetoCorp paper 00001 in its lifecycle.

票据状态是issue交易的结果,它使MagnetoCorp的第一份商业票据得以存在!请注意,今年晚些时候,该票据的面值为500万美元。请注意在发行00001号票据时IssuerOwner 是相同的。请注意,该票据可以以 MagnetoCorp00001 为唯一标识,它由 Issuer and Paper 的属性组成。最后,查看属性Current state = issued 如何快速标识Magnetorp Paper 00001在其生命周期中的阶段。

Shortly after issuance, the paper is bought by DigiBank. Spend a few moments looking at how the same commercial paper has changed as a result of this buy transaction:

Issuer = MagnetoCorp
Paper = 00001
Owner = DigiBank
Issue date = 31 May 2020
Maturity date = 30 November 2020
Face value = 5M USD
Current state = trading

The most significant change is that of Owner – see how the paper initially owned by MagnetoCorp is now owned by DigiBank. We could imagine how the paper might be subsequently sold to BrokerHouse or HedgeMatic, and the corresponding change to Owner. Note how Current state allow us to easily identify that the paper is now trading.
最显著的变化是Owner ,最初由MagnetoCorp 拥有的票据现在由DigiBank.拥有。我们可以想象该票据随后是如何出售给经纪公司或对冲公司的,以及相应的Owner的变化。请注意,Current state 如何使我们能够轻松地识别出票据现在处于 trading状态。

After 6 months, if DigiBank still holds the the commercial paper, it can redeem it with MagnetoCorp:

Issuer = MagnetoCorp
Paper = 00001
Owner = MagnetoCorp
Issue date = 31 May 2020
Maturity date = 30 November 2020
Face value = 5M USD
Current state = redeemed

This final redeem transaction has ended the commercial paper’s lifecycle – it can be considered closed. It is often mandatory to keep a record of redeemed commercial papers, and the redeemed state allows us to quickly identify these. The value of Owner of a paper can be used to perform access control on the redeem transaction, by comparing the Owner against the identity of the transaction creator. Fabric supports this through the getCreator() chaincode API.
最终redeem交易结束商业票据的生命周期——可以认为它已经结束。通常强制保留已赎回商业票据的记录, redeemed 状态允许我们快速识别这些票据。票据的Owner 值可用于对redeem交易实行访问控制,方法是将Owner 与交易创建者的身份进行比较。Fabric通过 getCreator() chaincode API支持此功能。

If golang is used as a chaincode language, the client identity chaincode library can be used to retrieve additional attributes of the transaction creator.
如果用golang作链码语言,则可以使用 client identity chaincode library 来检索事务创建者的附加属性。


We’ve seen that paper 00001’s lifecycle is relatively straightforward – it moves between issued, trading and redeemed as a result of an issue, buy, or redeem transaction.
我们已经看到00001号票据的生命周期相对简单,由于issuebuyredeem交易,它的状态在issued, trading and redeemed 间变动。

These three transactions are initiated by MagnetoCorp and DigiBank (twice), and drive the state changes of paper 00001. Let’s have a look at the transactions that affect this paper in a little more detail:


Examine the first transaction initiated by MagnetoCorp:

Txn = issue
Issuer = MagnetoCorp
Paper = 00001
Issue time = 31 May 2020 09:00:00 EST
Maturity date = 30 November 2020
Face value = 5M USD

See how the issue transaction has a structure with properties and values. This transaction structure is different to, but closely matches, the structure of paper 00001. That’s because they are different things – paper 00001 reflects a state of PaperNet that is a result of the issue transaction. It’s the logic behind the issue transaction (which we cannot see) that takes these properties and creates this paper. Because the transaction creates the paper, it means there’s a very close relationship between these structures.

The only organization that is involved in the issue transaction is MagnetoCorp. Naturally, MagnetoCorp needs to sign off on the transaction. In general, the issuer of a paper is required to sign off on a transaction that issues a new paper.


Next, examine the buy transaction which transfers ownership of paper 00001 from MagnetoCorp to DigiBank:

Txn = buy
Issuer = MagnetoCorp
Paper = 00001
Current owner = MagnetoCorp
New owner = DigiBank
Purchase time = 31 May 2020 10:00:00 EST
Price = 4.94M USD

See how the buy transaction has fewer properties that end up in this paper. That’s because this transaction only modifies this paper. It’s only New owner = DigiBank that changes as a result of this transaction; everything else is the same. That’s OK – the most important thing about the buy transaction is the change of ownership, and indeed in this transaction, there’s an acknowledgement of the current owner of the paper, MagnetoCorp.
buy 交易比票据结束时的属性要少。这是因为这个事务只modifies该票据。只有New owner = DigiBank 会因为这个事务而改变;其他的都是一样的。buy 交易中最重要的是所有权的变更,事实上,在这宗交易中,有一个票据当前所有者MagnetoCorp的ACK声明。

You might ask why the Purchase time and Price properties are not captured in paper 00001? This comes back to the difference between the transaction and the paper. The 4.94 M USD price tag is actually a property of the transaction, rather than a property of this paper. Spend a little time thinking about this difference; it is not as obvious as it seems. We’re going to see later that the ledger will record both pieces of information – the history of all transactions that affect this paper, as well its latest state. Being clear on this separation of information is really important.
你可能会问,Purchase timePrice 属性为什么没有被记录在票据00001中?这又回到了交易和票据之间的区别。494万美元的价格标签实际上是交易的属性,而不是票据的属性。花点时间考虑一下这种差异;它不像看上去那么明显。稍后我们将看到,分类账将记录这两条信息—影响本文的所有交易的历史记录,以及它的最新状态。明确信息的区别是非常重要的。

It’s also worth remembering that paper 00001 may be bought and sold many times.
Although we’re skipping ahead a little in our scenario, let’s examine what transactions we might see if paper 00001 changes ownership.

If we have a purchase by BigFund:

Txn = buy
Issuer = MagnetoCorp
Paper = 00001
Current owner = DigiBank
New owner = BigFund
Purchase time = 2 June 2020 12:20:00 EST
Price = 4.93M USD

Followed by a subsequent purchase by HedgeMatic:

Txn = buy
Issuer = MagnetoCorp
Paper = 00001
Current owner = BigFund
New owner = HedgeMatic
Purchase time = 3 June 2020 15:59:00 EST
Price = 4.90M USD

See how the paper owners changes, and how in out example, the price changes. Can you think of a reason why the price of MagnetoCorp commercial paper might be falling?

Intuitively, a buy transaction demands that both the selling as well as the buying organization need to sign off on such a transaction such that there is proof of the mutual agreement among the two parties that are part of the deal.


The redeem transaction for paper 00001 represents the end of its lifecycle. In our relatively simple example, DigiBank initiates the transaction which transfers the commercial paper back to MagnetoCorp:

Txn = redeem
Issuer = MagnetoCorp
Paper = 00001
Current owner = HedgeMatic
Redeem time = 30 Nov 2020 12:00:00 EST

Again, notice how the redeem transaction has very few properties; all of the changes to paper 00001 can be calculated data by the redeem transaction logic: the Issuer will become the new owner, and the Current state will change to redeemed. The Current owner property is specified in our example, so that it can be checked against the current holder of the paper.
同样,请注意redeem交易的属性非常少;对票据00001的所有更改都可以通过赎回交易的逻辑计算:Issuer 将成为新的所有者,Current state 将更改为redeemed·。在我们的示例中指定了Current owner 属性,这样就可以对照票据的当前持有人来检查它。

From a trust perspective, the same reasoning of the buy transaction also applies to the redeem instruction: both organizations involved in the transaction are required to sign off on it.

The Ledger

In this topic, we’ve seen how transactions and the resultant paper states are the two most important concepts in PaperNet. Indeed, we’ll see these two fundamental elements in any Hyperledger Fabric distributed ledger – a world state, that contains the current value of all objects, and a blockchain that records the history of all transactions that resulted in the current world state.
在本主题中,我们已经看到了事务和生成的票据状态是PaperNet中最重要的两个概念。事实上,我们将在任何Hyperledger Fabric的分布式账本 中看到这两个基本元素–一个包含所有对象当前值的全局状态,以及一个记录导致当前世界状态的所有交易历史的区块链。

The required sign-offs on transactions are enforced through rules, which are evaluated before appending a transaction to the ledger. Only if the required signatures are present, Fabric will accept a transaction as valid.

You’re now in a great place translate these ideas into a smart contract. Don’t worry if your programming is a little rusty, we’ll provide tips and pointers to understand the program code. Mastering the commercial paper smart contract is the first big step towards designing your own application. Or, if you’re a business analyst who’s comfortable with a little programming, don’t be afraid to keep dig a little deeper!
