
什么是Apple Fitness +,价格多少?

Apple Fitness+ advertisement
Apple 苹果

Fitness+ is a health-focused service from Apple, designed to help you train and stay fit from the comfort of your own home. Fitness+ includes personalized training recommendations and Apple Watch integration launching in fall 2020.

Fitness +是Apple提供的注重健康的服务,旨在帮助您在家中舒适地训练并保持健康。 Fitness +包括个性化培训建议和2020年秋季推出的Apple Watch集成。

什么是Apple Fitness +? (What is Apple Fitness+?)

Fitness+ is an exercise subscription service that includes training for yoga, cycling, running, core, and strength exercises, among other types of workouts each week. Apple will deliver new workouts so there are always new courses to explore.

Fitness +是一项运动订阅服务,包括每周进行的瑜伽,自行车,跑步,核心和力量运动训练以及其他类型的锻炼。 Apple将提供新的锻炼方法,因此总会有新课程可供探索。

Each recommended workout is based on your Apple Watch activity. The Fitness+ app integrates your personal metrics, like heart rate and calories you burn, into every workout in the Fitness+ app.

每种推荐的锻炼都基于您的Apple Watch活动。 Fitness +应用程序将您的个人指标(例如心率和消耗的卡路里)集成到Fitness +应用程序的每次锻炼中。

Fitness+ also has a special class for those who are new to fitness or are starting up again called the “Absolute Beginner program.” It’s built into Fitness+ with help from coaches that teach you basic movement and exercise so you can learn how to prepare for certain workouts.

Fitness +还为不熟悉健身或再次开始健身的人们开设了一个特殊课程,称为“绝对初学者计划”。 在健身教练的帮助下,它内置在Fitness +中,这些教练教给您基本的运动和锻炼方法,以便您可以学习如何为某些锻炼做准备。

Most of the exercises can be completed without equipment or a simple set of dumbbells, making it super easy to workout at home. More advanced courses will require some equipment like treadmills, which might mean using Fitness+ at a gym.

大多数练习无需设备或简单的哑铃即可完成,这使在家中锻炼非常容易。 更高级的课程将需要一些设备,例如跑步机,这可能意味着在健身房使用Fitness +。

Fitness +提供什么? (What Does Fitness+ Offer?)

Fitness+ running on an iPad and Apple Watch
Apple 苹果

When a workout is selected and started on iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV, the workout type will automatically start on your Apple Watch. During the session, metrics from Apple Watch are shown on the screen to inspire and motivate you to push harder. For example, when the trainer says to check your heart rate or begins a countdown timer, those numbers will animate on your screen.

选择锻炼并在iPhone,iPad或Apple TV上开始锻炼后,锻炼类型将自动在Apple Watch上开始。 在会议期间,屏幕上会显示Apple Watch的指标,以激发和激励您更加努力。 例如,当教练说要检查您的心率或开始倒数计时器时,这些数字将在您的屏幕上显示。

If you enjoy pushing yourself with a little healthy competition, the optional Burn Bar shows how your current effort stacks up against anyone who has done the same workout previously.

如果您喜欢通过健康的比赛来推动自己,可选的Burn Bar会显示您当前的努力如何与以前做过相同锻炼的任何人相提并论。

The familiar Activity rings from Apple Watch also appear on-screen, highlighting your progress and launching an animated celebration as they close. With Activity Sharing, you can enable friends and family to see what Fitness+ workouts you’ve completed.

Apple Watch上熟悉的Activity环也会显示在屏幕上,突出显示您的进度并在关闭时启动动画庆祝。 借助“活动共享”,您可以使亲朋好友看到您完成的Fitness +锻炼。

Once you activate your Fitness+ subscription, you can find Fitness+ in the new “Fitness” app on your iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV.

激活Fitness +订阅后,您可以在iPhone,iPad和Apple TV上新的“健身”应用中找到Fitness +。

Fitness +花费多少? (How Much Does Fitness+ Cost?)

Access to Fitness+ costs $9.99 a month or $79.99 a year when launched in fall 2020. For a limited time, the service will be free for the first three months with the purchase of a new Apple Watch Series 6. It also comes bundled as part of the company’s new Apple One subscription.

于2020年秋季推出时,使用Fitness +的费用为每月9.99美元或每年79.99美元。在限定时间内,通过购买新的Apple Watch Series 6,该服务将在头三个月免费。该服务还作为一部分捆绑销售该公司的新Apple One订阅。

Apple Fitness+ pricing
Apple 苹果

Current Apple Watch owners (series 3 and beyond) get one month free and can share the trial with five other family members. The subscription plan will automatically renew after the 30-day trial until manually canceled.

当前的Apple Watch所有者(系列3及更高版本)免费获得一个月的试用期,并可以与其他五个家庭成员共享试用版。 试用期为30天后,订阅计划将自动续订,直到被手动取消为止。

