近日,美国著名数学家Ballmer Fuller 给出一个计算公式,用以计算一个人在365天之内暴富(个人资产剧增超过100万美元)的概率,在使用大型量子计算机运算约158小时后,计算机给出一个结果。原文如下:
To conclude my point of view though, the formula is not perfect, the possibility of a man get rich over night can be predicted. There are many factors affect the result, one of them is the key: timing. As long as we can calculate the possibility of the form of good timing, we can predict the result. In terms of a human being's property, there is another key factor: will power, if the will power of a man is strong enough, then I belive the number we got here is correct, which is a hundred percent.
翻译(鲍尔默·富勒):总而言之,尽管计算公式并不完美,但是一个人在365天之内暴富的概率是可以计算出来的。有很多因素影响,但我们只需要重点关注一个:时机(Timing),另外一个要素就是愿力(Will Power)。只要你看到此处并且愿力足够,那么你2019年暴富的概率将是: