
ios CCSqlite3.m

//  CCSqlite3.h
//  CCFC

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <sqlite3.h>

@class CCSqlite3;

@protocol CCSqlite3Delegate

// the row starts with 1.
- (void)onCCSqlite3AnotherRowOK:(CCSqlite3 *)sqlite withRow:(int)row;


@interface CCSqlite3 : NSObject 
        sqlite3                                 *_db;
        NSString                                *_sql;
        sqlite3_stmt                    *_statement;
        id<CCSqlite3Delegate>   _delegate;
        int                                             _row;

@property(nonatomic, assign)                    id                              delegate;

// if you don't want to call getData method, then get the statement by yourself.
@property(nonatomic, assign, readonly)  sqlite3_stmt    *statement;

- (id)initWithSqliteDBFullPath:(NSString *)dbFullPath;
- (void)dealloc;

- (void)setSql:(NSString *)sql;

- (BOOL)prepare;
- (void)getData;

- (void)end;

// set so, we can get the random results
- (void)setRandomReturns:(int)n;

// if set so, the sqlite will returns the rowCount row data, which starts from argument start.
- (void)setNRowsFrom:(int)start withRowCount:(int)rowCount;



//  CCSqlite3.m
//  CCFC

#import "CCSqlite3.h"

@implementation CCSqlite3

@synthesize delegate = _delegate;
@synthesize statement = _statement;

- (id)initWithSqliteDBFullPath:(NSString *)dbFullPath
        self = [super init];
        int ret;
                ret = sqlite3_open([dbFullPath UTF8String], &_db);
                if(ret != SQLITE_OK)
                        return nil;
        return self;

- (void)dealloc
        [_sql release];
        [super dealloc];

- (void)setSql:(NSString *)sql
        if(_sql != sql)
                [_sql release];
                _sql = [sql copy];

- (BOOL)prepare
        return (sqlite3_prepare_v2(_db, [_sql UTF8String], -1, &_statement, NULL) == SQLITE_OK);

- (void)getData
        while (sqlite3_step(_statement) == SQLITE_ROW)
                [_delegate onCCSqlite3AnotherRowOK:self withRow:_row];

- (void)end

// set so, we can get the random results
- (void)setRandomReturns:(int)n
        NSString *temp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" order by random() limit %d", n];
        NSString *final = [_sql stringByAppendingString:temp];
        [self setSql:final];

// if set so, the sqlite will returns the rowCount row data, which starts from argument start.
- (void)setNRowsFrom:(int)start withRowCount:(int)rowCount
        NSString *temp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" limit %d,%d", start, rowCount];
        NSString *final = [_sql stringByAppendingString:temp];
        [self setSql:final];




