host = platform.system().lower() class Deny(Module, common.Filters, common.PackageManager): name = "find NullPointerException" description = "." examples = """ dz> run app.package.deny """ license = "BSD (3 clause)" path = [ "app" , "package" ] permissions = [ "" ] def add_arguments( self , parser): parser.add_argument( "package" , help = "the identifier of the package to inspect" ) def attack( self ,component,package,flags): act = None cat = None data = None comp = (package, extr = None flgs = None if (flags = = 'activity' ): flgs = [ 'ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK' ] intent = android.Intent(action = act,component = comp,category = cat,data_uri = None , extras = extr, flags = flgs, mimetype = None ) if intent.isValid(): if (flags = = 'activity' ): self .getContext().startActivity(intent.buildIn( self )) if (flags = = 'service' ): self .getContext().startService(intent.buildIn( self )) if (flags = = 'receiver' ): self .getContext().sendBroadcast(intent.buildIn( self )) else : self .stderr.write( "[-] Invalid Intent!\n" ) def execute( self , arguments): if arguments.package ! = None : package = self .packageManager().getPackageInfo(arguments.package, common.PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES | common.PackageManager.GET_RECEIVERS | common.PackageManager.GET_PROVIDERS | common.PackageManager.GET_SERVICES) application = package.applicationInfo activities = self .match_filter(package.activities, 'exported' , True ) receivers = self .match_filter(package.receivers, 'exported' , True ) providers = self .match_filter(package.providers, 'exported' , True ) services = self .match_filter(, 'exported' , True ) self .stdout.write( "Attack Surface:\n" ) self .stdout.write( " %d activities exported\n" % len (activities)) self .stdout.write( " %d broadcast receivers exported\n" % len (receivers)) self .stdout.write( " %d content providers exported\n" % len (providers)) self .stdout.write( " %d services exported\n" % len (services)) if (application.flags & application.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE) ! = 0 : self .stdout.write( " is debuggable\n" ) if package.sharedUserId ! = None : self .stdout.write( " Shared UID (%s)\n" % package.sharedUserId) actions = [activities,receivers,services] action_str = [ 'activity' , 'receiver' , 'service' ] i = - 1 try : for action in actions: i + = 1 if len (action) > 0 : for tmp in action: try : if len ( > 0 : self .stdout.write( " [+]%s name:%s\n" % (action_str[i], self .attack(component = tmp, package = arguments.package, flags = action_str[i]) if host = = "windows" : os.system( "pause" ) else : input ('') except Exception, e: self .stdout.write( " error-->%s name:%s\n" % (action_str, self .stdout.write( " errorcontent:%s\n" % e) continue except : self .stdout.write( " error" ) else : self .stdout.write( "No package specified\n" ) |