知乎 mac apfs
So you’re using Disk Utility to partition your new hard drive when you’re presented with a choice of potential file systems. The list is longer than you’d think, with terms like “APFS (Case-sensitive)” and “Mac OS Extended (Journaled, Encrypted)” to choose from.
因此,当出现各种潜在的文件系统时,您将使用“磁盘工具”对新硬盘进行分区 。 该列表比您想象的要长,您可以选择“ APFS(区分大小写)”和“ Mac OS Extended(已日记,加密)”之类的术语。
What does all this mean, and which should you choose? Basically there are three main options:
这一切意味着什么,您应该选择哪个? 基本上有三个主要选项:
APFS, or “Apple File System,” is one of the new features in macOS High Sierra. It’s optimized for solid state drives (SSDs) and other all-flash storage devices, though it will also work on mechanical and hybrid drives.
APFS或“ Apple文件系统”是macOS High Sierra中的新功能之一 。 尽管它也可以在机械和混合驱动器上运行,但它已针对固态驱动器(SSD)和其他全闪存存储设备进行了优化。
Mac OS Extended, also known as HFS Plus or HFS+, is the file system used on all Macs from 1998 until now. On macOS High Sierra, it’s used on all mechanical and hybrid drives, and older versions of macOS used it by default for all drives.
Mac OS Extended ,也称为HFS Plus或HFS + ,是1998年至今所有Mac上使用的文件系统。 在macOS High Sierra上,所有机械驱动器和混合驱动器都使用它,并且默认情况下,所有驱动器都使用旧版本的macOS。
ExFAT is the best cross platform option, designed to work on Windows and macOS systems. Use this for an external drive that will plug into both kinds of computers.
ExFAT是最好的跨平台选项,旨在在Windows和macOS系统上工作。 将此驱动器用于将插入两种计算机的外部驱动器 。
Choosing a file system is basically choosing between these three options. The other factors, like encryption and case sensitivity, aren’t something you should get too hung up on. Let’s dive into a bit more details about the top three choices below, and then explain a few of the sub-options.
选择文件系统基本上是在这三个选项之间进行选择。 其他因素(例如加密和区分大小写