class Solution {
vector<string> ans;
vector<int> path;
vector<string>restoreIpAddresses(string s){dfs(0,0,s);return ans;}voiddfs(int u,int k, string &s){//如果说字符串遍历完了,而且k为4,则把当前方案加到ans中去if(u == s.size()){if(k ==4){
string ip =to_string(path[0]);for(int i =1; i <4; i++)
ip +='.'+to_string(path[i]);
ans.push_back(ip);}return;}//提前去掉,k超了if(k >4)return;unsignedint t =0;//暴力枚举所有的可能性for(int i = u; i < s.size(); i++){
t = t *10+ s[i]-'0';if(t >=0&& t <256){
path.push_back(t);dfs(i +1, k +1, s);//还原现场,以备下一次枚举
LeetCode 95. Unique Binary Search Trees II
* Definition for a binary tree node.
* struct TreeNode {
* int val;
* TreeNode *left;
* TreeNode *right;
* TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
* };
class Solution {
vector<TreeNode*>generateTrees(int n){if(!n)return vector<TreeNode*>();returndfs(1,n);}
vector<TreeNode*>dfs(int l,int r){
vector<TreeNode*> res;if(l > r){
res.push_back(NULL);return res;}//这里是枚举根结点,剩下的分为左子树和右子树,for(int i = l; i <= r; i++){auto left =dfs(l, i-1), right =dfs(i+1, r);for(auto< : left)for(auto&rt : right){auto root = new TreeNode(i);
root->left = lt, root->right = rt;
res.push_back(root);}}return res;}};
LeetCode 394. Decode String
class Solution {
string decodeString(string s){
string res;for(int i =0; i < s.size();){//如果不是数字,直接加入if(!isdigit(s[i]))res+=s[i++];else{int k =0;//如果是数字,那么看下是数字多少,取出数字while(isdigit(s[i]))k = k *10+ s[i++]-'0';int j = i +1, sum =1;//找到匹配的边界while(sum >0){if(s[j]=='[')sum++;if(s[j]==']')sum--;
string r =decodeString(s.substr(i+1, j-i-2));while(k--)res += r;
i = j;}}return res;}};
LeetCode 341. Flatten Nested List Iterator
* // This is the interface that allows for creating nested lists.
* // You should not implement it, or speculate about its implementation
* class NestedInteger {
* public:
* // Return true if this NestedInteger holds a single integer, rather than a nested list.
* bool isInteger() const;
* // Return the single integer that this NestedInteger holds, if it holds a single integer
* // The result is undefined if this NestedInteger holds a nested list
* int getInteger() const;
* // Return the nested list that this NestedInteger holds, if it holds a nested list
* // The result is undefined if this NestedInteger holds a single integer
* const vector<NestedInteger> &getList() const;
* };
class NestedIterator {
vector<int> seq;int cnt =0;NestedIterator(vector<NestedInteger>&nestedList){dfs(nestedList);}voiddfs(vector<NestedInteger>&nestedList){for(auto&l : nestedList){if(l.isInteger())seq.push_back(l.getInteger());elsedfs(l.getList());}}intnext(){return seq[cnt++];}
bool hasNext(){return cnt < seq.size();}};/**
* Your NestedIterator object will be instantiated and called as such:
* NestedIterator i(nestedList);
* while (i.hasNext()) cout <<;
LeetCode 756. Pyramid Transition Matrix
class Solution {
vector<char> allows[7][7];
bool pyramidTransition(string bottom, vector<string>& allowed){for(auto allow : allowed){//将可能的方案数存储下来int a = allow[0]-'A', b = allow[1]-'A', c = allow[2];
bool dfs(string &last, string now){//只有一个,则找到了if(last.size()==1)return true;//方案齐了,进入下一层if(now.size()+1== last.size())returndfs(now,"");int a = last[now.size()]-'A', b = last[now.size()+1]-'A';for(auto c : allows[a][b]){if(dfs(last, now + c))return true;}return false;}};
LeetCode 79. Word Search
class Solution {
public:int n, m;
vector<vector<bool>> st;
vector<vector<char>> boards;
string words;
bool exist(vector<vector<char>>& board, string word){
words = word;
boards = board;
n = board.size();
m = board[0].size();
st = vector<vector<bool>>(n, vector<bool>(m,false));for(int i =0; i < n; i++)for(int j =0; j < m; j++){if(board[i][j]== word[0]){//只要有一个方案可行就可了if(dfs(i,j,1))return true;}}//所有的方案都不可行return false;}
bool dfs(int x,int y,int u){if(u == words.size())return true;
st[x][y]= true;int dx[4]={-1,0,1,0};int dy[4]={0,1,0,-1};for(int i =0; i <4; i++){int a = x + dx[i], b = y + dy[i];if(a >=0&& a < n && b >=0&& b < m &&!st[a][b]&& boards[a][b]== words[u]){if(dfs(a,b, u+1))return true;}}
st[x][y]= false;return false;}};
LeetCode 464. Can I Win
class Solution {
bool canIWin(int maxChoosableInteger,int desiredTotal){int status =0;//谁先拿,谁赢if(desiredTotal <=1)return true;//所有数都拿也超过不了,所以没法赢if(maxChoosableInteger*(maxChoosableInteger+1)< desiredTotal*2)return false;
vector<unordered_map<int, bool>>dp(desiredTotal+1);returnCaniwin(status, dp, maxChoosableInteger, desiredTotal);}
bool Caniwin(int status, vector<unordered_map<int, bool>>&dp,int maxChoosableInteger,int desiredTotal){if(dp[desiredTotal].count(status))return dp[desiredTotal][status];for(int i = maxChoosableInteger -1; i >=0;--i){if(!(status &(1<< i))){
status |=(1<< i);if(i+1>= desiredTotal ||!Caniwin(status, dp, maxChoosableInteger, desiredTotal-i-1)){
dp[desiredTotal][status]= true;return true;}
status ^=(1<<i);}}
dp[desiredTotal][status]= false;return false;}};//不理解