insert into incorrect_date values ('2009-13-12');
use tennis;
create table incorrect_date(column1 date);
insert into incorrect_date values ('2009-10-12');
select column1 from incorrect_date;
select matchno,won-lost as difference
from matches
where won-lost=2;
select teamno,division
from teams;
select teamno as team_number,division as division_of_team
from teams;
select paymentno , amount from penalties;
select paymentno,amount*100 as cents
from penalties;
select matchno as primaryKey,80 as eighty,
won-lost as difference,time('23:59:59') as 'Almost_midNight','Text' as Text
from matches
where matchno<=4;
select amount*100 as cents
from penalties
group by cents
order by cents;
select players.playerno,players.name,players.initials
from players
where players.playerno>6;
select playerno,name,initials
from players
where playerno>6;
说明:MySQL用户变量是基于会话变量实现的, 可以暂存值, 并传递给同一连接里的下一条sql使用的变量,
另外,注意,用户变量前只有1个@, 2个@是用于存取系统变量的.
set @playerno=7;
select players.name,town,postcode
from players
where playerno<@playerno;
select @playerno;
set @@session.SQL_SELECT_LIMIT=10;
select @@global.sql_select_limit;
select current_date;
select current_time;
select current_timestamp;
select current_user;
select playerno,name,
case sex
when 'F' then 'Female'
when 'M' then 'Male'
end as sex
from players
where joined>1980;
select playerno,town,birth_date,town from players;
select playerno,town,birth_date,
case town
when 'Stratford' then 'ST'
when 'Plymouth' then 'PM'
when 'Inglewood' then 'IW'
else 'OT'
end as Position,
case town
when 'Stratford' then
case birth_date
when '1948-09-01' then 'Old Stratford'
else 'Young Stratford'
when 'Inglewood' then
case birth_date
when '1962-07-08' then 'Old Ingelwood'
else 'Young Inglewood'
else 'Rest'
end as type
from players;
select playerno,joined,
when joined<1980 then 'senior'
when joined<1983 then 'jubior'
else 'children'
end as age_group
from players
order by joined;
desc players;
select playerno,joined ,town from players group by town order by town;
select playerno,joined,town,
when joined>=1980 and joined<1983 then 'senior'
when town='Eltham' then 'Elthammers'
when playerno<10 then 'first_members'
else 'Rest'
end as level
from players;
desc penalties;
select paymentno,payment_date from penalties where payment_date>1980;
select paymentno,year(payment_date)
from penalties
where year(payment_date)>1980;
常用的mysql截取函数有:left(), right(), substring(), substring_index();
1.左截取left(str, length)
2.右截取right(str, length)
3.substring(str, pos); substring(str, pos, len)
4.按关键字截取字符串 substring_index(str,delim,count)
注:如果位数是负数 如-5 则是从后倒数位数,到字符串结束或截取的长度
select playerno,name from players ;
select left('www.localhost.com',3);
select right('www.localhost.com',3);
select substring('www.localhost.com',3);
select substring('www.localhost.com',3,3);
select substring('www.localhost.com',3,-1);
select substring_index('test.blog.jb51.net','.',2);
desc players;
select playerno,concat(left(initials,1),'.',name) as full_name
from players
where left(name,1)='B';
mysql中没有nvl()函数, 我们用coalesce()来代替。
当然,在oracle中也可以使用 case when....then....else......end
select coalesce(a,b,c);
如果a b c 都为null ,则返回为null(没意义)。
select initials,name,coalesce(leagueno,’1’) as league
from players
where town=’Stratford’;
select playerno,dayname(birth_date),monthname(birth_date),dayofyear(birth_date)
from players
where playerno<10;
select playerno,birth_date,adddate(birth_date,interval 7 day) as add7days
from players where dayname(birth_date)='Saturday';
select playerno,begin_date,end_date,datediff(end_date,begin_date)
from committee_members
where datediff(end_date,begin_date)>500
or(end_date is null
and datediff(current_date,begin_date)>500)
order by playerno;
select playerno,begin_date,end_date,
datediff(coalesce(end_date,current_date),begin_date) as diff
from committee_members
where datediff(coalesce(end_date,current_date),begin_date)>500
order by playerno;
select paymentno
from penalties
where amount>50;
select concat(rtrim(name),cast(birth_date as char(10)))
from players
where town='Inglewood';
update players
set leagueno=NULL
where playerno=2;
select * from players;
select teamno,cast(NULL as char)
from teams;
select matchno,won,lost
from matches
where won>=lost*2;